The Class mock battle

Arthur headed towards the cafeteria alone,he didn't have friends. He was feeling lonely,he was thinking of making new friends.

Definitely not Damian or Kyle. He was thinking about Rachel ,but the recent events influenced him not to. He decided to look for a white haired. Since they might be more accepting of him.

He entered the cafeteria,and it was heaving with people. Students from every year were here,yes even Nick was. He was sitting with his 'subordinates' and a few of his victims.

Arthur avoided him to the best of his capabilities. He searched for any white haired humans. And his eyes meet with one. He was Markus, sitting next to maria,the red haired beauty.

Arthur's Spidey senses were telling him not to engage and he did just that. He searched for someone else.

He found a table, where there were 2 white haired boys and a black haired girl sitting.

'well,either she is Extremely nice. Or she is bullying them.' Arthur assumed. His assumption was also logical. Since the black haired were close to the Royals. These two were white haired peoples enemies.

Arthur made his way to their table and politely asked."Can I sit with you guys.". To which none of the boys responded, proving Arthur's assumption. The two boys looked towards the girl as if asking for confirmation.

"Yeah,sure. We don't have a problem. Everyone is welcomed." She said in a friendly voice.

Arthur knew behind that friendly and welcoming persona was a twisted heartless snake. After thanking her,he sat down.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" Asked one of the boys. His name was Sam.

Arthur looked at him and said."I'm new to the place will you show me around the cafeteria." He said looking at Sam.

Sam again fell silent, waiting for Stacy to answer. Arthur at this point knew something was up. Stacy just slightly nodded towards Sam.

"Can your friend come along too." Added Arthur, wanting to see her reaction.

"Sure he can,Harry has is own will. He can decide whatever he wants. Why did you look towards me and ask this." Retorted Stact clearly seeing through Arthur.

"Oh,well I was captivated by your beauty." He said trying to find his way out of this awkwardness.

Stacy was caught off guard,she didn't knew what to say. She had people confessing to her left and right but this was actually the first time someone did it in this manner.

"Let's go." Said Sam not wanting to stay in this awkward situation any longer. He looked at Harry signalling him to follow him.

The walkee around the cafeteria,Sam showing Arthur from where to get everything and what is available. Arthur decided to cozy up to them more.

"Can you guys give me your numbers, I'll have to trouble you when I need help. Obviously if you don't mind." He said trying to look as Friendly as possible.

Sam and Harry hesitated for a minute before looking at eachother in union.

"We-um." Sam wanted to say something but stopped himself.

"I know she is mistreating you guys." Said Arthur stopping them in between their words.

Both of them were stunned,but in actuality these people just didn't know how obvious they were.

"This is not the right place to talk about this. We could be being watched right now,the academy is divided in many factions." Added in Harry.

There were 3 different homeroom classes per year. Each class had formed a faction. Some classes like the one Arthur belonged to had formed 2 factions within the class faction.

Obviously this happened cuz the top 4 were in the same class. Rest of the top 6 were distributed evenly among the 2 remaining classes.

Arthur already knew this existed. Since the first year just began,not much friction has been made between these factions. He knew that in the future many interesting things will happen.

"Okay, come over to my room this evening. We will talk over there." Said Arthur as he showed them his phone.

Obviously his number on display. After taking food to eat they went back to their table.

"Did you take your time looking around." Said Stacy.

"Yeah,Still couldn't find anyone more beautiful than you." He said making her speeches for the second time.

Even Sam and Harry were surprised,how brazen Arthur was.

"Anyways,which grade are you from." He asked Stacy.

"We are from Class B. I am Stacy Gardo. Rank 12th in the batch." She said,the last part with pride.

She expected Arthur would have already known her identity. She was very popular. The reason she wasn't surrounded by suck ups right now was because she told everyone she was in a 'meeting' and not to be disturbed.

She just thought Arthur might be new or might be living under a rock,so after knowing now he should be more respectful.

Well to her shock Arthur didn't even have a change in his facial expression. He just nodded at kept eating his food.

Stacy was enraged by his intrusion and his disrespect. But she couldn't let her friendly attitude slip. "We have a team project to discuss. Sam,Harry how about going to the library to talk about it." She said not wanting to spend anymore time here.

