The interference

Callum and Nathan were standing opposite to eachother, ready to start the spar any moment.

The stareoff was broken by Callum,who took out a war hammer and rushed towards Nathan reinforcing himself with Qi.

Nathan didn't slack off,he immediately channelled Qi in his body. Took out his katana and met the strike head on.


A thunderous roar ran throughout the room. Callum being pushed back 3 steps and Nathan staying fixated on his spot.

"Hehe,not bad kid." Said Callum with a satisfyed grin.

He side stepped and slashed towards Nathan, following that was another slash. Sending two arcs at him at point blank distance.

Nathan teleported behind Callum, evading the strikes. However Callum still felt the vibration fluctuations. The humans weren't considered a perfect counter for vampires for no reason.

Nathan realising it's too late to pull back,swung his katana 2 times. This happened within 2 seconds, that's how fast he was. He was reinforcing his Qi with his vampire aura.

Callum couldn't completely avoid the slashes,he powered qi into his war hammer and spun on his feet.

The qi wave sent out destroyed the arcs released by the katana strike.Not only did they destroy it,they advanced towards Nathan. Nathan teleported a little far and channeled Qi into his katana.

He planned to meet the strike head on. He leaned a bit back, ready to release the attack. Just then, Callum disappeared. Nathan couldn't feel any Qi fluctuations.

Then suddenly he got the instinct to move,he immediately activated the verwolf mark, icey blue flames erupted from his body, covering him completely. His white eyes,a icey blue armour on his chest. Two red horns extending from his forehead. His black hair turned white.

He looked more like a demon rather than a humanoid wolf. Nathan without even turning, extended his elbow back, catch the war hammer with his bare hand.

Then he disappeared, appearing right behind Callum. He punched callum in the face,the hit was so fast Callum couldn't dodge. Callum couldn't even remove the rank limiter.

He was sent flying across the room, smashed into the wall, leaving a inch sized crack. "Shit,he is advanced stage Knight rank. Looks like reaching mark there will be a huge step for him." Said Callum as he wipped the blood under his lips.

Nathan teleported again this time, Infront of Callum. Going for another strike. This time Callum removed his limiter and went straight to Master rank.

To use his Qi blast. Nathan's fist landed on Callum's face. Callum using all the power he had left, grabbed hold of that wrist.

Then placed his palm over Nathan's chest."Sorry kid,And sleep well." He said as he yelled.

"Qi blast 100 percent." A massive white condensed pure burst of Qi left his palm.

Directly piercing Nathan's chest ,he was blown away with the white light. What remained was his lower body gone. He layed there lifeless.

"It's time for it,it was nice meeting you kid. Take care" he said as he kicked Nathan out of his dimension.


The space around him started to crack, and a portal opened. A red hand covered in lava stretched out.

Then came out that being. 15 feet tall. Red horns sprouting from his red forehead. The tip of the horn was orange. His body covered in tattoos, weird demonic symbols. He was built like a tank. Bulging muscles and chest. He held a weapon in his hand.

It was a chain, at the ends of the chain were two blades. Red in colour and orange at the end,that was dried lava.

"Tsk,tsk. Such a disappointment. Where is that child " said the demon.

"You are nothing like him,he is pure and innocent. You are a vile being, don't ever think of taking him with you. " Said Callum as he removed all of his limitations.

"This weak dimension can't hold a single attack from me,do you expect to battle me here?" Said The demon mockingly.

"You really are nothing like your Son,he should be left with the vampires. Atleast they will do a better job than you." Said Callum as he prepared for battle.

"I was going to give you a honourable death, considering your existence is one of them. Now I've changed my mind,old geezer."He said as he swung his chain and released it.

It travelled so fast that Callum couldn't even react. It reached him before he even blinked.

It Peirced his skull.

"Get over here"yelled the demon. Callum went flying towards him.

When Callum reached Infront of him, barely hanging on his life. The demon held him by his throat.

"Where is my son right now." He asked in a assertive and demanding voice.

