
Chapter 33:

The man who had noticed the disturbance rushed towards the alley, his heart pounding with fear and urgency. As he turned the corner, he was greeted by the sight of Yagami standing over the young boy, who was now cowering on the ground. The Majin slave had scrambled to his feet, his eyes wide with terror and gratitude."Yagami, stop this!" Ami cried out, her voice filled with desperation. "You're going to make things worse!"But Yagami, his face hidden behind the mask, did not relent. His chaotic chi continued to swirl around him, crackling with barely contained power. The onlookers, including the man who had arrived, watched in stunned silence, unsure of what to do.Finally, the man stepped forward, his voice trembling but firm. "Please, sir, release the boy. He knows not what he does."Yagami turned his masked gaze towards the man, his eyes glinting with a cold light. "And who are you to command me?" he asked, his voice echoing with an eerie calm.The man swallowed hard, gathering his courage. "I am the boy's father, and I apologize for his behavior. Please, I beg of you, spare him."Yagami regarded the man for a long moment, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. Finally, he relented, the chaotic chi dissipating as he stepped back. "Teach him better," he said, his voice carrying a warning. "Next time, he won't be so lucky."The man nodded vigorously, relief flooding his features. "Thank you, sir. I will ensure it."Yagami turned to leave, Ami and Amit quickly following behind him. As they walked away, Ami couldn't help but glance back at the boy and his father, her mind racing with the implications of what had just happened.Once they were a safe distance away, Ami finally spoke up. "Yagami, you can't just do things like that," she said, her voice filled with worry. "You're going to get us into serious trouble."Yagami remained silent for a moment, then looked at her, his mask hiding any expression. "Sometimes, Ami, the only way to change things is to challenge them," he said quietly.They continued walking, the town around them buzzing with the aftermath of Yagami's display of power. As they neared Ami's home, they were greeted by the sight of the town's guards waiting at the entrance, their expressions grim."Yagami," one of the guards called out, stepping forward. "You need to come with us."Ami's heart sank, fear gripping her. "What's going on?" she demanded, stepping protectively in front of Yagami.The guard's eyes softened slightly. "There's been a complaint. We need to take him in for questioning."Yagami placed a reassuring hand on Ami's shoulder. "It's alright," he said calmly. "I'll go with them.""But—" Ami started, only to be cut off by Yagami's steady gaze."I'll be fine," he assured her.Reluctantly, Ami stepped aside, watching as the guards led Yagami away. Amit stood beside her, his expression KOconflicted."What are we going to do?" Ami whispered, her mind racing."We need to find a way to help him," Amit replied, determination in his voice. "We owe him that much."As Yagami was taken to the town's holding cells, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The events of the day had set things in motion that could not be easily undone. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but he also knew that he could not turn back now.

Yagami sat in the dimly lit cell, his eyes closed in meditation. He could feel the energy of the place, the tension and fear that clung to the walls like a heavy fog. The guards had been cautious around him, their unease palpable. He knew that his display of power had unsettled more than just the townspeople; it had also caught the attention of those in authority.

Meanwhile, Ami and Amit were deep in discussion back at their home. "We need a plan," Amit said, pacing the room. "We can't just let them keep him locked up."

Ami nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "But what can we do? The town's leaders are powerful, and they won't take kindly to us interfering."

"We have to find a way to prove his innocence," Amit replied. "Or at least show them that he's not a threat."

Ami sighed, frustration bubbling up inside her. "It's not going to be easy. The people here are afraid of what they don't understand, and Yagami's power is something they've never seen before."

As they pondered their next move, a knock at the door startled them. Ami quickly went to answer it, opening the door to reveal a tall, cloaked figure standing in the shadows. The figure stepped forward, and Ami recognized the elderly man from the marketplace who had watched the earlier confrontation.

"May I come in?" the man asked, his voice gentle but firm.

Ami hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, please."

The man entered, lowering his hood to reveal a kind but weathered face. "My name is Hiroshi," he said, inclining his head in greeting. "I saw what happened today and thought I might be able to help."

Ami and Amit exchanged glances before inviting Hiroshi to sit with them. "What can you do?" Amit asked, curiosity and hope mingling in his voice.

Hiroshi leaned forward, his eyes shining with a mixture of wisdom and resolve. "I know the leaders of this town, and I know how they think. They fear what they cannot control, but they also respect power and knowledge. If we can present Yagami's strength as a potential ally rather than a threat, we might be able to sway them."

Ami frowned, unsure. "But how do we do that?"

Hiroshi smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "Leave that to me. For now, you must trust that I have a plan."


In the holding cell, Yagami's meditation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor. He opened his eyes to see Hiroshi approaching, accompanied by a pair of guards. The guards unlocked the cell door, and Hiroshi stepped inside.

"Yagami," Hiroshi said, his tone respectful. "I believe we have much to discuss."

Yagami stood, his gaze steady. "Who are you?"

"I am Hiroshi," the elder replied. "And I am here to help you."

Yagami regarded him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. What do you propose?"

Hiroshi gestured for the guards to leave, then turned back to Yagami. "The leaders of this town are afraid of your power, but they also recognize the value of strength. If we can demonstrate that you are not a threat, but rather a potential ally, we might be able to secure your release."

"And how do we do that?" Yagami asked, his interest piqued.

"By participating in a trial of strength," Hiroshi replied. "There is a tournament held here every year to determine the strongest warriors in the region. If you compete and win, it will prove that you are not only powerful but also honorable."

Yagami considered the proposal, weighing the risks and benefits. Finally, he nodded. "I will do it."

Hiroshi smiled, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Excellent. The tournament begins in three days. Until then, you will remain here, but I will ensure that you are treated with the respect you deserve."

