Chapter 82: Casting Judgment And Calling Checkmate!: The Four Aces Alliance Vs. Gensei Kihara (Part 4)

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so continuing off from the last chapter. Well, not exactly the exact point of the tail end of the last chapter. But you get what I mean in this instance. As in, the somewhat current situation was, well...

"Ah Limone, right on time like always," I said, while giving my current small smile.


"Okay Bluebell, though I would love to listen, to more of your thrilling commentary. But we are all sort of in a situation at the current moment," I heard the unmistakable voice of Keiko, then suddenly speak up, all while she was giving me an expression, to pretty much let me know, that now was not the most ideal moment, to be doing something like this.

And this, was no exception, in fact...

"Bluebell, lookout!" I then heard the all too familiar voice, of one Touma Kamijou then ring out.

And, upon the still unstable, and bright white glowing Misaka, then firing off yet another high electrical attack, in my general direction. I then, with my quick reflexes, and unlike last time, managed to raise my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, into a two handed, and deflecting like stance.

However, even though the high electrical attack, managed to hit my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and was successfully deflected. The high electrical attack, was still managing, to shove my whole body backwards. And this was even though, my light blue high heel clad feet, were as rock solid with the ground, as they had been. But despite this being the case, I was still being shoved backwards, as my light blue high heels, were leaving drag marks, as I was being shoved backwards.

"Well, good thing for my superhuman reflexes...And yet, Misaka's high electrical attack, still managed to shove me backwards a good amount," I thought to myself, through some slight frustration, and gritted teeth. As not even a second later, the currently being deflected attack against my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, ceased. And as a result, I was now fully planted again.

"Sis, are you alright?" I then heard the voice of Wedding Peach call out to me with concern.

"Yes sis, I am fine, a slight bit strained, but otherwise fine," I said to Wedding Peach in response. While afterwards, this was followed, by me giving a slightly audible grunt. Which was followed about a second later, by me turning to her, and then giving a knowing smile, with both of my eyes closed. In order to let her know, that I was fine.

"Okay, all of us really need to come up with a strategy here, and do it fast...Because given Misaka's currently unstable state...and what I already know about Gensei Kihara...I would say, that we don't have long, before Academy City, is wiped off of the map, and along with everyone in it, including all of us," I thought to myself.

And it was then, after I had had this thought, that I then decided, that now was as good a time as any, to let one Mr. Rotten Luck himself, in on my plan. Because as fate would have it, Touma Kamijou, was another key piece, in all of us putting an end, to the endless fighting, as well as the deaths, that had resulted from those like Galaxia and Beryl.

And so, with this thought, and commitment, now very fresh on my mind. I then turned my attention towards one Touma Kamijou, and then decided to speak up, in an effort to fill him in on my plan.

"Oi, Touma? Your Imagine Breaker? You tried it on Misaka not too long before we got here, and it didn't work on her when you tried it, correct?" I called out to Touma, which was quickly followed, by a somewhat shocked looking expression from Touma.

"How do you know that? You know..." Touma was saying, until Keiko decided to cut him off mid-statement.

"Look Touma, just try humoring Bluebell for a second would you? Because the more that we just stand here and do nothing..." Keiko said, in an effort to get Touma to understand the currently dire, and very dangerous situation, that we were all currently in.

Which was all but confirmed, about a second later, by the still currently unstable, and white glowing Misaka, then proceeding to change into another form, so to speak. Which, not surprisingly, caused Touma, to pretty much get the message, without Keiko having to finish her statement to him.

"Fine, but if this doesn't work, then..." Touma began to say, only for someone else to chime in.

"Look...Touma was it? How about you just save the idle threats, and just agree to the plan already?!" Angel Salvia then chimed in, as she was now getting pretty fed up, with Touma's semi-defiant like tone and demeanor.

