Chapter 97: To Be A Hero!: My Plan Enters Its Final Phase! (Part 3)

"Hello viewers, Angel Bluebell here...Now then viewers, lets now head into the next part, of this portion, of this crossover arc...But first things first viewers...A full recap of the previous chapter."

And here is the recap of the previous chapter in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, the final phase of my plan, was about to go into full swing. And finally, the chain tying the endless fighting cycle, of good versus evil, would finally break. And more importantly, this would put a permanent end, to the fighting and endless death, that had been taking place in three separate anime timelines and dimensions.

But, even after this battle had reached its conclusion, and thus end the endless fight against Chaos. The Railgun timeline version of myself, regarding their time in the Railgun anime timeline, as Keiko, was actually far from being over.

"Yea so about that particular topic viewers...Hello viewers, Keiko here again...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers...before once again bringing her attention back up again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...Now then I was about to address to all of you...Yes, you did read that last part adventure as Keiko in the Railgun anime timeline, is in fact far from being fact long as Kazuma...continues to create more source material for this anime...then my adventure viewers...will only wind up continuing...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling quite broadly, but in a very cute looking way*...Now then viewers...I think that that is more then enough, of my fourth wall break...Well, at least for the moment...and now viewers...let us now get back to the story...shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand, and more importantly, the final phase of my elaborate, but simple plan. And on the topic of that...

"Okay everyone, it's now time for the end game!" I said, with a now all too telling looking smirk present on my face.

"Yes Bluebell, agreed, it indeed time to finally put an end to all of the senseless trouble, that all of you villains have caused us over the years!" Keiko wound up chiming in with.

But then...

"What are you talking about now you light blue haired electric irritant, Lapin?!" Joker suddenly wound up chiming in with.

"Ah Joker, so finally you now decide to speak up after several chapters of silence? Well then, it is quite a shame then, that you won't be around for very much longer!" Keiko then wound up chiming in with, as electricity, had now suddenly started to crackle, through the bangs of her long light blue hair.

"What do you mean by that?! Start explaining yourself right now!" Raindevila now suddenly chimed in with.

"What Keiko means Raindevila, is that thanks in a very large part to me and Sakura, this is now going to be the very last time, that the 24 of you villains, wind up coming back to fight against any of us! Oh that's right Raindevila, you didn't think that we had a end all be all plan to break this endless cycle of senseless fighting did you?! Well, seeing as how the rest of you are about to lose everything for the last time anyways, I think that it is about time that we finally reveal, just how doomed from the start, all of you villains truly were!" Zachary then decided to chime in with saying.

To which he then decided to explain further, as Zachary then proceeded to speak up again.

"For you see Raindevila, and as for the rest of you villains as well. There was no throne here. No version of this, where you villains came out on top. And the one of the very important reasons to this, has to do with how me, and the rest of those on our side, wound up getting to this point. So tell me..." Zachary proceeded to say, only for me to decide to cut him off mid statement.

"Okay Zachary, far too long of a winded explanation...So allow me to explain things to them, in a bit more of a simplified manner. And for the record Zachary, I think that we're missing a member from our side here...So Urd, would you kindly show yourself, if it isn't too much trouble?" Keiko then suddenly said.

And, as if on cue, a small light shining circle, suddenly appeared, in the floor on one side of the hallway, that we were all currently in.

And out of the hole in question, came an all too familiar looking silver haired figure. Well, to me anyway, but to everyone else...

Besides me as well of course...

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?!" Sailor Galaxia suddenly chimed in with.

"Galaxia, is that any way to talk to a goddess?" Urd then suddenly chimed in, in response to Galaxia. Which not surprisingly, sent everyone in the hallway except me and Keiko, reeling back in complete shock.

"Ah Urd, how nice of you to finally join in on the festivities..." Keiko began with saying, only for me and Zachary, to then suddenly chime in.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you can't be serious with that right?! Urd?! As in 2nd class, management category, limited license?! That Urd?!" Zachary now suddenly chimed in response to me with.

But, as for my response...

"Ah Urd, how nice it finally is to meet the very goddess, who helped Brett Handy in his fanfiction adventures," I then chimed in with.

Which not surprisingly...

"Wait a sec here Bluebell, do you mean to tell me that you knew that Urd was involved with all of this?!" Keko then said back to what I had just said in response.

And with a telling smile present on my face, I then decided that now was as good a time as any, to let Keiko know, that I sort of knew that Urd was behind everything that had been shown to me, Keiko, and Zachary, over the course of our separate journeys in our respective anime timelines

"As a matter of fact Keiko, yes, yes I did. And the reason for this, is when you've been around magic, for as long as I have. Then you tend to catch onto a few things that one wouldn't normally foresee otherwise. And in a much quicker fashion as well. So yes Keiko, though I may not have known immediately, that Urd had some sort of hand in both of our adventures. I did however, have my suspicions," I wound up saying back to Keiko in response.

