Chapter 98: To Be A Hero!: My Plan Enters Its Final Phase! (Part 4)

"Hello viewers, Angel Bluebell here...Now then viewers, lets now head into the final part, of this portion, of this crossover arc...And also viewers...the final chapter of this fanfic...Yes read that part right...Actually you didn't...*I then suddenly proceed to let out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh*...So, due to a recent development and discovery, this is not going to wind up being the final chapter of this fanfic...So in other words viewers...I would keep an eye out for updates, regarding future chapter additions...Now then viewers, let us now, get into, the next chapter...of this fanfic...But first things first viewers...a full recap of the few previous chapters, is in order."

And here is the recap of the previous chapters in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so I had just been successfully rescued, from nearly being possibly injured, or even killed by Queen Nehelennia. And thanks to Keiko and Misaka, Queen Nehelennia, had been wiped out of existence for what was now going to be the last time.

But, though nobody knew the reason at to why this was the case yet. It actually had to do, with a certain unique magical spell, that both Zachary and Sakura had said, way back, just before the events on August 9th, had started. And, it was while the both of them, had been talking, to a certain Sailor Guardian, of time and space.

"Hey viewers...Keiko here just to give you all a bit more insight into what exactly that means...go and read chapter 76 of Going In Almost Completely Blind...'A Polite Invitation'...and then you will see viewers, exactly what led us all, into being able to win not just this battle...but the previous one back on August 9 as well...I mean after all viewers...she did in fact say, to the Cardcaptor version of myself, that 'it would be fine'...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling a bit more visibly*...which for the record viewers, happens to be what is known, as her 'invincibility spell'...I mean after all helped her and Zachary, to win the Final Judgment back in their respective timeline...Now then viewers...back to the story at hand...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

And, as Keiko and Misaka, stood poised to take on the next villain, who was dumb enough to try and attack us again. Thankfully, due to the growing arrogance, and anger, of a certain villain on that side, we wouldn't have to wait that much longer. In fact...

"Damn you both! I'll kill you both for that!" Jadeite then suddenly decided to speak up with saying.

And, as Jadeite decided, to try and attack Keiko and Misaka, with him firing off several lightning bolts of his own. Keiko and Misaka, had more then enough time, to react to Jadeite's arrogant induced response.

And, as I turned my attention briefly, to Angel Daisy, and simply just gave her a nod. Angel Daisy, then proceeded to step in, in order to make entirely sure, that both Keiko and Misaka, had enough protection, so that Jadeite, wouldn't be able, to try anything untoward.

And, as Angel Daisy then leapt forward, and then stood in front of Keiko and Misaka. And then, by raising one of her arms, managed to conjure up a barrier, in order to neutralize Jadeite's lightning. Which hit the barrier, and caused it to completely disintegrate. It was then that Keiko knew, that whatever the rest of the rogues gallery had planned, wouldn't work.

In fact, what was about to happen, would cause it to backfire on all of them, quite spectacularly I might add.

And, as it currently stood, Jadeite, was currently quite less then pleased. And this was due largely in part...

"Come on, stop hiding behind one another and face me! I thought that you were both supposed to be well known Espers!? Was that all just talk?!" Jadeite proceeded to say, in a sort of taunting tone like manner.

And it was then, that Keiko, just couldn't help but give off a small smile, while she then, started to giggle. It started quite low in tone at first, only to quickly become more audible. And as for Jadeite? Well...

"What is so damn funny you foolish little girl!?" Jadeite now suddenly spoke up with saying, his face now twitching quite visibly, with quite a bit of frustrated anger present on it as well.

"Oh nothing really Jadeite. And if anything, I would consider you, to be far more of a fool then either of us could ever be. Which reminds me. Saturn, can you please takeover for Sakura and Zachary for the moment, I think it is about time that we put the next phase of Bluebells plan into motion don't you?" Keiko then proceeded to say.

And, with a quick nod in return, Sailor Saturn sprang into action, as she then quickly leapt in front of Sakura and Zachary. "Silent Wall!" Sailor Saturn then called out. Which was then quickly followed, by the sudden conjuring of her Silent Wall barrier from out of nowhere. And as for Zachary and Sakura?

"Thank you very much for the assist Keiko, and you as well Saturn. Now then Sakura, what do you say, that we help to teach the Four Dark Kings, about what true teamwork truly is?" I then heard Zachary suddenly say, as both he and Sakura, after having nodded to each other, then proceeded to pull one of their Star Cards out, and after leaping upwards into the air, doing a front flip, and then landing in front of Angel Daisy. They then proceeded, to use the Star Card, that they had just pulled out, against Jadeite.

