The resolve

Arthur didn't leave his room for about a week now. The news of Rosé death was spread throughout the human domain. Everyone grieved for her death.

Well even after the news of her death spread. People still didn't forget what Arthur did. They thought he is hiding because he is embarrassed. Well,on the contrary he was depressed and really vengeful.

In a week he had calmed down somewhat,but his desire for revenge grew even more and more. He decided to come out of hiding and start getting serious about his training.

Next morning,

Arthur woke up 2 hours before his class. He decided first it's better to get into shape. He also decided to go to the gym after class,then qi training.

He wore his trach suit. Checked on his sister who was still sleeping. He wore a vest which could hold his sister. And he went out towards the academy's track. He started running on the track.

While running the only thing on his mind was.' I will make them pay for their sins. I'll deliver the judgment.'. he repeated those words for the entirety of his run.

He now truly knew,Nathan was dead. He was no more,he knew he needs to live life as Arthur. A new journey,from scratch. And his mortal enemies,were the vampires. Not only his damned Father but all of the council.

The only exception being Hendrick and Diana. He wasn't going to take Diana with him. He will protect her from the shadows but never tell her who he is. Atleast not until he has killed all the vampire leaders.

He was planning on taking over the vampires. Willing or by force he didn't care anymore. He hated the council. Buy the common people were just victims. He would change the entire Vampiric laws.

He was interrupted from his thoughts by 2 students. They were from the second year. Both at middle Apprentice stage. They were coming towards him.

Arthur slightly narrowed his eyes, knowing second years looking for a first year student isn't normal unless they needed something.

"Yo,My name is Lance. His name is Albert. We are from the second year east faction." Said the res haired kid. Red hair were a well respected amoungst the humans. They handled the business side of things. A huge industry.

His friend has black hair indicating he is from a elite family. "We would like you to have a meeting with our leader. Your really lucky,that he sent the vice captain,me, to invite you. I suggest think well before answering." He said politely. Clearly threatening him later.

Arthur was repulsed the second he heard east faction. He hid it through,he knew rejecting them would be a bad choice. He assumed that their leader is easily apprentice advanced stage.

"I am honoured for the invitation,when does he want to see me?" He said respectfully killing his ego and pride.

"Right now." Said Lance. Before Albert could say anything.

Arthur noded and asked them to lead the way. Albert looked at Lance before walking. They went towards the second year dorms.

They arrived shortly. The second year dorm was bigger than the first year one, also looked more expensive. Arthur assumed they probably have their own private training rooms. Better than the one's first years have.

Yes, the top 10 had their own training rooms. That's a privilege for being top 10 here.

Arthur followed the two and they entered the dorm. The lead Arthur to the top floor. It turns out their leader was rank 1 in the second year. His name was Nick.

They reached the top floor,Nick's room was at the end of the floor. The room was next to the meeting room for the council. The student council. It had mostly second and third years. Fourth years don't even live on campus. The fourth year of academy,is serving the front lines. So no ranks or anything. Only past record of them is available.

Albert knocked on the door of the room. And went in after receiving the confirmation. Followed him Arthur,Lance stayed out guarding the room.

And the first thing Arthur felt after entering the room was,smell of vape and cigarettes. And obviously he saw Nick. Nick had green hair. He was part of the royal family.

The royal family was huge, only Damian belonged to the main family. He was Jacob's the elsest son's child. Nick was probably from the outer circle. Well how wrong was Arthur's assumption. Only if he knew what he is getting himself into.

"So,this is Mr. Arthur himself. Huh." He said while getting the half naked girl off his legs. The girl was clearly taken without her will.

Arthur felt repulsed and angry. He hated people abusing their power. He is a royal so what. He hid it though.

"Yes, it's me. It's a honour to be in the presence of a Royalty." He said respectfully hiding his disgust.

Nick taken back by this was quite for a few seconds. 'is this going to be this easy' he thought.

"I want you to do something for me. If you refuse,you pay the price for it." He said threateningly as he applied qi pressure.

