Chapter 3: Trip to Fukushima: Disaster Awaits

"Oh shut up, even if you are more powerful than us, that doesn't mean you could say things so casually like that" said by Matsuda

"What? I can't compliment you guys now?" Captain Hirōshi asked

"Like hell you were trying to compliment us" Matsuda replied

"Shh, pipe down Matsuda, I'm trying to catch up with my sleep" said by Suzune with a sleepy voice.

"Su- suzune-" said by Matsuda before getting interrupted by Suzune, Suzune puts her index finger in front of Matsuda's Mouth to quiet him down. Captain Hirōshi bursts out laughing and then says "So Matsuda, you gon' let ya girlfriend boss ya around?".

"As I told you before, she's not my girlfriend!" Matsuda replies

Then suddenly the humanoid demon's body which was in a goo like state suddenly appeared underneath Captain Hirōshi's feet. When he realized this Captain Hirōshi jumped at the perfect time before the demon tried to bite off his legs.

"Looks like we didn't kill it afterall" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Okay Suzune time to wake up now, now is not the best time to sleep" Matsuda said in a panicked voice.

The demon charged at Matsuda and is preparing to attack, then suddenly "Blitz Charge" Captain Hirōshi tackled the humanoid demon with full force and speed, which knocked it down a few carts away.

"You better hold onto your girlfriend tight, cuz it's 'bouta get messy" said by Captain Hirōshi

Then Matsuda gave up trying to argue with Captain Hirōshi and hugged Suzune tight.

"Mhm~" -Suzune

"Ha! I knew it" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Just fight the damn demon" said by Matsuda

"Ok jeez, I'm the one saving you, be more appreciative" Captain Hirōshi replied

Captain Hirōshi took his coat off as he was getting serious. The humanoid demon charged right at him "Dreadwave Reprisal". Captain Hirōshi countered the humanoid demon and was launched back again. Then Captain Hirōshi charged towards the humanoid demon, "Titan's fist". Just then the humanoid demon evaded the attack. Matsuda was shocked, but Captain Hirōshi was not surprised.

*In Matsuda's mind*

Wait what? What just happened? The demon evaded the attack, but I thought demons were mindless and did not have enough intelligence to evade such attack, but this one, this one is different, almost like it has human intelligence.

"Get a load of this Matsuda, this one thinks he can avoid my attacks easily" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Quake slam". The humanoid demon was hit directly on its core. Pieces of the demon splatter everywhere throughout the entire Shinkansen.

"Quick Captain Hirōshi get out of there!" Matsuda shouted

But it was too late the humanoid demon reformed directly on Captain Hirōshi, before he knew it he was engulfed by the demon. Matsuda was speechless for he had witnessed Captain Hirōshi get swallowed by the demon. After a while the demon had not moved, it was acting rather strange, it was twitching a lot. And then hands appeared out of the demon's body.

"You thought I was gone? I never go down with out a fight" said by Captain Hirōshi

Captain Hirōshi grabs the demon's waist while he was inside the demon. "Bonecrush Suplex". Captain Hirōshi escaped from the demon's stomach.

"Hey old man, let me fight" said by Matsuda

"No can do young man, you must protect your girlfriend" Captain Hirōshi replied

"She's NOT my girlfriend!" Matsuda shouted

*Voice on speaker*

"We're nearing Fukushima, in about 10 minutes till we arrive"

"Anyways, what's a better way to protect her than fighting this humanoid bastard? If I wanted to protect her then I'll fight to defend her" said by Matsuda

"Alright you win, but if you get killed it's not my fault" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Yeah yeah whatever" said by Matsuda

The demon charged at Matsuda first, "Inferno Cleave". The demon was hit right on it's neck. "I gotta give it to you kid, nice shot!" Said by Captain Hirōshi. Although the demon was critically hit, it wasn't enough. The demon went straight to Suzune. Matsuda wasn't gonna let this happen, so he ran straight to her.


He tackled the demon straight on, no armor, no special attacks, just him tackling the demon with his body. Captain Hirōshi suddenly appeared behind the humanoid demon. "Titan's fist". Then the demon gets hit with "Blazing upper". Both Captain Hirōshi and Matsuda are now fighting the demon on top of the train.

*voice on speaker*

"Arriving in Fukushima in 5 mins"

"Damn, if we don't kill this demon before it reaches Fukushima it could kill innocent civilians" said by Captain Hirōshi

The demon jumped towards Captain Hirōshi.

"Blitz Charge". Captain Hirōshi and the humanoid demon went head to head, had to hand combat. "Continuous King Barrage". As Captain Hirōshi was barraging the demon, the demon was doing the same thing. Their hands was bleeding from the impacts their fist made. After a while of barraging the demon won the barrage battle and knocked Captain Hirōshi back.

"Alright Matsuda, I've got one last resort, we gotta make this count, you've gotta damage him all you can then I'll deal the finishing blow" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Alright" said by Matsuda

Matsuda charged at the demon, spamming moves after moves, "Flareblade Slash" "Piercing wind" "Aqua Whirlwind" "Solar Hurricane" "Lightning blade: Voltage Burst" until it was time. "Blazing upper: Max".

*in Captain Hirōshi's mind*

"Wait, this kid, he can use many techniques with different styles, could he be the one that Kusakabe was talking about?"

"I knew I could count on you Matsuda, now it's time for the killing blow, hopefully this'll kill it" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Earthshatter Slam". Directly on the demon's head straight onto the Shinkansen. The Shinkansen was nearly derailed due to the massive impact.

*voice on speaker*

"We have arrived to Fukushima, the exit doors are on your left and right, exit one by one thank you"

"That was quite the clutch there Matsuda, didn't know you had in you" said by Captain Hirōshi

"Yeah me neither-" said by Matsuda before coughing out blood and falling onto the ground.