Chapter 2: Demon's Arrival: Trial by Blood

Suzune ends the demon's miserable life by firing the neutralizer.

"Alright, we killed this son of a b****" said by Matsuda

"Hey remember our bet, the loser owes the winner a drink" said by Suzune

"But without my attacks we wouldn't have killed the demon" said by Matsuda

"Yeah but you said whoever deals the killing blow wins the bet" Suzune replied

"Oh fine, you know me I never back down from a bet" Matsuda replied

Matsuda and Suzune quickly performs a ritual to instantly disintegrate the demon. But as they were doing it a group from division 3 suddenly arrived and told them "Well Matsuda Sakamoto and Miyano Suzune, you have to go to Fukushima immediately!".

"But captain Hirōshi, we haven't finished finished the ritual on this demon yet" said by Matsuda

"Well we'll take care of it, you and Suzune head to Fukushima immediately!" Said by Captain Hirōshi

"Yeah b- but sir Fukushima is far from Tokyo, we won't arrive in time" said by Suzune

"Just take a Shinkansen there, it won't take long" Captain Hirōshi replied

"B- but S- sir the fastest one there takes like 3 hours to get there" Suzune replied

"Just go and take the Shinkansen unless you want to walk there" Captain Hirōshi replied

Suzune was not gonna let that slide easily and she said "B- but S- sir-" before getting interrupted by Matsuda *puts hand on her mouth* "Suzune that's enough, we stand no chance against someone like him, we're from division 6 and he is a captain from division 3, we would get demolished"

"Alright fine, but only because you said so" said by Suzune

Matsuda and Suzune walks their way towards the station. As they were nearing the station Suzune sensed a demon nearby.

"Hold up Matsuda! Do you sense that?" Said by Suzune

"Sense what?" Matsuda asked

"You don't sense a bloodthirsty demon?" Suzune asked

"No not really, should I?" Matsuda asked

"Strange" said by Suzune

"Strange?" Matsuda replied

"It is strange, the demon's immense aura has vanished" said by Suzune

"Are you okay?" Matsuda asked

"Y- yeah I- I'm fine, why'd you ask?" Suzune replied

"Suzune? Suzune!" Said by Matsuda

Just then Suzune has suddenly fainted, Matsuda rushed over to her unconcious body, "Suzune, stay with me, you can't die here" said by Matsuda. Just then a thick amount of mist has suddenly appeared.

"Huh this is an unusual amount of smoke, could it be?" Said by Matsuda

Just then a demon appeared in the Shinkansen, but this demon has an unusual appearance, it's not like the usual demonic and disfigured look but instead it has a humanoid appearance.

"Woah, this demon is very strange it almost seems like a human being" said by Matsuda

Matsuda places Suzune on the seats behind him and he draws his sword.

"Alright come on you bloody f***, prepare to meet your end" said by Matsuda

*in Matsuda's mind* oh s*** what am I thinking, I can't even hold my own against a regular demon, what am I gonna do to a humanoid demon. Oh well it is what it is.

Matsuda charges directly at the demon. "Piercing wind". The demon was hit directly at its chest, but the demon looked unfazed.

"What? The piercing wind did nothing to him" said by Matsuda

"My katana, it's stuck" Matsuda added

"Oh well, I'm just gonna have to remove it by force" said by Matsuda

Just then the demon disappeared and is now behind him.

"He's so fast, when did he get behind me?" said by Matsuda

The demon strikes Matsuda with a blood beam. "Ahh" Matsuda begins to cough out blood. "This is bad, very bad, if I continue to lose blood I'll surely die here" said by Matsuda. The demon appeared behind him but Matsuda was not gonna let him get a cheap shot again. "Hollow whirlwind".

The humanoid demon was hit from his right shoulder to his left waist. The cut was deep, while the demon is trying to ease the pain Matsuda had an open window to killing the demon, but keep in mind that Matsuda is critically injured from the blood beam.

So Matsuda gathered his energy and condensed it into one powerful attack. "Solar Cleaver". It hits but it doesn't kill it, if Matsuda didn't get hit by the blood beam he would've definitely killed it.

"Damn it. It wasn't enough" said by Matsuda

Both the demon and Matsuda are in a critical condition but none of them can back down. As the Shinkansen was moving Matsuda saw an opportunity, he leaped towards the demon, struck his katana on it's neck and tossed the demon on the window. But it didn't work, it was indeed tossed but it didn't fall out the window. The demon's hands became what looks like sickles, Matsuda knew he was in trouble with this one. The demon went for the stomach but Matsuda parried it.

Suzune was waking up, she could see but blurry, she could hear but her ears are ringing. She couldn't move at all, all she could see at the moment is Matsuda continuosly bleeding out while parrying the attacks of the humanoid demon. In a faint voice she said "M- M- Mats- suda..?". Matsuda quickly noticed that she had woken up. Matsuda thinks to himself "I gotta defeat this demon before the situation escalates, or else I could wind up dying and she could be next, no I don't want her to die yet."

Matsuda has pushed himself to his limits. His body gave up and he collapsed on the ground. Just then when the demon was preparing to execute a familiar presence appeared out of nowhere. "Could it be?" Said by Matsuda.

"Soaring wrath". The demon was hit directly at the face with a heavy punch. Then Matsuda said "It is him, Captain Hirōshi". And then Captain Hirōshi said "I guess I arrived just in time".

"Don't worry Matsuda, you and your girlfriend can sit this one out" said by Captain Hiroshi

"SHE IS NOT MY-" Matsuda said before coughing out blood again.

"I told you already, sit this one out, you've reached your limit" said by Captain Hirōshi

Matsuda crawls towards Suzune and drags her behind some seats on the Shinkansen.

"Alright come on demon, show me what you got" said by Captain Hirōshi

Captain Hirōshi takes off his coat and prepares to fight with only his fist. "King hook". The demon was hit directly at its jaw. The demon tries to strike Captain Hirōshi but fails and gets hit with "King hook" then followed up with another "King hook" and then gets hit with "Beast Barrage" and finishes it off with "King Upper". The head of the demon flies off clean.

"Damn, I should've worn my coat now my shirt got all bloody, oh well it can't be helped" said by Captain Hirōshi

Then he looks over to Matsuda and Suzune cuddling? Captain Hirōshi just laughs and says "You two are so cute together".