The new life

The old man was shocked by this discovery,how can someone suddenly change their hair colour. It's like altering your DNA,which unsparingly wasn't still achieved,since the effects of doing were fairly unknown.

A few hypothesis stated that this might result in the formation of some genetic my mutations in future generation,for example having a extra finger or hand. Or developing a newly found incurable infectious disease.

"Umm,can I go" asked Arthur not having time to answer his bullshit or be a test subject.

"Before you go tell me how did yoi achieve this. The machine as already updated your profile. So don't worry about scanners and stuff." Said the old man without pausing.

"I just woke up with it." Replied Arthur as he ran out the door,not wanting to deal with this bullshit anymore.

He headed straight to his class. He had gotten some idea of the human domain. It seemed more unfair then the vampire domain.

A place where everything was decided by a genetic factor,that too hair. Freaking hair colour,and considering how people reacted and what he knew from the old man. White hair seemed to be a oppressed group of people.

'just great,more problems to deal with.' he said in his head knowing the higher ups of this academy will most certainly be interested in this.

He walked towards his class. And it was just the class he needed. History class,he really needed to know the history and geography of this domain as soon as possible.

And obviously the ruling system, economics and stuff. A huge pain in the ass,as he would word it. Also not knowing the state of the vampire world. More specifically Rosé.

She was already traded for some piece of land,her disappearing or dying wouldn't be a issue. If the royals left her for some land, they wouldn't start a war over her.

He was interrupted by bumping into someone. "Ah, I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking forward." He said as apologised.

Infront of stood the rank 2 of this academy. He was middle Newbie rank. Basically a ant. The rank one was Newbie advanced stage.

Arthur would have been at middle apprentice stage if it wasn't for the challenges in his path.

"You think a sorry will be enough." Said the black haired youth. He had black eyes too,he was quite the looker. Arthur thought he was playboy, since he looked like one according to him atleast.

" ._." Arthur's facial expression gave away what he was feeling at that moment.

"Look I just bumped into you,no need to make this into a big issue. And what do you mean by just a sorry. What? Want me to lick your boots aswell?." Said Arthur loosing his patience.

"Kyle,this is enough." Said his friend behind him. And he had green hair. So a royalty, Arthur obviously seeing this was alerted.

He knew the trouble messing with him will get him into. So he wanted to stay the hell away from it.

"Damian, on the account that your the direct heir of the king and the number 1 in this school. I'm willing to let this slide." Said Kyle knowing this wasn't much of a request anyway.

"Well, I'll thank you for that. Remember to ask me for anything if you want." He said as passed with his group of rich kids.

He just glanced at Arthur before leaving.'oh shit,it has already happened.' he said freaking out.

He glanced at Damian's back when he passed him. Arthur gave Kyle a last glance before leaving him.

He started walking towards the class again,he reached there eventually. And opened the door. He was already 5 minutes late.

When he opened the door,a bucket of water over him fell. Resulting the water obviously falling on him. This completely soaked him,head to toe. And obviously everyone was laughing except a few people.

This was meant for the teacher obviously.

"The wuss just came at the wrong time,his fault." Said a purple haired boy. His name was Gary. He was the one bullying the previous Arthur.

"Hmm,why do I hear a dog barking,I thought the school had no pet policy." Said Arthur.

Everyone went silent after hearing that. Gary was ranked 4 in this batch. Obviously he didn't take that lightly.

"Repeat that again,if you want to die that is."he said threateningly, releasing his Qi pressure. Most people fell and had trouble breathing. Kyle and a few top ranked students released their pressure to help these people.

Contrary to what they expected, Arthur was unfazed. He went to his seat next to a girl. She again was rank 3. Her name was Rachel,she had long black hair and red eyes. She was newbie middle stage aswell.

"Good morning." She said. Arthur just responded with a nod and sat next to her.

Gary looked at him even more enraged. Not only was he humiliated but Arthur was now sitting right next to the girl he has a crush on. He was about to make his way towards him,just then the door opened and the teacher entered.

Well,as expected by Arthur,the teacher was a old woman. She entered the room looked at the empty above her head,then looked at Gary. "Meet me in the office after class." She said.

Then made her way to the desk,she sat down and her gaze swept across the class. She stopped at Arthur for a minute before continuing.

"Seems like you are a new student. Would you introduce yourself to the class." She said looking at Arthur.

Arthur caught off guard didn't respond before getting up and saying." My name is Arthur Hemsworth, I'm 16 years old. Newbie advanced stage and I'm not a new student. I just woke up this way today. Oh, I'm rank 999." He said in a single breath.

When he said newbie advanced stage, everyone thought he was just bullshiting. How could he be at the same level as the rank 1. He as the current heir,no way he would be at his level.

Even the teacher was suspicious. Not of his rank but the white hair,but she chose to forget it. She nodded in acknowledgement and asked Arthur to sit down.

Then she started the history lesson. The human territory was divided by hair colours. Obviously white being at the bottom,they were living in the outskirts of the human domain, barely surviving. At the top were the green and pink haired humans, only the royalties. Then was black hair,it belonged to Elite families and elite guilds followed by purple which belonged to small scale elite families and then was brown,a commoners colour.

So the royalties and black haired humans deprived white haired people from their territories to take it for themselves. That territory was rich in resources and they wanted it for himself.

So first the black haired domain ruler gave her daughter in marriage to the white haired prince. She was sent as a spy,she reported daily back to her father. The poor prince,he really loved her dearly but he was played with. He made a mistake,he trusted her with some vital information. Which resulted in their doom.

They were attacked and were deprived. The prince saw his people die Infront of him and he left,never to be seen again. A few local groups rose and went their different ways after the capture, since they didn't wanted to be enslaved.

Hearing this Arthur felt really angry and rightly so, Human's were more merciless then vampires. Everyone in class looked at it,even he didn't realise. He had broken the chair handle by holding it tightly.

After realising it,he apologised to the teacher and asked if he could have a bathroom break. He left the room angered and stressed. He went to the bathroom to wash his face.

He was splashing water on his face,while trying to think things through. 'where the hell did that prince go to.' he thought to himself. This happened 100 years ago, obviously he is dead by now. Qi can only extend one's life by little.

He left the bathroom after washing his face. Next class was combact training. He was excited for this class. He could feel the Qi here,such rich and pure qi. Perfect for him,he didn't have much in the vampire territory.

He made his way back to the class. He heard some kids murmuring amongst themselves. Some seemed very sad, and were standing near Damian giving him their condolences.

Arthur didn't care or wanted to know what happened. That's until he passed by a group of girls. "Did hear that princess Rosé had been executed by the vampires due to willingly breaking one of the vampiric Laws." Said one girl to the other.

Hearing this Arthur stopped in his footsteps,he turned towards the girl. His killing intent raging like a monster. Suffocating nearby students, Damian included.

"What DID YOU JUST SAY." he shouted not giving a shit about what people thought of him as.

"I-I" the girl couldn't speak due to the immense pressure on her.

Suddenly a hand reached onto Arthurs shoulders and tapped him. His killing intent disappeared.

"Calm yourself down, everyone is saddened. Don't take it to far though." He heard someone from behind him. It was Rachel.

Suddenly Arthur got a memory.
