Chapter 139: You're As Cold As Ice!: The Wandenreich, Sternritters, And Diabolos Guild Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 3)

"Hello there viewers...Shinko here again...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them both up again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, we will now move on to the next chapter...Which is currently still taking place as of now in the Fairy Tail anime timeline...In one of the first episodes of The 100 Year Quest...So in other words is about the year terms of the Fairy Tail anime canon timeline...And as I am sure you've seen from the past chapter...Things are about to get very interesting, and more then they already have...Oh right, but as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

Date: X792

Okay, so getting back to the current situation as well as the currently still ongoing battle. Things were going extremely well for those on our side. And given that we were still very much able to work and synergize quite flawlessly with each other, this wasn't something that any of us found really that surprising, if not at all.

And this was completely due to the clear and obvious fact, that on top of having years, or in the case of the Sailor Senshi, as much as a whole millennia of experience. And given what was still about to happen in the events to follow. Which along with the other forms of anime and other media, that we were still due to pass through on our eventual end to each of our separate adventures. This adventure of mine, Zachary, and Keiko's was actually far from being over.

And, as for the current situation, which was still currently taking place aboard the ash composed ship on top of the same pillar that had been raised out of the same body of water by the Earth Card spirit. Things were currently, well...

"Damn it! Stop calling me that nickname, you light blue hair angel winged pest!" Bambietta had just proceeded to say to me. And just like before, an all too familiar looking tickmark, was also once again present, on one side of her face.

And of course, but not surprisingly...

"Why thank you so much for that compliment of yours Little Miss Bambi!" I now proceeded to say back to Bambietta. While this time, not only was a witty looking smirk now once again present on my face. But I was also currently displaying this very same smirk, because I had just gone and gaslighted Bambietta. And though I couldn't currently see either of them, Zachary and Keiko, were currently having quite a bit of trouble with keeping their composure, so that they wouldn't proceed to uncontrollably burst out laughing.

And I could tell this, simply from hearing the both of them suddenly proceed to emit small snickers from their respective mouths. And this was possible, due to my heightened hearing ability, while I was currently transformed into Angel Bluebell. And this was among other quite useful abilities that I had as Angel Bluebell. As each one, at some point or another, had helped to play their role, in keeping Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, and the rest of the Four Aces Alliance out of potential harms way.

I was even able to take a pretty nasty direct hit from Raindevila herself back when me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Viento, and Limone, had fought against her for what was supposed to have been the final time. And I was still very much able to remember the injuries that we wound up sustaining from that very same battle.

But, as we would wind up learning only a couple of years later, Raindevila would wind up coming back, only a couple of months after we had met and crossed paths with Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi. And this would be just after we had fought against the one and only Sailor Galaxia. Who like that of Raindevila, would wind up coming back several more times.

But as for the current situation, and not surprisingly given Bambietta's current response to my gaslighting attempt...

"Damn it don't do that! You're annoying enough to me as it currently is!" Bambietta then proceeded to angrily yell back to me in response.

And just to push her buttons a little bit more. Or to put it another way, to proceed with twisting the knife just a little bit more.

"I'm sorry Little Miss Bambi, but what is it that you don't want me to do exactly? And for gosh sake, please do make a better attempt to watch your language...Which by the way viewers, is an indirect reference to a certain...*ahem*...well known iron suit clad superhero, whose name I dare not that a certain big brand cartoon mouse doesn't proceed to send a cease and desist my way...But anyway viewers, let us now get back to the current chapter, and the current situation at hand now shall we?...*I proceed to say this last bit, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

But then, as a brief circular flash of light then proceeded to suddenly wind up lighting up from over to one side of the ship. Which was then followed by a certain female figure then proceeded to slowly rise out of it...

"Well hello everyone, so nice to see you all again," The unmistakable seductive sounding voice of Urd proceeded to say, just as her form finally stopped rising out of the circle of light in the side of the ship that she had just risen out of.

And not surprisingly...

"So is this just going to be a sort of recurring thing with you now Urd? You're just going to choose to pop in on us whenever you feel like it? Not that I am complaining about it or anything," Keiko had now proceeded to say, while a blush was present on her face along with a tickmark.

And as for me...