Once Zachary, had thrown the Star Card in question, up into the air, and as it spun in place like a top. Zachary and Sakura, then raised their respective staffs towards it.

"Arrow!" Zachary and Sakura then said in unison, as the Arrow Card then stopped spinning, just as both of their respective staffs, were raised straight up to it.

And then, with the sudden appearance of the Arrow Card spirit, it then proceeded, to conjure up an arrow from out of nothing. And once it had pulled it back in the drawstring of its bow, it then let it loose, not even a second later.

"So you think that a single mere arrow, is going to be enough to take down someone like me?! Just how little do you think of someone like me?! As it is quite an insult, coming from a pint-sized squirt like you Zachary!" Jadeite said, with quite a bit of an arrogant tone in his voice.

And not surprisingly, Keiko once again, couldn't help but let out a very audible giggle.

"I seemed to have missed the part here Keiko, where you think that what I said is funny!" Jadeite then decided to pipe up with, his arrogant and angry tone, now just all that much more audible.

"Oh Jadeite, are you really still talking? I sort of stopped listening to you at some point after you had said, 'so.' And for the record Jadeite, which thank goodness I'm not. Then I wouldn't have called Zachary a pint-sized squirt, if I had been you, isn't that right Li?" Keiko said, with a now all to telling smirk, now very much present on her face.

And sure enough, as a way to confirm what Keiko had just said.

"Hey Jadeite, you want to repeat what you just said?! Because no one speaks to my friends like that!" Li then wound up saying. As he then proceeded, to leap towards Jadeite, with his Jian now drawn back. And with a now very pissed looking expression, now very much present, on his face.

And, just as I had planned and intended. Jadeite, then instinctively, raised one of his hands, and then produced a small forcefield, to which Li simple wound up bouncing off of it.

But, as I had planned, several more people, then wound up springing into action. And what I mean by that is...

"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily's voice, then suddenly rang out with saying. As she motioned her right hand, over her leg band, and her Saint Spiral Whip, then appeared in her right hand, in a split second, in a quick flash of white light.

Which was then followed, by Angel Lily, then proceeding, to tie up Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite in it. "Bluebell, Peach, you two are up!" Angel Lily then following up with saying in response.

"Thank you very much Lily, and you have my thanks. Now then sis, what do you say, that we show the Four Dark Kings, what true teamwork looks like?" I then said, while I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder.

"Gladly sis, let's show them what a true sisterly bond can do," Wedding Peach then quickly responded with, back to me. As she then, proceeded, to pull out her Saint Miroir.

And with this now having been done, me and Wedding Peach, then launched our respective purification attacks.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a complete spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir, glowed a bright red, she then fired her purification attack from it, towards Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!~" I said. And once the blade on my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, started to glow its usual and familiar bright light blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my respective purification attack from it, towards Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite.

And, once both of our purification attacks, wound up hitting all four of the Dark Kings, at exactly the same, all four of them were purified. To which all four of them, then faded out of existence.

And it was then, that I knew, that this final fight, was ours to win, and ours alone.

However, I was not the only version of myself, who was currently thinking this very thing, at this exact moment.

Okay, so as it currently stood, everyone on our side, seemed to be in very good spirits. And what I mean by that, is that we all felt, that we were all currently doing a very good job, in keeping the villains rouges gallery off balance. And, with what had already happened, and what was about to still transpire, would more then prove, that when you work together like we were currently doing, then there was nothing that the villains put in our way, that we weren't going to be able to overcome.

And while we're on the subject of that...

"Alright, enough of this insolence! It is time for you all to die! So prepare yourself Bluebell, because I intend to finish you and your allies off, once and for all!" The all too familiar, and very arrogant sounding voice of Pluie, then suddenly decided to speak up with.

And with Pluie having just said this, I just couldn't help, but then let out a sort of defeated sigh. And as for Pluie, well he decided to take immediate offense to me having done this.

"Hey Bluebell, am I boring you?!" Pluie arrogantly said, only to be met with a very aggressive response almost immediately. And what I mean when I say that, is. Well...

"Alright, I am now completely sick of hearing you talk in such an arrogant sounding tone Pluie! And speaking of people on our side, currently being completely sick of you..." I suddenly then decided to respond with. To which I then turned my attention, to several individuals on our side. More specifically, I had turned my attention, to Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto.

