The mark system

Nathan was woken up by Callum." Oye, get up time for another info dump." Said the old geezer.

"Ugh,not again." Screamed Nathan. He hated those. Callum left more questions for him rather than giving him answers.

"The varewolf system operates on marks. There are a total of 10 marks. You have already gotten the first. But it's unavailable for use right now. You need to fight the wolf spirit inside you. Every verwolf has a wolf spirit inside of them. Three levels, common,epic, mythical. Each varewolf provides different abilities per mark upgrade. The similar one is night vision,and wolf transformation. The second one unlocks on the first mark,and the duration and the strength increases per mark upgrade." Said Callum without stopping.

Nathan left confused by this,was about to ask some questions. "Your test begins now,your beast rank is Mythical." Said Callum.

The Air around Nathan bended and everything disappeared. He was standing in pitch darkness. Behind him,were two giant red wolf eyes. They were huge,as big as a Nathan himself.

The wolf lazyly swung a single claw. The claw had purple flame on him. Roy senses the Qi vibration immediately ran qi throughout his body, increases his speed and strength by 2 times.

He tried to duck,but was a little too slow. The claw hit him bare on his chest. Nathan was sent flying,as to where? No one knows. He was still flying,but slowly loosing momentum.

He re opened his eyes,and was about to stabilise himself. Just then he felt the same vibration. He immediately drew his katana and channeled Qi into it. He swung it mid air,while jumping back.

What it met was a dark purple flamed claw,the shockwave sent Nathan back but not like before. Atleast he thought,his smile was immediately wipped off as he felt a purple flame creeping on his feet.

Caught off guard by this attack, he couldn't defend himself. The fire crept on him,it attached to his feet like the venom suit from Spiderman. Until it completely encased him,like a suit. Then two black eyes firmedeon his face.

"This is the wolf transformation stage 1. Get used to the flames,then we will move on the second stage." He heard a deep hoarse voice.

"This is my humanoid form,you can use the flames as you will when you master the second step. Third step allows you to transfer into a wolf. Not the same appearance as me,but a different one. Your flame will also have a different colour." Said Ren. The wolf.

"I have transferred all necessary information to train uptil the 3rd mark. We will meet again then." Said Ren as he was about to leave.

"Wait,what about the test." He voiced out his thoughts.

"You have passed,the second you survived the first strike. If the flames didn't choose you,you would have been burned alive." He said with a sadistic smirk as he disappeared.

Leaving Nathan stunned and speechless. Imagining that scary fire encasing him.'You damn perverted geezer.' he thought.

"Well I have mastered the firs-" he was about to say suddenly the fire disappeared.

He was left puzzled and confused." Foolish human,you think you could easily become a humanoid mythical wolf." He heard a mocking laugh

"You have your own path and flame. Also the second stage might seriously kill you. The fire will burn into ur skins down to ur cells,to make them capable of transforming." Said Ren in a sadistic voice.

"You want do you-" before Nathan could say anything. A new fire suddenly emerged,it was icey blue. It latched onto Nathan and encased him.

This time his eyes were full white,he also had icey blue armour take shape on him. At the same time the fire seeped into his skin destroying and reshaping his cells.

All this time Nathan was screaming like he had a period cramp. "You are even a bigger Sadist than me,you went straight to tackle the second stage. Atleast you awakened with the purest fire possible. This should give you a major rank upgrade in all of ur systems." He said.

What felt like eternity,the flames died down. Nathan stood there covered in blood and torn clothes. The environment returned to normal.

Seeing Nathan like that Callum gave off a sigh. "As ruthless as every you damn Sadistic dog." He said.

Ren ignored him and disappeared to return once Nathan reached mark 3.

Nathan barely unconscious,looked at Callum with hatred. Then he fainted. He slept for whole 3 days. Tomorrow was the last day of training. He missed all of it.

He woke up "How long was I out for?" He asked knowing the answer.

"3 days,you have missed most of your training. Don't worry though. You reached apprentice and soldier rank. Also the first mark has been formed. You can turn into half-wolf form for 30 seconds. You can rival a knight rank with that. Don't be happy though " he said, last part killing Nathan's smile.

"You will be completely depleted,and stay unconscious for a day or two after that. Use it only if your life depends on it. Reach mark 3 before using it,so your avoid the drawbacks and can use this for ten minutes. Usually varewolfs can transform completely at mark 1 and don't have a half-step stage. You are a exception. It will take you to mark 5 before you transform. Once you do,you can rival the power of a vampire lord or a qi master rank." Said Callum.

Nathan felt a little bit better, atleast he had the opportunity to surpass everyone. It would be too greedy and unworthy if he didn't work towards improving himself rather than getting everything on a silver plate.

"The way to increase you mark is simple,you could even do it in the vampire domain." Hearing this Nathan was delighted. His Qi was useless since there is barely any in the vampire world. He could store some in the katana .

So he can use it if he really needed to, since vampire's regeneration doesn't work on Qi. Also now that he was a soldier rank,he didn't need to rely on his qi for now.

"Now the last day,you and me will have a spar. I'll limit myself to apprentice rank, middle stage. You should be able to contest against someone one sub rank higher than you." Said Callum.

"Take 2 hours to rest,we will start after that. You can only use normal strikes with your katana,no Qi powered strikes." He said and went back to his resting place.

Nathan was sitting on the ground,on the contrary he felt happy.' I will finally meet you a Rosé' he said with a smile.

He suddenly remembered something."old man,how to train my varewolf marks? You said it was possible even within the vampire domain." Asked Nathan as he remembered it.

"Ah,that. Simple leave the vampire territory,near the borders or a little deep in it,the deeper the better. Just kill some beasts and eat them raw." Said Callum nonchalantly.

"Oh,oka-. Wait what!!!, did you just say freaking raw." He said in disbelief. "Oh wait ,I'm a vampire." He said calming down.

"Hehe, won't be for long." Said Callum

"Wait what do you mean by that." Said Nathan really worried.

"It was a joke child,jeez. Vampires got no chill. " Said Callum.

Nathan looked at him threateningly before going back to staring the sky.