"Well said Salvia, and you have my thanks. Now then Touma, how about you do as Keiko, and Salvia just asked of you? Because judging from how things are quickly spinning out of control, I would say that we currently have, about maybe a minute at most, before Academy City, is wiped off the map," I said to Touma, as while I was talking to him, I had drawn my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder.

And after I had done this, I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach. "So sis, what do you say, that we do our do-diligence, and save Academy City?" I said, while I had turned to her, and had given her a knowing smile.

"Gladly sis," Wedding Peach responded back, as she then proceeded, to pull out her Saint Miroir. And, once I had filled Touma in on the rest of my plan, we then set said plan in motion.

And, with Touma, now proceeding to get into a battle type stance. Me and Wedding Peach, then proceeded to launch our respective purification attacks, just as Touma, had started to take off running, toward the currently still unstable, and still white glowing Misaka.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin, and once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed its familiar red color, she then launched her attack from her Saint Miroir towards the currently unstable, and white glowing Misaka.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And once the blade of my sword started glowing its familiar light blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my attack from the swords blade, and also, towards the currently unstable, and white glowing Misaka.

And with Touma, just managing to get to Misaka, managing to front forward flip over her right shoulder, and was thus able, to use his Imagine Breaker in his right hand, to provide a semi opening through the protective like barrier on that shoulder.

And once both of our respective purification attacks had hit the still unstable and white glowing right shoulder in question, at exactly the same time, the resulting force of both of our respective purification attacks, in combination with Touma's Imagine Breaker, caused Misaka, to return to normal. And, it was only then, that everyone else but me had realized, that what had just happened, truly was what was going to go down, as the most elaborate, but simple plan, in anime history.

But there was still the issue, of one Gensei Kihara. However, I had already planned, for a way for all of us to get there in a reasonable amount of time.

And so, with that in mind, despite a somewhat big amount of coaxing, to everyone else that wasn't in on my plan. We then, with the aura and power of the Through Card, now coursing through all of us, except for Touma, for obvious reasons. And Sogiita, because he decided to go off and do something else, for reasons known only to him. We then, with using the power of the Through Card, managed to get to the aforementioned lab, in no time at all.

And, just to make things all the more convenient, and as we all currently stood inside one of the walls on the side of the hallway, where everyone else currently was...

"Well, given all you villains, and your less then pleased demeanor. As well as all of your not very pleased expressions. I would say that you really weren't all expecting, all of us to know what was truly going on, did you? Well, that is quite typical, as I think Angel Bluebell herself had said to all of you not long ago. That she knew more about all of you villains, then you thought that she did. And more to the point, she wasn't the only one, that knew about any of this. And speaking of those like Angel Bluebell, I would say that right about now..." I suddenly heard Zachary say.

And of course, just to make things all just a little more dramatic, and to give us all a proper entrance, so to speak. I decided to speak up. "Sorry we're late everyone, we sort of got hung up with something," I said, as my voice rang out through the hallway.

And upon all of us then walking out from within the wall. Zachary once again decided to speak up. "Ah Angel Bluebell, right on time, I see that you managed to carry out your part of things. Keiko, Misaka, it is so nice to see you both as well," Zachary said, while he, about a second later, had turned his attention back towards the group of villains, who not surprisingly, all now had looks of shock, and total disbelief present on their faces.

"Oh right, where are my manners. Gensei, you didn't really honestly think..." Zachary began, only to have somebody else interrupt him instead. Well more like two somebodies...

"Hey Zachary, they get the point! Now how about we move on from your rambling statement finally?!" Me and Keiko, then chimed in, nearly in unison, as a way to let Zachary know, that the villains had pretty much gotten the message.

"Oh r-right, now then Gensei, what do you say that we finally settle things, between the likes of us, and those like you?" Zachary said, with a now much more telling smirk present, on one side of his face.

"Hello viewers, Angel Bluebell here...And now viewers...I will see all of you lot in the chapter...okay?...*I say this, while once again smiling with both eyes closed*"