Chapter 81: The Hands Of Fate, And A Weaklinkless Chain!: The Four Aces Alliance Vs. Gensei Kihara (Part 3)

Date: September 20, 2009

"Hello viewers, Angel Bluebell here...Yes, it's been a while, hasn't it?...*I say this while kindly smiling with both eyes closed*...Now, while Keiko's current side of things, is still currently, back at the tail end, of Railgun Season S...My perspective on things, will still be continuing on, regardless of this being the case...Now viewers, I am not saying, that Keiko is currently still back at the tail end of Railgun Season S canonically per say...but, you basically get what I mean by that...As in other words here viewers...all three separate fanfic in each of these three fanfics, will all be moving forward, at different points, in the universal timeline...And to go into further detail here viewers...*I now sense, that Wedding Peach, has now entered into the appearance of my current fourth wall break moment...Which causes my current expression, to now slightly change*...*I now clear my throat*...And now viewers...on with the chapter...*I say this, while once again smiling with both eyes closed*"

Okay, so continuing off from the last chapter. Well, not exactly the exact point of the tail end of the last chapter. But you get what I mean in this instance. As in, the somewhat current situation was, well...

"Bluebell, lookout!" I suddenly heard the unmistakable voice, of Angel Lily ring out.

"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" I then heard Angel Lily say shortly thereafter. And, with Angel Lily, quickly motioning her right hand, over her leg band. Which was quickly followed, by Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip appearing in her right hand, in a quick flash of light.

I then suddenly wound up, with feeling the unusual feeling, of Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, then wrapping its way around my torso.

And about a split second later, I was then, suddenly tugged slightly sideways. However, just as I was about to open my mouth, in an effort to ask Angel Lily, why she had decided to use her Saint Spiral Whip all of the sudden.

I was then suddenly met, with a high speed electrical based attack, only managing to miss me by mere inches. In fact, it had actually wound up hitting, where I had originally stood.

And upon realization, of what Angel Lily had just managed to do. I then thought otherwise, and instead, then wound up giving a small smile.

"Well Lily, I am eternally grateful, for you saving my hide there just then...After all viewers, I did my absolute best to console her, when she had thought, that Limone was gone forever, when we went against Petora years back..." I thought to myself, as while I was being tugged slightly sideways, had managed, to turn my attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And, once I had found my footing again, after I had managed to quickly regain my balance. I then, chose to speak up.

"Nice quick thinking there Lily, you have my thanks," I said to her, with a grateful smile, now present, on my face. As Angel Lily, then withdrew her Saint Spiral Whip, causing it to de-materialize, in a small flash of white light.

And speaking of Limone, and almost immediately, after I had said my statement. It was then, that an all too familiar bright light, then managed, to light up the sky. Even though, the sky, was still ominously dark.

And with the sudden appearance, of an all too familiar line, of descending crystal steps. It was that I knew, that things, would only get better, from here on out. And finally, my elaborate, but also simple plan. Would surely wind up going down, in anime history.

And now, getting back to the current moment, what with the current arrival of Limone. I then couldn't help, but give a small smile.

"Ah Limone, right on time like always," I said, while giving my current small smile.


"Okay Bluebell, though I would love to listen, to more of your thrilling commentary. But we are all sort of in a situation at the current moment," I heard the unmistakable voice of Keiko, then suddenly speak up, all while she was giving me an expression, to pretty much let me know, that now was not the most ideal moment, to be doing something like this.

And this, was no exception, in fact...

"Bluebell, lookout!" I then heard the all too familiar voice, of one Touma Kamijou then ring out.

And, upon the still unstable, and bright white glowing Misaka, then firing off yet another high electrical attack, in my general direction. I then, with my quick reflexes, and unlike last time, managed to raise my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, into a two handed, and deflecting like stance.

However, even though the high electrical attack, managed to hit my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and was successfully deflected. The high electrical attack, was still managing, to shove my whole body backwards. And this was even though, my light blue high heel clad feet, were as rock solid with the ground, as they had been. But despite this being the case, I was still being shoved backwards, as my light blue high heels, were leaving drag marks, as I was being shoved backwards.

"Well, good thing for my superhuman reflexes...And yet, Misaka's high electrical attack, still managed to shove me backwards a good amount," I thought to myself, through some slight frustration, and gritted teeth. As not even a second later, the currently being deflected attack against my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, ceased. And as a result, I was now fully planted again.

"Sis, are you alright?" I then heard the voice of Wedding Peach call out to me with concern.

"Yes sis, I am fine, a slight bit strained, but otherwise fine," I said to Wedding Peach in response. While afterwards, this was followed, by me giving a slightly audible grunt. Which was followed about a second later, by me turning to her, and then giving a knowing smile, with both of my eyes closed. In order to let her know, that I was fine.

"Okay, all of us really need to come up with a strategy here, and do it fast...Because given Misaka's currently unstable state...and what I already know about Gensei Kihara...I would say, that we don't have long, before Academy City, is wiped off of the map, and along with everyone in it, including all of us," I thought to myself.

However, I wouldn't know until a short time from now, that when it came to the rest of the Four Aces Alliance, someone on our side, had a hidden ability, that not many knew they had. In fact, it was this hidden ability, that had helped a version of myself, as well as her, to pass The Final Judgment. But more about that, in the next chapter.