The Gargo faction

"I wanted to ask you why did you walk to class with me." He said seriously, wanting the answer.

Damian looked at his friends and told them to leave without him. "How about talking about it in a more private environment." Said Damian.

Arthur thought for a moment then said."Let's wait here, everyone will leave soon." He sar next to Damian.

After a few minutes everyone left, excluding Rachel. Arthur was just about to leave when he Heard Damian.

"It's fine,she is involved in this." He heard Damian's voice. Arthur stopped for a minute,then looked at Damian.

"What the hell is going on,tell me now." He said demanding. Damian didn't mind Arthur's anger, since it was what any normal human would have.

"I need you to be around her at all times. Nick has his eyes on her. He is Rosé's brother." Said Damian knowing that Arthur had clearly understood him.

Arthur froze,'That bastard is her..... brother.' his killing intent rising thinking about Rosé again. Damian and Rachel felt it. They started choking.

"S-stop...." Rachel said barely being able to breath.

Arthur realising it , calmed down immediately. "I'm really sorry....." He said embarrassed and regretful.

After stabilizing themselves Damian spoke. "Please will you help me with this. Nick is probably going to frame me for whatever he wants to do with Rachel. " Pleaded Damian

"If you can't beat him,then how can I." Said Arthur. Obviously not telling them that he is the strongest first year.

"Just stay close to her at all times, I'm thinking of ways to confront Nick." He replied.

"What is in this for me." Said Arthur not giving a shit about what they might think of him.

"The royal family will always owe you a favour." He replied. "Oh,is that so. How can you promise me this." Asked Arthur knowing well Damian's position wasn't that high to offer something this big.

"It's from my father,he said this." Said Damian as he took out a scroll with Jacob's signature on it.

"Don't ask how he is involved in this mess." Said Damian shutting Arthur off before he could even ask the question.

Arthur knew something was happening,and no one knows about it. He wasn't in the mood in the mood to indulge in the Royal's mess. Just them owing him a favour was enough. For now atleast.

"I'll do it." Said Arthur. He looked towards Rachal aftee saying that. Well,she was still in the state of shock.

The killing intent Arthur released wasn't something that a teenager should possess. She was wondering what Arthur had gone through in his life. The fact that he was a white haired, proved in her mind that he had a rough past.

"Give me your phone number, I'll be waiting out the girl's dorm in the morning from tomorrow onwards." He said as he took out his phone.

Aftee getting Rachel's phone number he went started walking towards home.


It was Rachel's first message. It was a cute panda waving it's hands.

'well, this was unexpected of her' he said as unknowngly he had a smile on his face.

That's when he received another message. The sender was ablert.

-you haven't made any reports yet-

'sigh,Why the hell did I get stuck in this. Both want me to keep a eye on her,but for complete opposite reasons.' he said in his head annoyed.

He sent Albert the message that he will be reporting starting from tomorrow,he was getting acquainted with her. Now he should be freely able to walk and talk to her.

After reading his message Albert had a smile on his face. Who knows why.

Arthur remembered he will be meeting with Sam and Harry today. He received a message when he was leaving that they will come to his room today.

'Why Rachel. Why couldn't they use any other girl.' questioned Arthur. Albeit he had no answers to it.

He reached his room,his sister was still with the infirmary receptionist. He was planning to pick her up after talking to Sam and Harry.

Shortly after they arrived, Arthur opened the door and sat them inside,and brew some tea for them.

"Get straight to the point. Why are you guys letting the 12th rank push you around." Said Arthur.

Sam and Harry expected him to talk about it."Our class has 2 factions, Stacy belongs to one of them. She is the vice president. So she bullies people. We were her targets. Since we have white hair and can't stand against her outside of the academy,she has enslaved us." Said Sam clenching his fist.

"Tell me more about the faction." Asked Arthur.

"It's the stronger faction. It's lead by rank 5 Reyka. He is middle stage Newbie." Said Sam.