"....sure." said Sam after a few moments of staying silent. Harry followed after him with a nod.

Arthur didn't react in a anyway even after hearing them. He had already gotten what he needed,no more point to hang around Stacy.

They left, leaving Arthur alone who went ahead to refill his tray with food. After this they had a homeroom lesson.

Arthur finished eating his food and started walking towards class.

"Are you going towards the class?" He heard a voice. He turned around and saw it was Damian.

'Ah,shit. Just what I wanted.' he exclaimed in his head.

"Yes,did you need something." Asked Arthur. Damian's friends were a little annoyed by Arthur's response. Damian was the son of the eldest son of the king. And even they themselves were black haired, meaning close to the Royals.

Damian on the other side didn't mind this,he was actually happy. Someone had addressed him as equal. He didn't like the prince treatment from his fellow students or people his age.

"No,I was asking if you would like to go together." He said.

Arthur knew rejecting would be a decision to make. So he decided to bite the bullet this time. "Yeah,sure." Replied Arthur.

They started walking towards the class. The class was around 5-10 minutes away,on the other side of the campus.

Damian's friends were talking amongst themselves and Damian was talking with Arthur about general things related to the academy and stuff.

"Why did you refuse the offer from sir Dracus." Asked one of Damian's friends. His name was Zack.

Arthur was silent for a few minutes. Before activating his bullshit skill."I come from a hometown, where we only stay loyal to one teacher for our personal teacher. I have committed myself to one already. I can't go against his wish." He replied.

His friends really liked his traditions. This would result in a strong bond between student and teacher,so they didn't ask any further questions from him.

Damian wanting to make the environment lively again,started talking to Arthur. Well,by the time they reached the class Arthur had actually changed his opinion about Damian.

He was nothing like those young masters. He was actually a nice guy. Before entering the class, Damian gave Arthur his number.

Then the realisation hit him. 'Why did he do this,why did he wanted to talk with him. Why give him his number'. Arthur was supposed to be ranked 999. These questions were killing him.

He decided to ask Damian about them after class directly. He went and sat down on his seat. It was next to Rachel.

She glanced at him then went back to reading her book. The homeroom teacher entered. She had long beautiful golden hair.

Golden hair humans were very rare,They mostly were one the strongest humans in the human.

Their homeroom teacher was the 3rd rank hero, Melissa. "Take your seats everyone,I have an announcement to make." She said.

"The class mock exam will begin next week. Yes, it's soon. The higher ups pushed it early. We will have every class participating against eachother. 3 groups will represent each class. Each group will be of 3 people. So only 9 out of 45 of you will participate.

You all will go under a examination,top 9 will qualify for representing the class. The exam will be held tomorrow. It will be a battle royal. You all will be in a simulation. You need to gather points to rank up.

You can get that by killing people when the second circle shrinks. There will be a poisonous gas pushing everyone in the middle. There will be 4 of these rotations. Killing will start after the second one begins.

The first zone will shrink after 2 hours. The second after 2 hours and the third after one hour. The last will immediately shrink. Leaving the survivors in the gas.

Your movements will be slowed and you can't use any Qi in the gas. It will slowly kill you as well. Next way to earn points is by capturing flags,they will be spread throughout the map. You can also kill monsters for points. And you can find hidden chests for it. So there are many ways about it." She said.

The students were all sad. The top 9, 4 spots were guaranteed in their eyes. By Damian,Kyle, Rachel and Gary. Rest would be taken by the other higher ranked students. Really disheartening for them.

Arthur was happy,he wanted this. He could finally fight,and obviously there would be Qin abundance there. He needed that for reaching the middle stage. Damian was really catching up to him. The rest were also at middle stage of Newbie.

He also had a additional sub level every stage,it was annoying to him.

After this she just went over random things, asked the students if they had any complaints. And if anyone needed help in any subject.

"Class dismissed." She left after saying that.

Arthur immediately went for Damian. "Damian,I want to ask you something." He stopped Damian who was about to leave.

"Yeah,ask whatever you want." He replied friendly.

"I wanted to ask why you....."


End of chapter