And, upon giving all three them all a nod. And with a smirk, now very much present on my face. We then set about, teaching Pluie, and several of the other villains on their side, a very important lesson about teamwork.

But, before Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had their turn in this. I had decided to let Angel Salvia, create a sort of distraction, so that Pluie, and the rest of those associated with him, were kept off balance. So that way, they couldn't defend themselves, from what was still to transpire.

And speaking of Angel Salvia...

"Saint...Twin...Swords!" The all too familiar sounding voice of Angel Salvia, then suddenly rang out with, as she conjured up her Saint Twin Swords, and then proceeded to charge towards Pluie, with both of them drawn back, and at the ready, to strike.

And as Angel Salvia's Saint Twin Swords, made a metallic crashing sound, as they both slammed against Pluie's sword of darkness. I then, couldn't help but give off a small sort of smile. Because when it came to the rest of the villains rogues gallery, time for the rest of them, was now slowly running out. As it was now only a matter of time, before they all wound up losing everything...again.

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand. And, as it stood, Angel Salvia, was currently locked in a clash of steel and swords, against Pluie. But, as I had said to Keiko back in the open area, when me and Wedding Peach had returned Misaka back to normal. Keiko pretty much knew, as much as I currently did. That things regarding our unbeatable advantage against the villain rogues gallery, was only going to become more prominent, as time went on.

And sure enough...

I then, simply just wound up turning my attention, back to the same three individuals. Which were Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. To whom I had turned to not too long ago. And upon me giving the three of them another nod. The three of them, along with several more, wound up springing into action.

"World...Shaking!" Sailor Uranus said, as she raised her right hand, clenching it into a fist, and conjuring up one of her most powerful attacks. Which she followed up, with slamming her attack into the ground, as it then made its way towards several of the villains on the other side.

"Deep...Submerge!" Sailor Neptune said, as she raised both of her hands upwards, and conjured up one of her most powerful attacks. And after she had done a complete spin, she launched her attack towards several of the villains on the other side.

"Dead...Scream!" Sailor Pluto said, as she used her Garnet Rod, to conjure up one of her most powerful attacks. And, after doing a complete spin, she launched her own attack, towards several of the villains on the other side.

And, as Angel Salvia, wound up seeing the three of their attacks closing in fast, and managed to action roll out of the way with inches to spare. Pluie, Aquelda, Igneous, Potamos, and Petora, weren't able to react to the three separate attacks, until it was already far too late. As all three attacks, wound up slamming into the five of them, and then caused all five of them, to be blown out of existence. Which wound up leaving absolutely nothing left of the five of them, not even ashes.

And upon seeing all of this occur, Keiko just couldn't help, but give off a small sort of smile. Since she knew full well, that my elaborate, but simple plan, was now in full swing. And to make matters all the more dire, and severe, for all of the remaining villains on the opposing side. All they could do at this point, was delay the inevitable. As Keiko also knew full well, that we didn't need to show all of our cards in our possession, so to speak, should the villains decide to come crawling back from the dead again.

But, what Keiko did not know, and yet Zachary did know. Was that he and Sakura, due to their very first encounter with Sailor Pluto several months back. And what Sakura herself had said during that very encounter, would wind up all but solidifying, that this time, the villains, would not wind up coming back this time. I mean after all, they didn't call it her invincibility spell for no reason.

Okay, so as it stood 10 villains, had now been wiped out of existence on the opposing side. And, more importantly, no one on our side had sustained a single injury. And due to how my plan had been planned out, this was actually not that much of a surprise. As I had been the one, that had come up with a similar sort of plan, back on August 9 as well.

And this plan of mine, although somewhat more elaborate, was actually, in reality, not that much more elaborate, then the plan that had been thought out by me back on August 9.

But, however there was one major and obvious difference, between my current plan, and the one that I had come up with back on August 9. And this major difference, had to do, with how all 25 of us, were now more able to work together with each other, in a now much more seamless fashion.

And this was largely due in part, and largely thanks in part, to how we all had crossed paths with each other. And more importantly, if me and Wedding Peach, had crossed paths with Sailor Moon in our respective combined anime timeline, in any other form. Then things would not have transpired in the way that they were currently doing so right now.

In fact, any other sort of encounter involving the three of them, would've more then likely resulted, in severe injury, or even death.

And I would not know until a bit later on, that this was due to a single goddess' entire involvement, in each of the three separate canon timelines. In fact, every single vision, that had been shown to me, Keiko, and Zachary, had all been the work of one person.

