"Hello there viewers...Shinko here...and yes viewers...I am very well aware that it hasn't been long at all...But anyways viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
Date: September 22, 2009
Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after Keiko and Misaka, had each generated their respective iron sand, and electricity composed Kaiju like beings. And though none of us knew what was about to happen. It would ultimately go to show, that sometimes, all it can really take, is just a single spark. When occurring improperly, can wind up turning a simple three anime dimension face off such as this one, into an all out multiverse sort of war.
But, getting back to the current situation...
"So Crowley, have you finally realized now, that there is absolutely not possible way in which you can win against all of us?" I now passionately said to Aleister Crowley, as a look of severe smugness. As well as a smug looking smirk that would even make one Jeremy Clarkson jealous, was present on my face.
The only trouble was...
"So Bluebell, you really do think that your strength in numbers is somehow going to give you an advantage in this battle don't you? Well let us just see about that shall we?" Aleister Crowley proceeded to say. Which was then followed by him once again proceeding to speak in his cryptic sounding language again.
And for the moment, I had decided to ignore it. But, as Keiko and Misaka, prepared to launch their respective railguns towards Crowley. I really should've bothered to pay a little more attention to what Crowley had been saying. But, since I didn't understand the cryptic sort of speech that he had been saying. I wasn't able to realize, that the very act of Misaka and Keiko firing their railguns at him, was about to trigger something, that none of us would've seen coming.
And so, with this not in mind sadly...
"Alright Keiko and Misaka, let him have it!" I proceeded to passionately call out to them both. Which was then followed, though I had a bit of hard trouble seeing them from that far down, by them both proceeding to pull an arcade coin out of their skirt pockets. Which, after they had placed them between their respective fingers. They then, without flipping them, proceeded to fire their respective railguns.
But, just before both of their railguns made it to Crowley, something quite unexpected then happened.
Which was made apparent, when a severely blinding white light, proceeded to occur out of seemingly nowhere, just before both Keiko and Misaka's respective railguns wound up making contact with Crowley.
And to make matters just that much worse, when the light finally died down, I then noticed that I wasn't in the open area in Academy City anymore. And, to make matters just that more strange, we were now in a different city. One, that I could almost recognize, as being Tokyo. Which was confirmed by Tokyo Tower being present off in the distance.
The only trouble was, that I could now tell, that this wasn't the usual timeline, of any of the three anime canon timeline, that me, Zachary, or Keiko were part of.
And even before I was able to think or do anything else. I then heard a sort of yell, that was coming from just to my right.
And when I then proceed to look slightly to my right, I then noticed a girl, with pink colored hair. And she seemed to currently be wearing a somewhat recognizable magical girl outfit from a 90s magical girl anime. And before I could attempt to say anything, someone that was also there with me, then proceeded to speak up.
"Wait, there's no way...is that?!...Oh, well this just got a whole lot more interesting Bluebell. Because if I am not mistaken, that is Mew Ichigo from the 90s anime magical girl series Tokyo Mew Mew," Zachary's voice now proceeded to speak up with.
And, though I was currently quite shocked with learning this new bit of information, I then proceeded to try and speak up, in response to what Zachary had just said.
"Wait a sec here, how exactly do you..." I tried to speak up with. Only to realize partway through me attempting to ask, that I then realized exactly what Zachary was trying to tell me. As I did somewhat remember from the 8th episode of Cardcaptors, that Sakura had in fact been dressed up in a similar sort of battle outfit, when she had captured the Thunder Card.
And it was then that I knew, that things in our current battle against Crowley, were now about to get far more complicated, then they already were.
And as a way to confirm this...
"Oh, well aren't you just a lovely looking girl. May I ask what your name is?" A sort of weird sounding male voice proceeded to speak up with from behind me.
And when I had turned around, I was then greeted, by a male with golden eyes, with orange hues with small slits that stuck out more than anything due to their brightness.