As Hiroshi left the cell, Yagami felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead was still uncertain, but at least now he had a direction. He would prove his strength and earn his freedom, not just for himself, but for those who had come to rely on him.


The news of Yagami's participation in the tournament spread quickly through the town, creating a buzz of excitement and anticipation. Ami and Amit, though still worried, felt a glimmer of hope. They knew that the upcoming days would be crucial, and they were determined to do everything in their power to support Yagami.

As the day of the tournament approached, Yagami focused on his training, honing his skills and preparing himself for the challenges ahead. He knew that this was more than just a test of strength; it was an opportunity to change the way the people viewed him and his power.

On the morning of the tournament, the town square was filled with spectators eager to witness the event. The leaders of the town sat in a grandstand, their eyes fixed on the arena where the warriors would compete.

Yagami stood among the other competitors, his presence commanding respect and curiosity. As the tournament began, he faced his opponents with a calm determination, his movements precise and powerful. One by one, he defeated them, his skill and strength leaving no doubt about his abilities.

However, the real challenge was yet to come. Hiroshi had orchestrated a plan to rid himself of Yagami, seeing him as a threat to his own secret schemes. Instead of sending a regular participant, Hiroshi had requested the aid of the royal guard from the king. In a flashback, it was shown that Hiroshi had approached the king, offering him a rare Morolization Fruit, which only grew once every 2000 years, in exchange for his powerful guard.


The final match was unlike any Yagami had faced. As he stepped into the arena, he was confronted not by a single opponent, but by the entire royal guard. Twenty thousand soldiers, their auras combined into a formidable force, stood ready to face him.

Yagami's eyes widened in shock, but then he smiled. "Here I come," he said, steeling himself for the battle.

The battle began with a ferocity that stunned the spectators. Yagami attacked with precision and speed, his chi cutting through the ranks of guards. But their numbers and strategy made it difficult for him to gain the upper hand. He found himself holding back most of his power, trying to avoid causing unnecessary harm.

Realizing that he needed to show more of his strength, Yagami released a surge of chi. "Looks like I have to show a bit more," he said, his voice echoing through the arena.

The air crackled with energy as Yagami dominated the battlefield, his attacks swift and powerful. He moved with incredible speed, emitting chi from his hands and using the first form of Venasa. The attack wiped out the guards, but they were only knocked out, not killed.

Yagami stood victorious in the center of the arena, breathing heavily but triumphant. The crowd erupted in cheers, and even the town's leaders were forced to acknowledge his strength. Ami and Amit rushed to his side, their faces alight with joy and pride.

However, the celebration was short-lived. The higher-ups, now fearing Yagami's power, ordered the guards to release the Hell Binding Chain, a powerful and ancient artifact designed to contain even the strongest warriors.

Chains erupted from the ground, glowing with a malevolent energy. Yagami, sensing the danger, looked to Hiroshi for help, but the elder only smiled.

The chains wrapped around Yagami, their grip unyielding. The ground beneath him split open, and the battlefield was torn asunder. The chains dragged Yagami into the depths, successfully sealing him away.

As the dust settled, the crowd stood in stunned silence. Ami and Amit were left in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The leaders, satisfied with their actions, began to disperse, leaving the arena in a somber mood.

Hiroshi, his plan now complete, turned to leave, his smile hidden from view. The threat of Yagami was contained, but the consequences of this act would ripple through the town and beyond.


In the darkness beneath the arena, Yagami knew he had no choice but to unleash his chaotic chi to its fullest extent. He had been holding back, fearing the consequences, but now, with the Hell Binding Chain tightening around him, he could sense that time was running out.Yagami took a deep breath, closing his eyes and focusing inward. He could feel the chaotic energy surging within him, a storm of raw power waiting to be released. Slowly, he began to let it flow, allowing the chi to envelop him completely.The ground around him trembled as the air crackled with energy. Yagami's body glowed with an intense, otherworldly light, and the chains binding him began to strain under the pressure. He poured all his strength into the effort, willing the chains to break.But for all his power, the chains held firm. They had been tempered by the blood of a 3rd Order Beast, an ancient creature whose strength was legendary. The Hell Binding Chain was designed to withstand even the most powerful chi users, and Yagami found himself struggling against its unyielding grip.In the town above, Ami and Amit were consumed with worry. They had witnessed Yagami's capture and knew that he was in grave danger. They had to find a way to help him, but their search for answers had yielded little so far.As they hurried through the marketplace, desperately seeking any clue that might lead them to a solution, they noticed Hiroshi standing nearby. He was watching them, a knowing smile playing on his lips. His eyes met Amit's, and for a moment, the elder's gaze seemed to pierce right through him."Why is he smiling?" Ami asked, her voice tinged with suspicion. "Does he know something we don't?"Amit frowned, his unease growing. "We need to be careful. Hiroshi might not be the ally we thought he was."They approached Hiroshi, their determination evident. "Why are you smiling?" Amit demanded. "Do you know something about the Hell Binding Chain?"Hiroshi's smile widened, but his expression remained enigmatic. "Ah, the Hell Binding Chain. A remarkable artifact, isn't it? Its power is unmatched, especially when tempered by the blood of a 3rd Order Beast."Ami's eyes widened in shock. "You knew all along, didn't you? You knew that Yagami couldn't break free!"Hiroshi nodded, his demeanor unchanging. "Yes, I knew. And I also know that the chain is meant to contain a threat, not just any ordinary chi user."Amit's anger flared. "You're using him for your own purposes, aren't you? What are you planning, Hiroshi?"The elder's smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating look. "Yagami is powerful, but his chaotic chi is dangerous. It needs to be controlled. The town's leaders understand this, even if you do not."

To be continued...