In fact, it was the act of a certain silver haired goddess, showing me a string of certain vision like images during our first encounter and battle with Sailor Moon as an ally, that helped to spawn the catalyst, that wound up with all of us meeting in the manner that we did.

As that very first encounter with Sailor Moon, helped me and Wedding Peach, to earn the complete trust of the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

And as future events would wind up transpiring in this battle, it would help to further show, just how much of a major benefit, this trust between the Love Angels, and the Sailor Senshi, would be.

But, back to the current situation at hand, and it was at this point. That, well...

"Alright, I've had enough of this!" One Eudial decided to say suddenly, in a very pissed off and very arrogant sounding tone.

And, not surprisingly...

"*Keiko then proceeds to let out a very audible sounding sigh* you ever..." Keiko proceeded to say, only for Eudial to cut her off mid statement.

"Be quiet! I've had enough of your irritating banter!" Eudial replied back to Keiko in quite a snide sounding tone.

"Honestly Eudial, I could say the same about you! As you are being quite irritating yourself! So how about you do us all a favor, and either put up, or shut up!" I then spoke up with saying to Eudial in response. To which I had said this, with an all too telling looking smirk present on my face.

Which not surprisingly...

"Damn you, how dare you talk...!" Eudial tried to speak up with in response, only for me, to cut her threat off mid sentence.

"No Eudial...How dare I talk to you like that?!...Are you serious with that?!...How about how dare YOU talk to ME like you just did!...You still don't get it!...And given how you went about things the last time...You know, when you were attempting to find the talismans?..I wouldn't say that I am surprised that you are still acting like this! ...*I then proceed to turn my attention briefly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers*...Yea so viewers?...Yes, I am well aware, that I did say quite a few chapters back in Going In Completely Blind, that I wasn't going to hold Eudial responsible, for getting both Sailor Uranus , and Sailor Neptune killed...But, seeing as how we are sort of outside of the canon timeline at the moment viewers...I think that I can make this sort of exception just this one time...And if you have an issue with this viewers...then might I suggest that you don't bother voicing it?...As your willingness to do so, is immensely irrelevant...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

Okay, so things regarding the current situation with Eudial, were as good as they could possibly be. In fact, Eudial, along with Mimete, Telu, and the rest of the Witches 5, were about to learn a very valuable lesson, that if you let your arrogance speak for you in a situation with your very life on the line. Then, when you do go down, you will have only yourself, and your comrades to blame.

And, given what was about to happen, this was going wind up being far more then a justifiable response. And on the subject of that...

"What did you just say to me you light blue headed twerp?!" Eudial now responded with, to what I had just said to her.

"I said...No dare I talk to you like that?!...Are you serious with that?!...How about how dare YOU talk to ME like you just did!...You still don't get it!...And given how you went about things the last time...You know, when you were attempting to find the talismans?...I wouldn't say that I am surprised that you are still acting like this!...Now would you like to hear me say it again?!...Perhaps slower so you can better understand my overall statement?!" I wound up almost immediately responding back to Eudial with.

And not surprisingly...

"How dare you talk to her like that!" Telu suddenly wound up responding with. As both she, and the rest of the Witches 5, now had very irritated looking expressions, on each of their faces.

"Well then that's just the pot calling the kettle black then isn't it?! As you're ones to talk!" Keiko then wound up responding to Telu with. As she was now completely fed up with her arrogant sounding tone.

"You stay out of this! As this..." Mimete wound up responding to me with, only for me to cut her threat off mid sentence.

"Yea no Mimete...I won't stay out of this as you just so unkindly just put!...As this does concern me!...Because if you have a problem with one of us, then you have a problem with all of us!...So why don't you do me a favor, as well as the rest of us..." Keiko then followed up with saying, only for a certain someone, to decide to call something out. Well, actually several certain someones.

"Moon...Gorgeous...Meditation!~" Eternal Sailor Moon called out, as she conjured up her Moon Kaleidoscope, and fired her attack from it, towards the Witches 5.

"Mercury...Aqua...Rhapsody!" Super Sailor Mercury called out, as she conjured up a harp made of water. To which, as she strummed several of the water harps strings. Several tendrils of water erupted forth from it, and headed towards the Witches 5.

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Super Sailor Mars called out, as she conjured up her flame arrow, and then launched it forward from her left, with the use of her right hand, as it had let go of the fire based drawstring that the flame arrow had been strung to. As the flame arrow, also made its way, towards the Witches 5.