Callum flipped him off. This enraged the demon."If this is your choice, I'll just extract the knowledge from your memories. I'll be in slumber for a few decades. But I'll atleast know." He said in a eeire voice.

Callum's expression turned as if he ate shit. His brain started working overtime, trying to find a way out. Just then the space cracked again.

A figure entered,he had white golden armour on him. He had white hair and blue eyes similar to the one on Nathan's sword.

"Roy,what the hell are you doing here " said the demon.

" You stepped into the dimension of a guardian, I'm here to deliver judgement on the behalf of the higher ups."said Roy.

"Also you can't interfere with the plot too much,you already did it when you reproduced with a mortal vampire. Now you are after that child. You are a celestial,have some shame. What would the others think about it?huh?" Said Roy trying to convince him.

"You boy shut up, don't think I don't know. You need that boy. You can't kill me,just put me to slumber. The universe has placed that Law. You know he is a exception though,you 'guardians' want to use him,my son to kill me. And I need him to kill you guys. Hahahaha, don't act righteous. As for the other celestials, don't worry. They already are under me." Said the Demon king.

"Also don't try to hide it,I know this is a time loop, everytime that child died. You guardians reversed the time. I never thought my desire to impregnate a mortal would result in the birth of the celestial killer. I wouldn't have even known,until the previous loop. When he managed to make it to me. He almost killed me. See this scar." He pointed on his leg,there was a scar running across his entire leg.

"I assume the time requim is fully used. This your last chance. I need that boy,so I can finally kill you and become the ruler of this world. Last time you sent a army after me,to put me to slumber. This time I'll send you to sleep " he said as he dropped Callum.

He rushed towards Roy with his giant wings. Roy stood still waiting for the right time to make his move.

"Time dialation." He said as time itself stopped. He then teleported behind the demon and took out his katana. Black katana with a dragon sculpted on it's hilt.

"3rd movement" he muttered. Then the resumed. But Roy was left stunned.

The second time resumed,the Demon disappeared. "You don't have time to think." He heard from behind him. Then he saw the demon teleporting right Infront of him.

He had a red armour over him. This was the demonic armour, specially made for him.

He swung his chain at Roy,Roy haven't no time to relax activated his next ability. " Time reverend." He said as his movements increased hundred folds.

He catched the blade and pulled it with all his might. The demon,pulled the other end. Resulting in Roy moving a few steps towards him.

Then suddenly the Rope was caught on fire."you foolish demon. This a dimension. Mana exists here, I wouldn't be foolish enough to attack otherwise." He said as water rushed from his hands meeting the fire head on.

Resulting was a explosion, pushing them both back. Roy was sent flying a few feet, whereas the demon didn't even flinch.

"Look at tha-" before he could finish. He felt blood trickle from his throat. The Roy Infront of him turned into mist.

That's when he realised this was nothing more than a illusion. "Hahaha, you are really good at this,who are you. I've never seen you in any loop before." Said the demon.

"I come for a far away place. My home was destroyed by someone like you. My wife, children, family were killed. This world is not the only one under a demonic threat. Who is your leader." Said Roy really angered.

"You- bastard,you know too much." Said the demon as the space around them cracked again.

This time all that came out was a finger. It was light purple,and over it was a black armour. This was enough to cause the surroundings to fall. Roy knew who this was.

"You finally show yourself. Avalon." Said Roy. This was one. Responsible for the invasion of multiple planets. The one the guardians wanted to kill. That demon didn't carry any weight. Nathan was the key to kill him.

"Speak when spoken to,you don't know anything. That Rat should have killed you along with everyone,such a disappointment." Replied Avalon.

"The day I escape these universal chains, I'll kill everyone of you guardians. This cosmos is mine to rule." He said as a small purple bean left his fingers aimed at the wall.

Roy seeing this teleported Infront of Callum and left the dimension,The demon didn't slack of as he left aswell.

The dimension was olibirated into a million pieces,as the beam made contact. This attack was way beyond the realms of any mortal system,even the celestials can't match it.