He also had large, pointed elf-like ears, that would make even Buddy The Elf from the movie Elf jealous. He also had two small fangs, and was very pale.
His dark green hair was also styled rather short in the back, but some of the hair was in front of his ears styled, and with red bands.
And, with a nervous sort of sweatdrop, then proceeding to appear, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. I now realized exactly who this person was, and I was now proceeding to become even more fearful.
And this was because, this was the alien Quiche. One of the Cyniclons from the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, and apparently, the anime had pretty much demonstrated how much of a weird alien, he truly was.
And not surprisingly...
"Hey, how about you back up a little bit there. You're a bit to close for comfort," I proceeded to try and nervously say to Quiche.
"Oh, but why would I want to do that? I think I am right where I need to be," Quiche proceeded to say to me. Which not surprisingly, proceeded to make me then become even more grossed out by him. Which was why I had now proceeded to grimace quite noticeably.
But thankfully...
"Hey, back off a bit would you?! Can't you see that she is not interested in you, you creep?!" Misaka now proceeded to say, as she proceeded to come in between me and Quiche, and sort of look at him with a very ticked off looking expression.
"And who may I ask are you? And what gives an irritating sort of female earthling like you the right to decide to interject hmm?" Quiche now proceeded to speak up with.
And as no sort of surprise, well to me at least. I had now proceeded to giggle, somewhat inaudibly at first. And then I wound up giggling, until Quiche then became confused at to why I was currently giggling so much, and then proceeded to speak up.
"What's so funny?" Quiche proceeded to ask. But, without me having to say a single thing to him in response, he now took in the now obviously very ticked off looking expression, that was now present on Misaka's face. And I also had taken note, of the very clear sparks of electricity, that were now sparking through the bangs of her hair.
"Okay viewers...Oh, Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...Now let me just turn the focus over to me for a sec...as I think that we need to give...*I proceed to say this, which is then suddenly followed by the sound of both electricity crackling. As well as the voice of Quiche, then proceeding to yell out in somewhat immense sounding pain slightly out of the frame of shot*...Okay viewers...that didn't sound very good...well mind you, you can't really hear what it sounded like...but you get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and your introduction into the next phase of this crossover...Which for the next few several chapters...is going to be taking place in the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime...And yes viewers...this is only going to be one of the many forms of media, that you can look forward to reading about, as the timelines in all three of these fanfics progress...But, believe it or not viewers...not all of us are currently present in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Because as for the rest of our allies, and where they may or may not have ended up?...Well I am not going to tell you...because if I did wind up telling you viewers...then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of you all being enticed enough to want to read on...*I proceed to say this, while proceeding to smile a bit broadly, and also while looking quite smug*...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then compose myself, in order to then continue, to properly address the viewers*...And so viewers, with all of this now still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling, with both of my eyes closed*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: April 27, 2002
Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.
"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you....*I proceed to try and continue my fourth wall break. Only for someone who I never expected to interject into my fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of me*"
"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to me. Which also winds up catching me quite off guard*"
"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what I had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*I proceed to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue my current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt me by cutting me off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"
"Wow...so are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while I currently have a sweatdrop still very much present on my face, along with my right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question*"
"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for Zachary to now come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by his sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as Zachary then proceeds to speak up*"
"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already know...is...*Zachary proceeds to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. As she is now not quite amused with the fact, that Zachary had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at Zachary*"
"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. I then proceed to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and Zachary*"
"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*I proceed to say this statement, in the most polite manner I can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"
"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to me, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"
"U-uh...y-yeah?...*I proceed to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then I was a second ago. As I now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*...Mind you viewers...I am quite a bit reserved about it...But, I do really feel, as thought she, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce, could prove to be very important allies in this upcoming fight with Crowley...and that viewers...is something that you will all be reading about in the next few chapters...but for now viewers...this is going to be the end of this current chapter...But don't worry viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...see you all there...okay?....*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"