"Jupiter...Oak...Evolution!" Super Sailor Jupiter called out, as she twirled in a fast circle, and several razor sharp looking leaves, suddenly appeared, and then made their way towards the Witches 5. As every single one, shot towards the five of them, at a very alarming rate of speed.

"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!" Super Sailor Venus called out, as she, like the rest of the other Inner Senshi, launched her attack towards the Witches 5.

And, as the five attacks closed in. None of the Witches 5, were able to react in time. As all 5 attacks, caused all 5 members of the Witches 5, to fade out of existence. And this wound up confirming, that they had in fact, all been purified.

And, more importantly, this had now taken us all one step closer, to finally putting an end, to all of the senseless fighting, and death.

Okay, so as it currently stood, the villain rogues galleries numbers, had been slowly dwindling. As the original opposing group of 24, had now been reduced, down to just 9. But, these remaining 9, weren't exactly slouches.

As the 9 that were left, were as follows. Galaxia, Joker, Raindevila, Gensei Kihara, Beryl, Kaolinite, and finally, The Amazon Trio.

But, as it currently stood, these remaining 9 individuals, who had just watched 15 of their so called allies, get blown out of existence, or purified, in the case of some of them. It was now quickly becoming apparent to them, that there wasn't really a remaining available version of this fight, in which they had any sort of advantage left.

In fact, with what was about to take place. Would show, that when you're backed into a corner, like these 9 villains were, someone, if not all of them, might suddenly decide to get desperate.

And on the subject of that...

"Damn you...all of you! You really think that you've all won against us haven't you?! Well no matter, as we will eventually be coming back to make the 25 of you pay!" Beryl suddenly blurted out with.

And not surprisingly...

"As a matter of fact Beryl...yes, yes I do think you villains, have no one to blame for this loss, but yourselves!...And on the subject of you coming back to make us pay Beryl?...Unfortunately for you villains, there isn't going to be a next this will be the very last time, that you ever come back to threaten any of us!" Zachary then suddenly wound up speaking up with.

Which not surprisingly, Zachary's current statement, wound up catching everyone on our side, except for him and Sakura, by complete surprise.

"Wait a sec Zachary, what do you mean when you say that?" Keiko then decided to respond with saying to what he had just said. As for only the second time since that version of myself, had wound up in Keiko's body in the Railgun anime timeline, she was now, completely in shock.

"Well Keiko, what I mean by what I just said, is that 'everything will be fine.' Isn't that right Sakura?" Zachary then wound up saying to me in response, as he then briefly turned his attention to Sakura, and smile at her. To which Sakura, wound up nodding to him in response, and then return her own smile back to him.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"Well Peach, Lily, Daisy, Salvia, I would say that it is now time for the end game, don't you think?" I then said. Which was followed during my statement, by me drawing my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder.

"Agreed Bluebell, it is finally time to show the villains what it truly means to be a hero," Angel Salvia then responded back to Angel Bluebell.

And, as me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, all then took ready fighting stances. We all, then prepared ourselves, to finally take my plan, into its final phase.

And more importantly, finally put an end, to the endless death, and fighting, that had been set in motion by the entity known as Chaos, back at the very start, of the Sailor Moon canon timeline.

As what was about to happen, would prove, that if you were going to choose, between being a villain, or being a hero. You had best be ready, to play the hero.

"And isn't that the truth viewers...Sorry, Keiko here again...*Keiko says this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing her attention back up again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...I mean after all one Herschel Biggs once said in the video game L.A. Noire...'The force is like politics, there's no sitting on the fence, you've gotta choose side, a brown paper envelope, and a one-way ticket to Palookaville'...*Keiko then suddenly blushes profusely, before then quickly composing herself, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Mind you viewers...when he had actually said that, Herschel Biggs, was of course speaking on the whole Los Angeles Police Department in the video game in question...what with the whole Suburban Redevelopment Fund...the death of Cole Phelps...crooked administrative vice cop Roy Earle...and of course, Leland Monroe...who was sometimes known as 'the man with the grin'...Also, while we are on that subject for the moment viewers...the very line that I had said back in my perspective of 'Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!'...That went as 'kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, ask the Emperor Of Japan'...That believe it or not viewers, was said by one Jack Kelso, in the L.A. Noire case, called 'A Polite Invitation'...Which believe it or not viewers...just so happens to be the title, of Going In Almost Completely Blind Chapter 76...*Keiko says this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so as it currently stood, the final phase of my plan, was about to go into full swing. And finally, the chain tying the endless fighting cycle, of good versus evil, would finally break. And more importantly, this would put a permanent end, to the fighting and endless death, that had been taking place in three separate anime timelines and dimensions.