Arthur obviously couldn't shit against that. He was being crushed. To protect his image and his pride. He powered Qi through his body. He was able to resist to a degree. He was crouching. Not kneeling. Everyone was taken aback.

Arthur noticing this bit his tounge and withdrew his pressure. Falling on the ground under Nick's pressure. He didn't wanted more trouble. He had to stay low until he reached middle stage of apprentice. Also he can't mess with a Royal for no reason. He needed a justification. He needed dirt on him, evidence that The Royals can't refuse.

So to divert attention he had to play the dog for sometime. 'If needed, making the donkey your father is fine.' he told to himself.

Nick satisfied,took his pressure off. "Hope you understand now,you don't have a choice." He said haughtily.

"I want you to observe Rachel Stella. Follow her and report me about her everyday. I want her to become my plaything." He said licking his lips.

Arthur suddenly felt a killing intent rising from whithin. Even more than the news of Rosé dying. He bit his tounge,and hid it.

Nick felt it for a few seconds. "Ant doesn't know his place." He said as he ran towards Arthur. It looked like he teleported. His body strengthening was abnormal. His qi control and everything.

He appeared before Arthur and kicked him. Arthur did nothing. He didn't even know what happened. His vision blacked out as he felt like he was flying.


He smashed in the wall, breaking it and flying across the other room and even breaking it's wall. He went through 3 freaking rooms before getting thrown into the garden from the first floor.

All while being unconscious. But before he hit the ground someone caught him. It was a girl. She was the second rank Maria. She was advanced apprentice stage.

"Another puppet. He is such a bastard." This girl had res hair aswell. She was Lance's sister. She had her faction going against Nick since the first year.

She put Arthur on the ground after making him drink a healing potion. "Markus." She said. A figure suddenly appeared. He was Maria's bodyguard. He was a third year. Who was teacher rank. He was serving her due to a business deal made outside the academy.

He is the sole reason why Maria's faction is still alive. Nick can't fight Markus,not yet atleast. But Markus can't beat Nick, cuz Nick is from the Royal family. Not even Maria's family could save him.

Just a messed up situation, Arthur got himself into. "Take him back to his dorm. Make sure no one sees it." She said.

To which Markus just nodded. Lo and behold. Markus had white hair. So obviously he felt pity and sympathy for Arthur.


In the principal's office.

"Seems like the situation never gets better. These factions have been at it for a year now. If things get out of hands we must interfere." Said one of them.

The other three were silent. Until one of them spoke." Things will get interesting from now on." Said one of them. The rest looking at him with curiosity.


Arthur woke up groggily in his room, still his stomach stinging. Only if he didn't have the Qi system,this would have never healed. His vampire regenerative abilities started working.

His broken bones were already repaired,but left a giant purple bruise. It still hurt alot. He checked the time. "Oh shit, I've missed the first class already." He exclaimed.

He quickly went ahead and changed. Then he suddenly remembered something. "Holy shi-....My sister. I was kicked and the pressure... Shit... shit." Then he realised his sister was missing.

He picked up his phone. And saw.

"You ant,you sister was taken away before I applied pressure on you and kicked you. Ablert will bring her." Read the message.

"Huh,when.... how....I didn't even realise." He said in confusion.

Knock. Knock

He opened the door and saw albert. Arthur was shirtless, Albert saw his bruise.

"Did she give you a healing potion or something. Your damage is not that much, considering Nick used 60 percent of his power." Said Albert.

"Huh,she? I woke up her,like this." Said Arthur confused.

"Oh, forget it. It's probably her then." Said Albert as he left. Arthur was enraged. These people didn't even say sorry to him.

"I promise when I have the resources, I'll drag you by your hair. Your faction will experience true fear." He said as he went inside, tickling his sister who was sleeping.

"Wait-... She has black hair. Who were her parents." He said now realising. His parents must be black haired too. Meaning they were close to the Royals.

That meant he was black haired too,why was he being bullied by Gary,who belonged to a small family. This didn't make any sense to him.

He ignored it for now,and went to finish getting ready.