"Uh Keiko, sorry to bother you by interrupting, but your tsundere is showing," I proceeded to say, which interestingly, wound up getting the opposite sort of reaction that I was expecting. But however, it wasn't from Keiko.

And what I mean by this is...

"And just how exactly is that a problem for you right now Bluebell?!" Misaka now proceeded to yell over to me, while a blush of her own was now present on her face, along with Keiko.

And not surprisingly...

"Uh...d-did I say that it was a problem Misaka? My mistake then," I proceeded to say, while a sweatdrop then became present, and then proceeded to gently make its way down one side of my face

But surprisingly...

"Great save there Bluebell," The sarcastic toned voice of Gray Fullbuster now proceeded to say to me.

But not surprisingly...

"Gray, I need you to wait your turn! And no one asked you to respond to Bluebell for the record!" Erza now surprisingly decided to say back to Gray in response. As I was then taken a bit aback, by Erza choosing to stand up for me in this current situation.

But, as a sort of way to help cure my current confusion...

"You're welcome by the way Bluebell, no thanks is necessary," Erza then proceeded to say, while she turned to me, and then proceeded to give me a warming sort of smile.

"Uh....okay?" I then proceeded to say, with still a bit of confusion to my current tone of voice. Since I still wasn't exactly used to Erza's split sort of personality yet. Which was pretty much accurate to the Fairy Tail anime canon timeline, to the letter.

And with regard to some of our other allies...

"Urd, you need to wait up, I wasn't ready yet!" The now unmistakable voice of Skuld then proceeded to say, as she proceeded to leap onto the deck of the ash composed ship. Having just come out of the water from below.

But that wasn't the current thing that had me a bit perplexed so too speak. What currently had me a bit perplexed, was that what looked like an angel, was currently hovering just behind Urd, and another was hovering just behind Skuld. And it was then, that I knew exactly who these two angels were. As the one with a single black wing, a single white wing, and long black and white hair, was Urd's angel World Of Elegance. And as for the one that was currently hovering just behind Skuld, was her angel Noble Scarlet.

But then I realized what was currently the giant elephant in the room so too speak. And with this realization...

"Hold on a sec here, where's...?" I then proceeded to try and ask Urd, if Belldandy was also going to be gracing us with her presence. But thankfully, I didn't need to ask, as just as I was midway through my question to Urd. One of the several glass windows of the captain's quarters part of the ash composed ship, then proceeded to glow. And sure enough, out of that very same glowing glass window, came Belldandy.

Who interestingly enough, also currently had her respective angel Holy Bell, currently hovering behind her.

But then...

"Hold on, just who the heck are you three?! And how on earth did you just do that?!" Kiria now proceeded to try and ask, with an unexpected shocked tone to her voice.

"Well Kiria, aren't we currently at a loss for words? Well then, Belldandy, would you care to help me introduce you, Urd, and Skuld?" I proceeded to politely ask Belldandy, while I proceeded to turn to her, and then politely smile at her with both of my eyes closed.

But thankfully, I wasn't going to need to introduce them. And as for the reason behind this...

"Wait just a minute here!? You're joking right, please tell me you are!? There is absolutely no way that those are the three Norns Goddesses!" Bambietta now proceeded to say in response. And for the first time, I could now see that there was a bit of genuine fear in her eyes.

"So who exactly were you expecting the three of them to be Little Miss Bambi? Were you expecting Odin, Thor, and Loki to pop in instead? That's it isn't it, you were expecting..." I now proceeded to say, while I currently wore a very smug looking smirk on my face, and I had said my statement once again, in a very witty sounding tone of voice.

And sure enough...

"No I wasn't, stop gaslighting me and attempting to put words in my mouth!" Bambietta now proceeded to yell at me in response. While I then took notice of the tickmark that was still present on one side of her face, to then proceed to get even bigger.

And as for my response...

"Oh Little Miss Bambi, whatever do you mean? And just what exactly is a gaslight? You want some food cooked for you? Is that..." I then proceeded to say, only I was then cutoff mid sentence.

Because not surprisingly...

"I think you have proved your point for now Bluebell don't you think?! The viewers get the point, now can we stop with the gaslighting, and finally get back to the current situation please?!" Zachary now proceeded to say to me. As he had now gotten over his previous inability to be able to control his laughter and snickering. And apparently so had Keiko as well.