But, even after this battle had reached its conclusion, and thus end the endless fight against Chaos. The Railgun timeline version of myself, regarding their time in the Railgun anime timeline, as Keiko, was actually far from being over.

"Yea so about that particular topic viewers...Hello viewers, Keiko here again...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers...before once again bringing her attention back up again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...Now then I was about to address to all of you...Yes, you did read that last part adventure as Keiko in the Railgun anime timeline, is in fact far from being fact long as Kazuma...continues to create more source material for this anime...then my adventure viewers...will only wind up continuing...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling quite broadly, but in a very cute looking way*...Now then viewers...I think that that is more then enough, of my fourth wall break...Well, at least for the moment...and now viewers...let us now get back to the story...shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand, and more importantly, the final phase of my elaborate, but simple plan. And on the topic of that...

"Okay everyone, it's now time for the end game!" I said, with a now all too telling looking smirk present on my face.

"Yes Bluebell, agreed, it indeed time to finally put an end to all of the senseless trouble, that all of you villains have caused us over the years!" Keiko wound up chiming in with.

But then...

"What are you talking about now you light blue haired electric irritant, Lapin?!" Joker suddenly wound up chiming in with.

"Ah Joker, so finally you now decide to speak up after several chapters of silence? Well then, it is quite a shame then, that you won't be around for very much longer!" Keiko then wound up chiming in with, as electricity, had now suddenly started to crackle, through the bangs of her long light blue hair.

"What do you mean by that?! Start explaining yourself right now!" Raindevila now suddenly chimed in with.

"What Keiko means Raindevila, is that thanks in a very large part to me and Sakura, this is now going to be the very last time, that the 24 of you villains, wind up coming back to fight against any of us! Oh that's right Raindevila, you didn't think that we had a end all be all plan to break this endless cycle of senseless fighting did you?! Well, seeing as how the rest of you are about to lose everything for the last time anyways, I think that it is about time that we finally reveal, just how doomed from the start, all of you villains truly were!" Zachary then decided to chime in with saying.

To which he then decided to explain further, as Zachary then proceeded to speak up again.

"For you see Raindevila, and as for the rest of you villains as well. There was no throne here. No version of this, where you villains came out on top. And the one of the very important reasons to this, has to do with how me, and the rest of those on our side, wound up getting to this point. So tell me..." Zachary proceeded to say, only for me to decide to cut him off mid statement.

"Okay Zachary, far too long of a winded explanation...So allow me to explain things to them, in a bit more of a simplified manner. And for the record Zachary, I think that we're missing a member from our side here...So Urd, would you kindly show yourself, if it isn't too much trouble?" Keiko then suddenly said.

And, as if on cue, a small light shining circle, suddenly appeared, in the floor on one side of the hallway, that we were all currently in.

And out of the hole in question, came an all too familiar looking silver haired figure. Well, to me anyway, but to everyone else...

Besides me as well of course...

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?!" Sailor Galaxia suddenly chimed in with.

"Galaxia, is that any way to talk to a goddess?" Urd then suddenly chimed in, in response to Galaxia. Which not surprisingly, sent everyone in the hallway except me and Keiko, reeling back in complete shock.

"Ah Urd, how nice of you to finally join in on the festivities..." Keiko began with saying, only for me and Zachary, to then suddenly chime in.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you can't be serious with that right?! Urd?! As in 2nd class, management category, limited license?! That Urd?!" Zachary now suddenly chimed in response to me with.

But, as for my response...

"Ah Urd, how nice it finally is to meet the very goddess, who helped Brett Handy in his fanfiction adventures," I then chimed in with.

Which not surprisingly...

"Wait a sec here Bluebell, do you mean to tell me that you knew that Urd was involved with all of this?!" Keko then said back to what I had just said in response.

And with a telling smile present on my face, I then decided that now was as good a time as any, to let Keiko know, that I sort of knew that Urd was behind everything that had been shown to me, Keiko, and Zachary, over the course of our separate journeys in our respective anime timelines

"As a matter of fact Keiko, yes, yes I did. And the reason for this, is when you've been around magic, for as long as I have. Then you tend to catch onto a few things that one wouldn't normally foresee otherwise. And in a much quicker fashion as well. So yes Keiko, though I may not have known immediately, that Urd had some sort of hand in both of our adventures. I did however, have my suspicions," I wound up saying back to Keiko in response.

