Chapter 116: Maid To Serve, And Maid To Fight!: Catering To The Public On The Side, At Cafe Mew Mew! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Shinko here...and yes is very nice to speak to you all again...Mind hasn't exactly been all that long, since the last chapter...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop briefly appears on one side of my face. Which winds up subsiding about a second or so later. I then proceed to clear my throat, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyways viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.

"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you....*I proceed to try and continue my fourth wall break. Only for someone who I never expected to interject into my fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of me*"

"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to me. Which also winds up catching me quite off guard*"

"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what I had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*I proceed to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue my current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt me by cutting me off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"

" are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while I currently have a sweatdrop still very much present on my face, along with my right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question*"

"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for Zachary to now come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by his sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as Zachary then proceeds to speak up*"

"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already*Zachary proceeds to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. As she is now not quite amused with the fact, that Zachary had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at Zachary*"

"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. I then proceed to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and Zachary*"

"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*I proceed to say this statement, in the most polite manner I can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"

"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to me, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"

"U-uh...y-yeah?...*I proceed to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then I was a second ago. As I now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*...Mind you viewers...I am quite a bit reserved about it...But, I do really feel, as thought she, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce, could prove to be very important allies in this upcoming fight with Crowley...and that something that you will all be reading about in the next few chapters...but for now viewers...this is going to be the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...see you all there...okay?....*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so since the last chapter. And after he had been shocked pretty severely, as well as several times by Misaka. Quiche had then chose to flee the scene. Which was probably done, because like Pluie, Aquelda, and the rest of Raindevila's henchman. And also along with the rest of the villains rogues gallery.

Which me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Limone, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Sakura, Zachary, Li, Kero, Yue, Misaka, Keiko, Kuroko, Mitsuko Kongo, Touma Kamijou, Sugiita Gunha, Misaki Shokuhou, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abarai, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Former Gotei 13 Captain Yoruichi Shihouin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, and Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, had all gone and fought against, and had done so, on more then one occasion.

But, nothing could have even remotely prepared me, Keiko, or Zachary, for what was currently taking place. And what I mean by this was...well...

"You've got to be kidding me right?! I mean surely you must be?! No, in fact, heck no! There is absolutely no way that you make me wear that!" I had proceeded to say to one Ryou Shirogane. A 15 year old, with tan skin, as well as blond hair. He was also tall, had aqua blue eyes. And, as I had recently learned. Both he, and Ichigo Momomiya, the civilian identity of the one and only Mew Ichigo, both had what was called a Mew mark.

Which was a mark, that is a sort of brand, that is to show that they are a Mew Mew. And as for Ryou's Mew mark? Well it is on the side of his neck. But at the moment, it was currently covered with the collar of his shirt. 

And as it just so happened, Ryou was the owner of the one and only Cafe Mew Mew. As he had just told me, along with Misaka, Zachary, Sakura, Momoko, and Keiko. As we were the only ones that were currently in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline. Well, that we knew of at the current moment. But, this was something, that could very well not wind up being the case. But, more on that a bit later on.

And as for why I was currently so upset...

"But you have to hear me out Shinko, as I think that you would look quite cute in a maid outfit. And besides..." Ryou tried to speak up to me in response, only for me to then try, and then proceed to cut him off mid statement, in what was the most polite way that I could currently muster.

Which given my currently peeved sort of mood, was something that I somehow found to be quite easy. But, this was now something, that I was starting to lose quite quickly.

But, as I was about to learn...

"Shinko, I am honestly finding it quite hard to understand exactly why you have a problem with wearing that maid outfit," Keiko now proceeded to speak up to me with. Which, upon hearing her say this, I had then decided to briefly turn to her, in order to try and ask her exactly what it was that she meant by her saying this.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you're okay with wearing that?" I proceeded to ask Keiko, with a now completely small comedic sort of small eyed and shocked looking expression, now present on my face.

"Yes Shinko, I am. As this isn't the only time, in which I have had to wear a maid outfit like that one. In fact Shinko, me and Misaka, have had to wear similar maid outfits, during every single one of Tokiwadai Middle Schools Summer Festivals. Isn't that right Misaka?" Keiko now proceeded to say to me, with a very knowing, and closed eyes smile, currently present on her face.

And quite strangely, they weren't the only ones that were okay with this...

"I am with Keiko on this one Shinko. As like her and Misaka, me and Sakura, have also had experience with wearing such outfits. Which in case you viewers need some context. During one of the episodes of the Star Card arc of Going In Almost Completely Blind, me and Sakura, had been part of a maid cafe at Tomoeda Elementary School. Mind you, Sakura was wearing a maid outfit, and me a butler outfit. So yes Shinko, it would seem that you and Momoko. No offense intended by the way Momoko. But it seems that both you and Momoko, are the only ones that don't have any sort of past experience with wearing these types of outfits. Which again Momoko, I don't mean any sort of offense regarding you in this particular conversation," Zachary proceeded to say. And while he had proceeded, while he had been saying this particular statement. He had briefly turned his attention, slightly to the right of him, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Momoko, she didn't wind up taking any offense to Zachary's statement. Which was a relief, to both me and him. But, as for my response on this statement of his...

"Well I guess it would be alright then. As me and Momoko, also sort of have a bit of experience with this sort of thing. I mean after all viewers, I have transformed dozens of times into my usual armored battle outfit, over the course of this fanfic. So it is only natural here viewers...that I..." I proceeded to say, only for someone else, to now proceed to interject once again, into my fourth wall break.

"Hey Shinko?...You're doing it again...*Keiko proceeds to say this to me, with a sweatdrop, and a similar small eyed expression to the one I had recently shown. The only difference is that it is a sort of mischievous looking small eyed sort of expression. Similar to the expression that Hinagiku Tomano had made in a previous chapter of this fanfic*"

And not surprisingly...

"And you're one to be talking about having somewhat lengthy fourth wall breaks Keiko!...As don't you also have this exact same issue with your fourth wall breaks?" I now proceeded to say back to Keiko. And I had said this, with a now similarly looking mischievous small eyed sort of expression, present on my face as well.

And with regard to Keiko's response...

"And I am still currently working on fixing that Shinko!...You know, that was a very low blow coming from you by the way!...And mind you, that wasn't even in the back...that was in the face...And yes viewers...that was a little bit of Amazon Prime's: The Grand Tour humor for you all...courtesy of one Richard Hammond...Oh, and remember viewers...rear wheel drive is best, because as Richard Hammond himself once said...It is so you don't see the tree that kills you...*Keiko proceeds to say this, only for me to now proceed to start to giggle quite audibly. Which not surprisingly, is then followed by her turning her attention to me, with a very visible tickmark, now present on her face*...What's so damn funny Shinko!? Would you please care to tell me, what exactly it is, that you seem to currently find so damn funny?!"

"I mean, you're kidding right Keiko?...You can't even get Richard Hammond's quote from that episode of Top Gear right...And I should know I said this very same statement back in 'chapter 38: Running In Top Gear!: Angel Saliva, The Lone Wolf Love Angel!'...And as for the proper way to say that quote of Hammond's viewers...for those who haven't read that particular chapter...for possibly having skimmed through it...It is said as...'Now remember, oversteer is best, because you don't see the tree that kills you.'...And that Keiko, is the proper way to say that quote...So Keiko, if you're going to say it, then at least say it right...As you did look like quite the immense lumpty when you said it...*I now proceed to quickly clear my throat, before then proceeding to continue to address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with this now very much fresh on all of your minds...we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling, with both of my eyes closed*"