Chapter 23: Through Fire And Flames!: Sandra Makes His Move!

Date: August 16, 1995

Well, another week had now passed since the four of us had dispatched and also purified Cloud with Wedding Peach's, Angel Daisy's, and Angel Lily's help, along with their respective pieces of the Saint Something Four. Wedding Peach's Something Old ring, and the Saint Crystal Rod, Angel Lily's Something Blue earrings, and the Saint Astral Baton, and Angel Daisy's Something Borrowed pendant. However, and quite unfortunately I might add. Our problems regarding these particular devils, weren't really quite over just yet. And this was further compounded, when their groups leader, a fire devil by the name of Sandra, decided on this very same day, to make his move. In an attempt to not only obtain the 3 pieces of the Saint Something Four, but to also try and get rid of the four of us...forever. Well, when I say he would make his move, what I actually mean, is that he was going to make one desperate last move, in an attempt to try and get rid of the four of us..forever.

"So in other words viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here again viewers. My apologies for breaking the fourth wall on all of you out of the blue like this. But, I just wanted to reiterate, as well as clarify to all of you. That like the devils that have tried before Sandra. Well, he will wind up failing in his evil intents and goals against the four of us. I mean, after all viewers, me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, aren't fighting because we want to. No, we are fighting because we have to in an effort to protect the power of love, as well as those that we care about the most. I mean, if I may explain this a little bit further viewers. We aren't the only ones that are involved in all of this, who got thrown into something that we had no control over when we all first started in this fight against the devils. As you will be reading about later on in this fanfic, we aren't the only 90s magical girls that are involved in this fight against evil. The moonlight is a messenger of love after all. *playfully winks while smiling* And as a certain someone once said, you have to expect the unexpected. And they also said, that nothing ever happens by accident. And to spoil you all with a little bit more foreshadowing, *playfully winks again while smiling* I am not the only person in these three fanfics, that wasn't originally a human in the real world. *playfully giggles while smiling with eyes closed* But, I think that that is enough of me spoiling you with foreshadowing. *playfully giggles while smiling with eyes closed again* Anyway, back to the story. *slightly tilts head and smiles with eyes closed* Oh that's right, I almost forgot to ask you viewers about something. So let me ask you all a serious question while I still have your complete attention. Have any of you by any chance figured out who the other two magical girls are who can break and have broken the fourth wall in each of their respective anime timelines? *giggle* I'll give you all a hint. Both of these well known 90s magical girl, besides Wedding Peach that is, were the most talked about back in the 90s. And if I may give my honest opinion, are still the most talked about magical girls to this current date. And another hint to all of you, both of them, along with Wedding Peach, all had their respective shows debut at around the same time. In fact, in 1992, and in 1998 respectively. Well, do you know who the two of them are yet? You all should've pretty much figured it out by this point right? I mean after all, seeing as how both of them in my honest opinion, along with Wedding Peach, made the magical genre into what it currently is today. In other words, without these two classic 90s magical girls, the magical girl genre as a whole would not have existed in the way that it does now. Yes viewers, they are both that well known. But as a certain someone once said, you have to expect the unexpected. I mean, as I have said in the previous paragraph, the moonlight is a messenger of love after all. *playfully winks and giggles while smiling with eyes closed* Anyway, enough with all of my massive foreshadowing. *giggles in a kind and nice way with eyes closed* Back to the story, for real this time. *smiles with eyes closed*"

As of recently, Yuri had started hanging out on the streets with a rough group of girls, but she was evasive when we asked her about it.

Eventually though, the truth wound up coming out, and Yuri wound up explaining that she was trying to help her old friend, a girl by the name of Hitomi, who seemed to have lost her way in life after the death of her older sister. "Bluebell here again viewers. If I didn't know any better, I would say that sounds a little bit like another characters tragic backstory. Well, two characters in particular. One of which is going to wind up becoming the fifth and final member of our team. And the other? Well viewers, you'll just have to read on and find out. *giggle* Anyway, enough with a little more foreshadowing, back to the story."

Anyway, we then wound up orchestrating an elaborate production in an attempt to get Hitomi out of her rut. But, it was around this time that the devil Sandra finally decided to make an appearance in the human world. He then attacked Hitomi before things could get started. This then prompted Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku, to run off to find a safe place to transform. And once we had done this, Momoko pulled out and readied her Saint Mirroir, I pulled out and readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri readied her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readied her Saint Pendule. As all four of us then prepared and proceeded to transform.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her bridal dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell once again, and in my usual battle outfit.

"Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her bridal dress outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her bridal dress form.

And it was once this had happened, that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, once again readied their respective items, as they then prepared to transform into their battle outfits.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison.

"Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit as well.

And with all four of us now transformed, we then ran off to confront, and hopefully purify Sandra.

Meanwhile, It was while Sandra was about to attack Hitomi again, that four female voices then rang out. "Hold it right there devil!" Wedding Peach, me, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. And it was once Sandra had turned his attention towards the sound of the female voice, that he then saw the four of us, all standing together. And all four of us had very not pleased looks on our faces.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "When the hot mid summer sun blazes on the horizon, and the fresh evening breeze warms the twilight. On such a glorious day like this, how dare you try to destroy the friendship of two maidens, for that I cannot forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I a extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"As good of an introduction as always sis. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, then stopped it mid downward swing. To which I then held it in front of me, in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart, and it can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

It was then that Angel Lily summoned her Saint Astral Baton from her Something Blue earrings, and then prepared to use it's attack against Sandra. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she did a full spin while twirling the Saint Astral Baton. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, and then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, as she fired her attack. Which wound up weakening Sandra.

Angel Daisy then summoned her Saint Tornado Rod, as she then prepared to us it against Sandra. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared and then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she spun in a 360 degree circle, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up further weakening Sandra.

"Now's your chance, show this devil who's boss Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Daisy called out to me and Wedding Peach.

It was then, that Wedding Peach summoned the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, and prepared to use it in an attempt to purify Sandra. While I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, which was already drawn back towards and over my right armor clad shoulder, as we both prepared to attempt and purify Sandra.

"Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a complete and full spin. To which she then got into a position that had her down on one knee. This was then followed by Wedding Peach then absorbing the next attack that was fired at her by Sandra. "I cannot forgive this evil!" Wedding Peach said, as the Saint Crystal Rod continued to and then finished absorbing the rest of Sandra's attack. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another complete and full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined intensely bright. She then fired Sandra's own attack back at him from the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod, except this time, it was now in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And once the blade glowed its familiar bright blue color. I then swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell forward, in a left horizontal swing, as I launched my purification attack at Sandra.However, despite our best efforts, he simply just wound up dodging both of our attacks, and then fled before he could be purified. But I knew that we would soon see him again, and I was right.