Who am I

Arthur was standing in a room. Where he saw himself? The one who asked him for the deal. And there was a girl,who looked similar to Rachel. And two more people.

"I want you to meet your wife and your father-in-law." Said one of the adults.

"Wha-t did you SAY!!" Shouted the white haired boy.

"No one wants to marry a looser like you anyway." Said the girl who looked like Rachel.

The memory cut of at that moment. Arthur felt confused and puzzled. 'This was quite random. Why did I see this? What was this?' he had questions,but no answer.

Strangely so he felt a wave of nostalgia when he looked at that memory. He was taken to another memory.

It was a battle Feild,there was a man standing alone,in the sea of what looked like demonic corpses. And above him,in the air. Stood three beings. Covered in Golden armour.

What happened next was strange to say the least. A beam of white light? Peirced the body of the middle aged man. What was strange was the fact that Arthur felt rage. And uncontrollable rage at that.

His killing intent intensified,even more so at the news of Rosé's death. After calming down he went into deep thought. Why is he getting these memories,who are these people. Why did in the previous memory, someone looked exactly like Rachel and well him.

He was taken back to the reality after this. He looked behind and tears welled up in his eyes,after looking at Rachel. He immediately hugged her. "I won't let you go,not again." He said whispering.

Rachel and everyone around them were stunned. Rachel thought that Arthur was a pervert,she really thought he was a good guy. But she was proven wrong this moment.

Damian was about interrupt them. Arthur immediately jumped back. "Waa- I'm really sorry..." He said flustered. He didn't know what he was doing. He disappeared from the scene.

'what the hell is happening to me. Who am I?' he started to question his existence aswell. He forgot about Rosé death aswell for sometime. He felt more emotional watching those memories rather than his literal Fiance's death.

He was really concerned. Why was this happening,what were those weird memories. Why did they feel so familiar. He went towards the bathroom to wash his face.

After washing his face when he was about to leave,he again started crying. The reality of her death hit him. It was quite delayed,but it had finally hit him.

He stopped in his tracks. Clenched his fists, turned towards the wall. Powered all the qi he could muster in his body. Then hit the wall.


A thunderous roar left the bathroom. The entire academy shook that way, due to his anger. "I swear on my life,I will destroy them. I will make them feel my wrath." He said and left the bathroom.

Well, everyone asumed a earthquake had taken place. But it was short lived, it settled down before anyone could even move.

Arthur went to his room, decided to skip the class. He wanted to be alone for somewhile. In the academy, you weren't forced to take classes. You could stay in the dorm room if you wanted, although your grades would eventually plummet.

Well Arthur sure did paint a image in everyone's head. That he is nothing more than useless pervert. On top of that he is liar, when he said he was advanced newbie stage.

He didn't knew but his life in Academy ended up becoming hell now. After his hug to Rachel,Gary had become even more enraged.


Royal palace.


"These dirty assholes,they killed one of ours." Said a middle aged man,he was Rosé's father. "I will kill all of them" he added enraged.

"Evan calm the hell down. A all out war right now isn't possible nor is it recommended." Said Peter. His younger brother.

"I agree with Peter,she was my niece too. I would do anything do get their heads rolling. But it's not possible right now. There is the possibility of a 4th race running the underground and we need to worry about the varewolfs too. Don't forget the dark side of Syris,this planet." Said Jacob. Evan's older brother.

"Hmm,we cannot do anything for now. But I promise the day the opportunity present itself we wouldn't think twice before killing those rats." Said their father,the current leader. Wade the king.

He was the only grand master in the Human domain. Surprisingly he had white hair. Yes white hair. The white haired people didn't loose their land like their people thought. The king sold it.

For power, although after his death the power would be given to black and green haired humans. No one knew he haid white hair. Singe he dyed it to green when appearing in public. No one tired to verify it's authenticity, since who would question the king and then if proven wrong,the consequences won't be light.


Vampire domain.

"The news must have been spread by now." Said Ronald.

"Yes,we made sure of it." Said Jay, sitting across the room.

"Killing the human girl was a declaration of war,you do know that right?" Said Yazeth.

"We don't care,let them come. It's almost time for it to be ready." Said Ronny.

"Sigh,guys this is a bad idea." Added in Trey.

"Come what may. Vampires will dominate this world. We are fated to." Said Yazeth while aggressively eyeing Rayson. Who was quite the whole time.

"Sometimes the snakes are amongst us and we don't know that." He said as he left the room. Leaving everyone but Ronald puzzled who was warry for a moment after hearing this.

In the graveyard,east faction.

There were two graves side by side. One said 'my sweet brother ','my sweet Rosé'. Over them stood Diana.

Crying rivers of tears. "Why....why.....why did they do it. They killed them both,they had a future ahead...a family....love." she said crying.

She felt a hand over her shoulder. It was Hendrick.

"Honey,this is the vampire world. We are worst than animals. Nathan would have never survived,Rosé was too kind hearted and nice for it." He said with remorse and hatred. Hatred which resurfaced due to his past memories.

"Baby,will you change it once you become the king." She asked hesitantly.

Hendrick looked at her and crouched. He held her in his embrace." I promise my love,I promise I will." He said while resting his head on her's.


In a dark room,lay a boy. Staring at the ceiling,while remembering his past.

In a beautiful garden, although without sunlight. It was still beautiful for the vampires. With dry parched land. Within it were cracks. Dried black dead leaves.

A girl stood on a wooden platform, Infront of her a boy. "Will you promise me something?" Asked the girl cutely. Making the boy blush.

"Yea-h, depends on what it is." He said not knowing what it was.

"You will be there for me and protect your wife when she needs you." She asked innocently.

"I promise you that." Replied the boy with determination and faith.


"I'm sorry.....Rosé... I couldn't keep our promise." Said Arthur crying. He really missed her. Her smile,her laugh,her blushing when he flirted with her.

Thinking about her last moments or how cruel fully she must have been killed. How she must have felt. How she must have missed him,her family. How she died,even when she had such immense talent.

Arthur wasn't wrong. The vampires did give her a cruel and humiliating death. Theu starved her for a few days then killed her by Piercing 20 swords in her. They then hanged her body in the middle of the town square.

Only if Arthur knew this,he would loose his mind. It's good that he doesn't know about this, atleast for now.

Well, Arthur stayed in his room for about a week. He didn't forget about her sister though. He called the receptionist and told her to bring her to the room the first day.

He knew he had to forget about Rosé and move on. But he knew taking revenge was not a choice,it was a obligation and his desire.

He knew if Rosé saw him this way,she would tell him to forgive the vampires. But he still wouldn't. They deserved punishment worse than death. He was going to deliver just that. He wanted to get stronger faster,he knew he won't be able to forgive and move on until he did that.

Until then Rosé would always be a part of him. He can't accept her death and move on until he took her revenge. He wasn't going to let this slide. He Also wanted to save his sister from them. "You said there is no right or wrong. Make your own side." He repeated the words of that white haired boy as he clenched his fist.