"O-oh, well thanks for that intriguing insight Bluebell..." Keiko, while I noticed, that she had briefly turned her attention to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers in a thought based fourth wall break moment.

Only thing was...

"Hey Keiko? I think that that is more then enough of your thought based ramblings don't you?" Misaka then suddenly chimed in with saying to Keiko.

"R-right Misaka, my bad," Keiko then said to Misaka in response, with a bead of sweat, now very much present, on one side of her face.

The only thing was...

"Hey Urd, I turn my back for five minutes, and this is what I find out that you're doing?" A new unknown, but somehow somewhat familiar sounding female voice, then suddenly wound up ringing out through the hallway.

And sure enough, one of the reflective panels of the hallway that we were all currently in, then suddenly started to shine quite intensely bright. And out of this glowing panel, came a female figure. One, that I recognized almost immediately.

"Oh, well this just got a heck of a bit more interesting, now that Belldandy has decided to grace us all with her presence...and to be honest here viewers...the anime really doesn't do someone as beautiful as Belldandy enough justice..." I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my attention to the right of me, during this, to briefly address the viewers.

And now, with the previous chapters recap now over with, we will proceed right into the next chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so the final phase of my elaborate but simple plan, had now gone into full swing. But however, as things on our side, had basically been going like clockwork so far. What was about to happen, would wind up proving, that even if you have everything going for you in a situation like this. Then unfortunately, there are some things, even in fiction, that can wind up throwing a wrench into things. And this time, was going to wind up being no exception.

But, getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Okay that there was a very underhanded tactic, even from a bunch of so called heroes like you!" Kaolinite now decided to speak up with. After her not having said a single thing, since she and the rest of the villains had come back.

But, not surprisingly...

"And that is actually a very arrogant sounding statement! Especially since it is coming from an arrogant villain such as you Kaolinite! Well then Kaolinite, perhaps you would care to remind me again. As well as everyone else on our side, exactly how it was that you wound up...*ahem*...losing at the hands of the Senshi? Oh that's right Kaolinite! You lost to the Senshi back then, because you thought that underhanded tactics, and using Daimon eggs, somehow constituted you winning against them in any form or capacity! You know, rather then losing in the justifiable manner that you did!?" I then wound up chiming in with, in response to what Kaolinite had just said.

"Hello viewers...Angel Bluebell here...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*...Now then, you are probably wondering, why exactly I know about what went on with Kaolinite, and her fight against the Senshi back in Season S of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline, correct?...Well viewers...if you had read chapter one of Going In Completely Blind...then you would've noticed, that even before I wound up starting my journey...I did in fact know bits of information, about the main characters of both the Wedding Peach anime, and the Sailor Moon anime as well...And with regards to Kaolinite...I did in fact know of the fight that she had had against the Senshi on top of an too familiar looking radio tower...And while we are on the subject of that viewers...that very same radio tower...has actually been shown a great amount, in the Cardcaptors anime...and it was also shown once, in the Wedding Peach anime as well...So the point that I am trying to make here that..."

"Yea, so Bluebell?...I think the viewers get the overall why don't we just get back to the story?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while giving me a very weary looking expression, to basically let me know, that I am once again making my fourth wall break, just a bit too lengthy*"

"Oh...r-right bad...*I proceed to say this, while putting my free right hand behind my head. While a sheepish looking expression and grin is present on my face. And while a sweatdrop, is also very much visible, on one side of my face*...Anyway viewers...back to the story."

Anyway, getting back to the situation at hand. And as Keiko, Misaka, Zachary, Sakura, Eternal Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, and me, proceeded to put the final portion, of my elaborate, but simple plan, into full swing. Not one, of the seven of us knew, that what was about to happen, would wind up throwing a severe wrench into my plan. Well, when I say that...

"I think that that is more then enough heroism from the 25 of you, don't you think? And more importantly Lucky Strike and Railgun. I think you will find that everything that you have done to the point, has all been for nothing. Especially since I now have the control code to Exterior. And you all have Mental Out, to thank for your loss!" Gensei Kihara now chimed in with saying.

And this was now followed, by him starting to tap a couple times on his phone, that he had had in his possession since the beginning of this battle. And, with an evil looking smirk, now finding its way onto his face...

"And now...!" Gensei Kihara said, as he then wound up tapping his phone one final time.


"Ach!" Gensei Kihara suddenly let out, as his expression, suddenly wound up changing, from an evil smirk, to a shocked looking expression.