'rank2,3,4,5 all are the same rank.' he thought to himself.

"That's not it. They have the rank 10th aswell. The other faction mostly consists of students from rank 10-20 with the exception of Stacy." Said Sam.

"What about the other top 10." Asked Arthur curiously.

"They are in class C. Rank6,7,8, and 9. They all a single faction. And all of them are at middle newbie stage." Said Sam.

'what the hell,why so many middle stages. So basically other than Damian, everyone else is equal. Still my class is the strongest.'

Although Kyle and Damian have their own factions,they haven't had any fights and many students are neutral.

"What's the name of the Class C's faction?" Asked Arthur curious.

"The gargo faction." Said Sam a little shaken.

"They are tyrants,not many people know this. They have been working hidden. They have a secret weapon that no one knows off." Said Sam.

Arthur was interested in their weapons, how can someone act so brazen and tyrant like in the academy.

"No one knows what it is,but the things they are doing can't be doable. Class C is the strongest class. You'll understand in the class mock exams." Said Sam.

"We will see that,when the time comes." Said Arthur and changed the topic to something light. Since he wanted them to be his friends.

Obviously there absence wasn't known to Stacy,they were in a Faction meeting. Discussing important matters.

In a dark room,on a round table sat 4 figures. Reyka,stacy,the rank 10th Nate, and another mysterious girl. She had white hair tied in a ponytail.

"Today someone interfered my meeting with my slaves. He didn't know about us." Said Stacy.

"Oh,is that so. Nothing important." Said Reyka not wanting to deal with a pest.

"He needs to respect us,we shouldn't just let him go." Said Nate.

"Leave him alone,he is already dead. Someone has already made him their puppet." Spoke the white haired girl.

"Oh, who is that? The second years shouldn't be interfering." Said Reyka having a idea who it might be.

"He is a tyrant, throwing his weight around. Maria is just so useless." Said the white haired girl.

"That's true,but what about you? What have you done." Said Reyka.

Suddenly a immense pressure released. She was middle stage Apprentice. "Watch what you say." She said.

Reyka pushed under the pressure could only agree and concede. After stabilizing his breathing he said."I'm sorry,I won't do it again."

"You better not." Said the girl before leaving the room. Reyka staring at her disappearing figure.

"What a bitch." Said Stacy still not breathing fine.

"Leave it,we will have our time." Said Reyka as he left the room aswell.

Nate was sitting there and staring at the dark wall. ' Everyone is someone's pawn here. What a place to be,the higher ups don't do shit.' he said to himself as he laughed bitterly.


Sam and Harry had left,they felt a little bit more comfortable with Arthur now. Arthur went ahead and picked his sister from the infirmary.

That's when he received a message. It was from Rachel.-we are going to the academy mall,you should come along.....if you want to.' Arthur knew this was because of the deal.

'if you want to ' was just a formality. She ans Arthur both knew Arthur had no choice. He needed the favour from the Royal family. And also doing this helped him giving reports to Albert.

Obviously if Nick wanted to keep a eye on Rachel he would be doing that by using first years from the shadows. So Arthur knew,he might be being watched right now.

He needs to play the double agent carefully.'I can't fail here,I need to kill the Vampire leaders.' he said, before messaging Rachel that he will be there in a few minutes.

He went and got ready. He wore his favourite clothes,black turtle neck and white trousers with red sneakers.

He remembered something. 'wait,who is we.' he messaged Rachel as soon as he realised that Rachel was mostly alone.

' It's a friendly soccer match against Class C,s faction. The Gargo faction. Everyone is going.We need a goalkeeper. So your coming along. The girls didn't wanted to play and most boys were either busy or didn't want to face the Gargo faction. They are really strong.' Rachel sent a entire paragraph.

'oh, this might be fun actually. I'll get to witness their 'might'. ' he thought and left for the mall.

This news spread like wild fire around the academy. Unknowngly they had made this is a actual event rather than just a friendly.