"O-oh, well thanks for that intriguing insight Bluebell..." Keiko, while I noticed, that she had briefly turned her attention to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers in a thought based fourth wall break moment.

Only thing was...

"Hey Keiko? I think that that is more then enough of your thought based ramblings don't you?" Misaka then suddenly chimed in with saying to Keiko.

"R-right Misaka, my bad," Keiko then said to Misaka in response, with a bead of sweat, now very much present, on one side of her face.

The only thing was...

"Hey Urd, I turn my back for five minutes, and this is what I find out that you're doing?" A new unknown, but somehow somewhat familiar sounding female voice, then suddenly wound up ringing out through the hallway.

And sure enough, one of the reflective panels of the hallway that we were all currently in, then suddenly started to shine quite intensely bright. And out of this glowing panel, came a female figure. One, that I recognized almost immediately.

"Oh, well this just got a heck of a bit more interesting, now that Belldandy has decided to grace us all with her presence...and to be honest here viewers...the anime really doesn't do someone as beautiful as Belldandy enough justice...But anyway viewers...I will see you all in the next chapter," I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my attention to the right of me, during this, to briefly address the viewers.

And now, with the previous chapter recap now over with, we will proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, I was not at all shocked, that someone like Urd and Belldandy, had decided to grace us all with their presence. In fact, I was the only other version of myself, besides Keiko, who had a very good realization, that Urd had been the one behind helping me, her, and Zachary, on various stages of our adventures, throughout our respective anime fanfiction perspectives, and timelines.

But, however...

"Urd, would you mind explaining to me why exactly you have decided to come to this particular timeline?" Belldandy asked Urd, with just a hint of tone in her voice, that pretty much let Urd know, that what she had been doing over the course of both this fanfic, and the other two, was not something that Belldandy approved of her doing.

Which not surprisingly...

"Okay, so anyone else want to pop in that we also don't know are here as well?!" The arrogant sounding tone of Beryl suddenly chimed in with.

And of course...

"Hey Beryl, why don't you just do the rest of us all a favor, and just pipe down for a minute? As you are really starting to irritate me!" Joker suddenly now chimed in with. And given that Joker was himself, was a villain, who was annoying by nature, this was speaking volumes, coming from someone like him.

"And what if I don't Joker?! Just what are you going to do if I don't?!" Beryl then snapped back to Joker with.

"Alright silence, both of you!" Galaxia now chimed in with, and this was while she had decided, to flare her golden colored aura from around her, in an effort to get both Beryl and Joker, to stop bickering with each other.

And sure enough...

"R-right, our humblest apologies Galaxia!" Joker then said in response, and with a very nervous sounding tone to his voice.

But then, as the three of them had their entire focus on the bickering that had just ceased between Beryl and Joker.

And just before Beryl and Joker had ceased bickering with each other due to Galaxia arrogantly telling the both of them to stop.

I then, quickly turned my attention to Wedding Peach, while she did the same to me. And once we had both given a nod to each other, we then set about, using our respective purification attacks, to purify Beryl and Joker. And more importantly, bring us all, and my elaborate but simple plan, one step closer. Which was going to play its part with finally putting a permanent end, to the endless fighting and death. That had been caused by Chaos, and its multiple incarnations.

And as Wedding Peach readied her Saint Miroir, and I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. We then proceeded to go ahead with purifying Beryl and Joker.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said. As she did a complete spin, and once the heart symbol on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then launched her all too familiar purification attack from it, towards Joker and Beryl.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!~" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And, once the blade glowed a bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I launched my respective purification attack forth, from the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and towards Joker and Beryl.

And, once both of our respective purification attacks, hit Joker and Beryl at exactly the same time, they were both purified, and this caused them both, to fade out of existence.

And not surprisingly...

"Well that was quite anti-climactic. And mind you viewers..." I began to say. But, just before I was about to start another of my fourth wall breaks. Wedding Peach decided to speak to me in response to this.

"Yea Bluebell? Not the best time to be talking to the viewers, as we are all sort of in a situation at the moment. So save it for a bit later on okay?" Wedding Peach wound up chiming in with in response to my current attempt at starting a fourth wall break moment.

"R-right sis my bad," I wound up saying in response, as a sweatdrop, became visible, and then wound up making its way down one side of my face. While I also put my free right hand behind my head, and a sheepish looking grin, was also present on my face.

"Hey viewers...Angel Bluebell here...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...And so viewers...with this very much in mind...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"