"Oh, so you having no plan, was actually your plan all along. Well played," Gensei Kihara then said, as he then suddenly collapsed to the ground, and lay there motionless.

And, not surprisingly...

"Well then...that was very anti-climactic...and also somewhat disappointing. So then..." Keiko began to say, only for Misaka to cut her off mid statement.

"Yea Keiko? Not the best time to be attempting a quippy statement..." Misaka then said to Keiko, with a somewhat sheepish looking expression on her face. To basically let Keiko know, that this was a very bad time, to be making an attempt at saying a quippy statement.

"Oh...right Misaka," Keiko wound up saying to her in response, as a bead of sweat was present, on one side of her face.

And, with Keiko, Misaka, Sakura, Zachary, Eternal Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, and me, once again readying ourselves for the end game. We then proceeded, to launch our respective attacks, towards the rest of the rouges gallery.

And, after Keiko and Misaka, had each pulled an arcade coin, from out of their respective skirt pockets. And placed them between their respective two fingers. The both of them, along with Zachary, Sakura, Eternal Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, and me, then proceeded forward with the end game.

And as for Zachary and Sakura. They wound up doing an about face, so that they could use one of their clow cards, in order to finally purify Galaxia. Who at the moment, was still behind all of us on our side. But, thanks to Sailor Saturn's Silent Wall, was still unable to do anything.

"Moon...Gorgeous...Meditation!~" Eternal Sailor Moon called out, as she conjured up her Moon Kaleidoscope, and fired her attack from it, towards 5 of the 6 remaining villains of the rogues gallery.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said. As she did a complete spin, and once the heart symbol on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then launched her all too familiar purification attack from it, towards 5 of the 6 remaining villains of the rogues gallery.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification!~" I said. As I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And, once my Sword Of Bluebells blade, glowed its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I launched her respective purification attack forth, from the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and towards the 6 remaining villains of the rogues gallery.

"Erase!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as Zachary threw the Erase Card up into the air. And as it spun, they both raised their respective star staffs towards it, to which it stopped spinning once both of their star staffs, had stopped inches from it. To which the wings on both of their star staffs grew outward slightly. And with the appearance of the Erase Card spirit not even a second after that, it then made its way, towards Galaxia. Which it did, by phasing right through Sailor Saturn's Silent Wall.

"So, from all of us in The Four Aces Alliance, to the six of you so called villains!" Keiko began, as she proceeded to flip her arcade coin.

"This is the part, where we proceed to wipe you out!" Misaka then chimed in with saying.

"So, with this in mind, goodbye to you, and good riddance!" Keiko then put in for good measure. Which was followed, by her and Misaka, then flipping their respective coins into the air. And once they came back down again, they then fired. To which each arcade coin, produced their respective railguns. As like the rest of the already launched attacks, also made their way, towards 5 of the 6 remaining villains of the rogues gallery.

And, once all of the attacks, wound up slamming into the remaining six villains, at somewhat varying intervals. All six of them, were purified, and then faded out of existence.

And, thanks to Zachary and Sakura's invincibility spell, this time, they wouldn't be coming back.

And this now meant, that me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, could finally retire as Love Angels. And more importantly, so could the Senshi. Which meant, that our respective combined anime timeline, had now reached its justifiable conclusion.

But, even though this was the case, Keiko still couldn't get over the fact, that Gensei Kihara had done what he had did. As he was still lying motionless on the floor of the hallway. Which pretty much confirmed, that he was dead.

"Well viewers...all is well that ends well...isn't that right?...Now then viewers...though this does in fact mark the end of the Going In Completely Blind fanfic story timeline...A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces, and Going In Almost Completely Blind...will still be continuing on past this point...Well, that is once Clamp finally decides to release the final season, of Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card...But for now viewers...after this chapters conclusion...we will be heading right back, into the remaining episodes, of Railgun Season T...Yes, you did read that part right viewers...there are still a good amount of Railgun Season T episodes left, to cover...*Keiko says this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, once the wind had died down, from all of our respective attacks. I then breathed a sigh of relief. Since I now knew, that the endless fight against Chaos, was finally over. And this now meant, that me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, could finally retire, and finally live in peace in our respective anime timeline.

But, unfortunately, this was not to be. At least, not yet anyway. As we would be once again brought back together in Academy City, in order to be involved in one last battle.

"So in other words viewers...Yes, Angel Bluebell here...So, as I was about to say...there is still one final battle, that The Four Aces have to partake in...Well, at least for now viewers...And so, with that in mind, I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"