Chapter 1: The beginning of an Odyssey: The adventures of Matsuda Sakamoto.

The world is in shambles, the current state of it is worse than you think, everywhere you look there is nothing but fire. Welcome to the world of Soul Stalker. The Demons have overrun the entire world, and they aim to take over the entire universe. But that was 6 years ago, and things have change, since then the human race has found many ways to counter it by fighting back and that was when the "Demon Hunter Association" has been formed.

Wherein they were task to eliminate every single demons on sight. They were splitted into 6 divisions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Each divisions are ranked based on strength, they can move rank if they get stronger, for example: 6 becomes strong, so they move to 5 and then the previous 5th division will be moved to 6th.

"Oh jeez, this is such a hassle, killing Demons are such a pain, they can regenerate if not struck on the correct place."

"Well I'll introduce myself, my name is Matsuda Sakamoto, I live in the most populated place for demons in Japan which is Tokyo. It's hell in here, the big shots gets send out depending on the demon's level, hence they get payed more."

"Well anyways, I'm from the 6th division which is the lowest of the low, we don't get payed as much due to the fact we don't get send as often due to Tokyo being home to the strongest demons in Japan, we only get send out for the weak ones 'cause they think we can't handle it, jokes on them, I'm gonna change the world" said by Matsuda

"But let's start from the beginning... " -Matsuda

So Matsuda was born on 04/03/1990, he was just 14 when the invasion started, you see at a young age Matsuda was not raised very well, his father being the head of the mafia and his mother being killed when Matsuda was just 4. Since Matsuda's mother was killed he was forced to live with his father, which was not a healthy experience for Matsuda. He was most of the time alone at home with the maid because his father was busy with mafia things.

Matsuda was exposed to violence, drugs, and more corrupt things. And growing up was not easy, since he was the mafia leader's son it wasn't easy for him to make friends. Everyone was avoiding him, and when he tried to talk to someone they just flee. So Matsuda was lonely growing up because he had no friends and girlfriend at all.

That's why when he was 15 he ran away from home no matter how dangerous it was, he was sick of living with his father so he ran. And ever since then he was killing demons anonymously, then the government found out and recruited him. He had seen his comrades die over and over, but everytime that would happen he would come out unscathed. The job doesn't pay well but it gets the job done.

Present day Japan 2010.

"Why do we have to do this again?" said by Suzune

Suzune Miyano or Miyano Suzune, Matsuda's longest living subordinate.

"Well it's because a demon showed up nearby, and we have to take care of it" Matsuda replied

*Sigh* "I knew you weren't great with giving answers" said by Suzune

"What? It's the truth isn't it?" Matsuda asked

"It is but you should've given me another answer" Suzune replied

"What was the answer you were looking for?" Matsuda asked

"Something better" Suzune replied

"Anyways based on the description, this demon's appearance is questionable, with the height of 20 feet this one is pretty huge, but it says the size is deceiving it's actually not that strong" said by Matsuda

"You better be right about this one Matsuda cause there's no turning back" said by Suzune

"Yep, if we die then the 6th division is no more" Matsuda replied

Suzune grabs her demon neutralizer and charges it up while Matsuda jumps onto the demon with his sword, he cuts it's legs so he can jump onto it's back, he succeeds and he is not holding back, he cuts it's back a hundred times, he can't cut it's head off yet cause it's too tough, he needs to be sure 'cause if it's not deep enough it'll not affect it at all.

"Matsuda the neutralizer is fully charged" said by Suzune

"Okay, wait my signal" Matsuda replied

Matsuda cuts its other leg so it falls over, he cuts its arms off too.

"Okay NOW!" Matsuda shouted

Suzune fires the neutralizer directly at it's head, and it dies, or is it?