The Qi training class

Arthur had Qi combact class. He was going straight towards it. He didn't have the gear,so he wore High neck,skin tight white shirt. With black trousers and Blue sneakers.

Basically very Informal clothes. He heard people gossiping throughout his walk. He ignored them.

"Not only is he a pervert but a arrogant prick." He heard a mocking voice.

He turned around and saw it was Gary."don't have time for this shit." He said and walked away, not caring about Gary's Anger.

Gary stared at his back ready to strike any moment. He powered Qi in his legs and shoot forward. To people it seemed like a streak of light, since everyone here was below middle Newbie stage.

Well, Arthur was already pissed off.This was the last nail in the coffin. He feeling the vibration, powered Qi in his legs and arms.

Gary reached his position soon and smashed the ground. Dust flew everywhere. Everyone thought this was the end of Arthur.

What happened next was shocking. When the dust settled they saw Arthur standing behind Gary.

"Too slow,Ant." He said as he delivered a kick to Gary's head sending him flying towards the wall.

His head stuck in it and him being unconscious as a result. Arthur didn't care of the consequences,he had enough of his bullying.

Although he had nothing to fair. This academy never interfered unless students had the possibility of dying. Why else would Nick act like a asshole and tyrant all this time.

The academy believed,this was 'preparing' them for the real world. Well, Arthur atleast let everyone else shocked. They couldn't believe the 999th rank could defeat the 4th rank. The rank 1 Damian was only one sub rank above him,and he couldn't do this.

Does this mean Arthur is stronger than Damian? The best talent in the history of Humans? No way that's possible. They all thought it was Incredibly absurd.

Arthur was already 5 minutes late. He entered the training room, attracting attention.

People started gossiping as soon as they saw him. The teacher looked at him for a few seconds and smiled. No one could see it, since he hid it well.

"Well,as I was saying. Everyone will pick a weapon today. And will receive a weapon art for that. There are 3 ranks for weapon arts. Common,rare and epic. Each weapon arts has it's own unique abilities. Some even have elemental properties. Elemental properties are the ability of the weapon to turn Qi into a desired elemental attack. For example, a sword that releases a fire attack. Or a spear that releases a wind tornado. The sky is the limit. Each art has levels. 3 levels for each,each level unlocking a new ability." Said Dracus. The instructor.

Arthur was confused. What attack could his sword do. All he did was qi or vampire aura attacks. Pretty basic, nothing like what he is hearing now. Humans truly had unique secrets. The vampires never knew about this.

"You have 20 minutes to pick your weapons and desired arts. Then assemble here,so I can confirm your registration." He said as he went to the back of the class.

Arthur didn't care about it much,but he was interested in how it works. So he went to the spear section. He could just change his katana into a spear via it's shape shifting ability. He could weild 2 spears this way.

Normally this is considered stupid as more Qi will be used per attack,but Arthur could also use vampire aura although not available here,In case of a all out war.

The location that will be used as battlefield would have abundance of both. Plus he could make a killing move by using two weapons. Might take more Qi but the attack would definitely be more stronger.

He went to the weapon selection. He saw Rachel standing Infront of a archer. Damian Infront of a sword and Kyle Infront of a spear.

Arthur saw another section. It was a labeled 'Guns'. And there was no one near it. So he went to it.

He picked up a pistol looking thingy. When he picked it up he was shown a interface.


Rank: rare


1: can transform into a weapon of choice. Pistol,sniper, shotgun,smg, assault rifle and bhazuka.

2: can use elements of fire and ice. One or two might unlock when user reaches the 3 rd ability.

3: can unlock 2 more elements or upgrade rank to epic tier. New unknown abilities might unlock.


Arthur was amazed at this weapon. Although he didn't knew what any of the weapons Changing was. All those names were new to him. 'I already have a broken ass sword, let's play around with this one.' he said beaming with excitement.

Everyone looked at him strangely. No one used guns as weapons,well a few exceptions. One of the top 10 ranked hero used a gun as the weapon. Although his was very different.

Well,Dracus smiled and closes his eyes after seeing what Arthur took. 'Things are about to get interesting,it seems like it.' he said to himself.

After 20 minutes everyone went back to Darcus for registration of the weapons. He told everyone to stand in line.

Everyone had gotten their weapons regenerated and as expected Rachel,Kyle and Damian. Also everyone on the top 10 were praised like idols no matter what they took.

Wherease Arthur was mocked and made fun of. He was called pervert,weak and a liar. Rachel felt somewhat bad but remembering what happened she decided to stay quiet.

When Arthur's turn came to register. "Oho, what a interesting choice lad." He heard Darcus.

Arthur was surprised that someone actually appreciated his choice. "You want tips, come to me. I have mastered in these weapons type." He said shocking everyone.

But these suck-ups. They praised the instructor for being so 'competent'. Which really mafe Arthur more angry.

'why does everyone hate me.' he said to himself. In the vampire world he had a few good people,here he has no one.

He has more enemies rather than friends. The vampire lords,Nick and his faction,Kyle and possibly even more. He was really frustrated. His list of people to beat wad increasing.

Darcus noticing this said." Would you like to become my student? Like my personal student." He said.

Shocking everyone, including the top 10. But they didn't voice out their displeasure.

"He is the only one who picked a gun, it's obvious that I'll have to teach him. Since no one is better at it then me,in this academy ofcourse." He said.

"I appreciate your help,but I'm going to decline this offer." Said Arthur, stunning everyone but Darcus just smiled.

" You know not many people have been given this offer, yet you want to refuse. I won't give it again." He said.

"Yes, I've thought enough about it. I'm refusing it." He said adamantly.

"As you wish,I would love to see how much you grow." Said Darcus with expectation.

Arthur just nodded and got his weapon registered. After getting it registered he went to practice range.

He was right next to Rachel, since both of them were there to practice range weapons. Rachel eyed him once before going back to her practice. She really didn't know what kind of a guy was Arthur. She previously had a good view of him but now,she really didn't know.

She was feeling a mix of emotions,she went back to practice. She was very focused that she didn't notice that someone was standing next to her. It was Arthur.

"Umm, what's a shotgun,smg, assault rifle,sniper and bhazuka." Asked Arthur in a conflicted manner. He himself didn't want to interact after that experience and that weird ass memory.

"They are different type of guns. Short range for shotgun, medium range for assault rifle and smg, long range for sniper and explosive for bhazuka. Try them you'll understand." She said without a pause and making little to no eye contact.

"Thank you for your help." He said and went back to practice. Well he first turned in into a shotgun.

And it was more effective at close range then any other weapon according to Arthur's tests. He tested each gun and realised what Rachel said was right. He was amazed with it's capabilities.

Just imagining reaching the second stage was exciting. He really couldn't wait to shoot elemental bullets. He was working with Qi bullets for now.

Although the shots were fast,if one powered themselves with Qi they could dodge them easily. So Arthur need to get creative and catch his enemies off guard.

He was planning to use this on Nick himself. Obviously after unlocking the second ability and getting things ready. He was oblivious to Maria's faction,but it didn't matter to him.

Well after around 30 minutes the class ended, everyone left. Thier weapons had no lock on it. This is how crazy the academy was when it came to 'survival of the fittest.'.

They had break after this and everyone went to eat something in the cafeteria like normally. Arthur decided to go as he also felt Hungary.
