Date: August 9, 1995
Well, yet another week had now passed since the four of us had both dispatched and purified Blitz. With Angel Lily's help that is, with the use of Angel Lily's newly acquired Something Borrowed earrings, and also the Saint Astral Baton. But that was currently not what was on any of our minds at the current moment. In fact, we were currently having to deal with yet another devil, who went by the name of Cloud. And was the last of the three devils that were under the command of a devil named Sandra. But more about him later on in this fanfic.
"Sorry Bluebell here viewers. Sorry to break the fourth wall on you all again. But I think we are skipping a little bit ahead in the chapter here viewers, so let's wind back to where this all started in the first place shall we?"
It had all started when me, Momoko, and Hinagiku, arrived at a beach, after having departed off a bus to head to Yuri's villa near the beach.
A little bit later on, in the villa in question, the four of us had walked in on Yuri's mother and her crew designing multiple wedding dresses. Not surprisingly, Hinagiku's attention was then drawn, to a woman, who went by the name of Saori. She had just come into the room. To which she then tried one of the dresses on. And it was then revealed that Saori was going to be wed in the upcoming fall. And this was then followed by the designers then going to work on her dress as the four of us got food started. Well, when I say that, I mean that Yuri was the one that did that. While me, Momoko, and Hinagiku, assisted with her as needed.
Anyway, in the kitchen, Yuri wound up talking to me, Momoko, and Hinagiku, about Saori's daily phone calls with her boyfriend. Momoko and Yuri then highlighted the similarities between Hinagiku and Saori, giving hope that Hinagiku would get a boyfriend someday. Which not surprisingly caused me to look on and sweatdrop. "Well, as I have said before in the fur tree chapter viewers, which was our fight with the devil named can never truly get bored when you have friends like these," I thought to myself, while turning my eyesight to the right of me to briefly address the viewers. However, after I had finished my thought, and had addressed the viewers. Hinagiku then got a bit annoyed at Momoko and Yuri. You know, since Momoko and Yuri had been teasing her about her needing to get a boyfriend. Anyway, Hinagiku then saw Saori answering the phone to her boyfriend, while acknowledging that they may be alike after all.A bit later on, Hinagiku and Saori were then seen on the beach playing and laughing. And as for me, Momoko, and Yuri? Well, we were watching the two of them from the villas balcony, while talking about how fast they've become friends through their similarities. Well, Momoko and Yuri were, I was just deep in thought. "It may be peaceful now...But something tells me that we will be fighting again real soon...And we had best be ready for when Cloud...the last devil of the trio of devils that we fought against at the school several weeks back...But rest assured viewers, as I am very sure that we can handle her...Regardless of what evil and deceitful tactics that she might try on the four of us," I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers. And yet, at this moment however, after I had finished thought. Yuri's mother then interrupted us, and then said that despite Saori's confidence, her tomboyish act was just a front, in order to cover up her own weaknesses, as her mom had passed away when she was little.
Later that night, and as most villains love to do. Suddenly Cloud then suddenly appeared and electrocuted Saori with her evil energy. "Bluebell here again viewers, who not surprisingly, detected the Saint Something Four coming from her. Anyway, back to the story."
This then prompted Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. And it was then, that Angel Daisy prepared to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in another flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.
And while Cloud was still busy electrocuting Saori, that Angel Daisy decided to speak up. "Hold it!" Angel Daisy said. And sure enough, when Cloud turned her attention towards the source of the female voice, she was then confronted by a less then happy Angel Daisy. "The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose. It was then that Angel Daisy prepared to use her Saint Pendule, in order to attack Cloud. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as the usual blue spheres shot out of her Saint Pendule. To which she then launched her attack from her Saint Pendule towards Cloud. But unfortunately, is was rendered useless by Cloud's attack. And it only wound up with Angel Daisy getting knocked back instead. And as Saori continued to be attacked, Daisy was then trapped inside Cloud's dark energy. It was then that Wedding Peach, me, and Angel Lily appeared. And as Daisy was released from the devil's bind, by Wedding Peach using her tiara of all things. "Bluebell here. Now doesn't that sound like another magical girl you all know viewers. I know I have said this already, but I am very excited, and I am very much looking forward to working with her. Trust me viewers, it will be quite the stunning show. The moonlight is a messenger of love after all. *wink* Anyway, back to the story."
It was at this point, that Angel Lily proceeded to conjure up the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she then did a full spin whilst twirling the Saint Astral Baton. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, and then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, as she fired her attack towards Cloud, and also released Saori from the negative energy.
"Well Wedding Peach, I guess that's our queue. Time to put an end to this fight!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And with a final nod to each other, we then prepared to launch our purification attacks on Cloud.
"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then launched her purification attack from her Saint Miroir towards Cloud.
"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And once the blade began glowing its bright blue color. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my usual purification attack from the blade. But unfortunately, Cloud simply just avoided the attacks, and escaped.
Daisy then ran up to Saori, only to find her unconscious, and then started to tear up due not being able to protect her. And despite us giving her reassurances. Daisy still blamed herself for not being powerful enough to save someone that she loves. "Bluebell here again. Well viewers, I don't blame Angel Daisy for feeling this way. You would be pretty upset too, if you found yourself in this sort of situation. *gives an upset expression* Anyway, back to the story."
Later the next day, Momoko and Yuri suggested to the others that they all go to a firework display nearby. Although, while everyone agreed, Hinagiku then walked out of the villa. With three of us concerned about her. But, Saori reassured us and then followed Hinagiku out onto the balcony.
Cloud then appeared again, and then wound up spreading her negative energy onto the group while also capturing Saori, and also demanding her to hand over the Saint Something Four. This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to reach into my pocket, and pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner.
"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. And after Wedding Peach, and Angel Lily had transformed into their respective battle outfits, after having confronted Cloud. However, there were no introductions this time. "I guess that only one is said per episode. right viewers? Sorry Bluebell here. *blushes* Anyway, back to the story" Anyway, we then noticed Yuri's mother and the others were trapped inside Cloud's evil energy. And even though we went to go and rescue them, we wound up trying to no avail. However, as this was going on, Angel Daisy's Saint Pendule then lit up and revealed Angel Daisy's pendant to be a part of the Saint Something Four.
And with Angel Daisy now having recovered the third piece of the Saint Something Four, the Something Borrowed pendant. She then proceeded to use her new powers along with the rest of us, to dispatch and purify Cloud. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, after having conjured up the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed. To which two rows of candles then appeared, which lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, doing a 360 degree spin and then firing her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up weakening Cloud.
"The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, conjuring up the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue. To which she then proceeded to twirl it while doing a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, and then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, as she fired her attack, which further weakened Cloud.
This was then followed by Angel Daisy telling both me and Wedding Peach, that now was our chance. To which Wedding Peach conjured up the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said as she did a full spin. The Saint Crystal Rod then absorbed the next attack that was fired at her by Cloud. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, doing another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly. She then fired Cloud's attack back at her in the form of a Love Wave.
"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. As I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing its usual light blue color. I then swung in a left horizontal swing in front of me, while firing my purification attack, from the blade. And once both of our purification attacks hit Cloud at exactly the same time, she was purified, to which she then faded out of existence. And even though we had dispatched and purified another opponent, I once again started about a certain blonde haired girl with odango style hair. But rather then dwell on this, I decided to push this thought to the side, and just focus on the fact that we had once again done a flawless job in purifying another devil.