And instead he had now proceeded to get a bit irritated, since I had pretty blatantly decided to go and beat the trope of gaslighting pretty much into the ground, both figuratively and literally.

And interestingly, Keiko was also proceeding to currently get quite annoyed with my current gaslighting to Bambietta, just as much as Zachary currently was. Which was pretty obviously confirmed, by a tickmark, and a very irritated looking blush, that were currently both present on Keiko's face.

And so, as a way for me to not cause Zachary, Keiko, Misaka, or anyone else on our side to proceed to get irritated. Or in the case of Zachary and Keiko, for the both of them to proceed to get even more irritated, then they already currently were at the moment. I decided to just go and cease with my gaslighting, well at least for now anyway...

"Alright fine Zachary and Keiko, I'll stop for now...*I proceed to say this while proceeding to briefly let out an audible and defeated sounding sigh from my mouth. And I had also proceeded to let out this very same audible and defeated sounding sigh from my mouth, while I had also proceeded to temporarily close both of my eyes*...I mean seriously, you can really be a real killjoy sometimes you know that?...Oh, and by the way.viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...And don't worry viewers, as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, we all look forward to seeing you viewers there...So, Zachary, and Keiko will see you in the net chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while proceeding to smile in a very cute looking manner, with both of my eyes closed as usual*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: X792

Okay, so getting back to the current situation as well as the currently still ongoing battle...

"Damn it, we need to retreat..." I now heard Kiria proceed to say.

And with just having heard her say this statement of hers...

"Yea no Kiria! So now you want to try and play the coward and attempt to try and turn tail and run away? You don't have that sort of luxury! And I have honestly grown quite tired of you villains running away! When you know that the overall outlook for your chances are no longer viable for you to have any sort of advantage against us!" I now proceeded to say, while I proceeded to clench my free right hand into a fist, and a tickmark also then became present on one side of my face.

And thankfully...

"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Some no Mai Tsukishiro!" Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say, as she called out her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.

And as the all too familiar of a wall of ice then proceeded to completely freeze Kiria, and the other two Diabolos Guild members inside of it. Everyone who didn't know of who Rukia Kuchiki was, were now completely overcome with shock from what had just taken place.

"Wait a sec here, you have the ability to use ice?!" Gray Fullbuster now proceeded to say to Rukia with an unexpected amount of shock on his face. And given that this was coming from Gray Fullbuster, who was a known Ice Make Magic User, this was something that spoke volumes.

But not surprisingly...

"Really Gray? You're shocked about that? Remind me what type of element you wield as a form of Maker Magic again?" Natsu had now decided to say to Gray with a bit of smugness, and a smug looking grin present on his face.

And also not surprisingly...

"What was that?! Would you care to repeat that statement of yours again Flame Breath?!" Gray Fullbuster now proceeded to say, as he proceeded to put his head quite forcefully against Natsu's as the both of them then proceeded to quite loudly bicker with each other.

And while this was going on between Gray and Natsu...

"Well, that's a bit of a familiar sight, isn't it Misaka?" I now proceeded to say over to Misaka. Who not surprisingly, didn't wind up taking too kindly to what I had just said to her in the form of a witty sounding question.

Which was confirmed by Misaka's now pretty peeved looking expression, and the unmistakable sight of electricity proceeding to crackle slightly through the bangs of her hair. Which wound up having me think twice about wanting to continue my current line of teasing so too speak.

And getting back to the current situation...

"So what are we going to do about these three Diabolos Guild Members?" Wendy now proceeded to ask out loud.

But not surprisingly...

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that Wendy. In fact, you can just leave that to me and Sakura to transport them back to the guild," Zachary now proceeded to say, as both he and Sakura proceeded to pull out two more of their Star Cards. And upon them proceeding to throw them both up into the air, they then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs.

"Fly! Power!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. Which was just after they had raised their respective star staffs towards the spinning Fly and Power Cards.

Which was then followed, by the appearance of both card spirits respectively, in a wisp of magical aura. Which was then followed by the familiar wings of the Fly Card adorning both of their backs, and a pink colored aura then proceeding to surround the both of them.

And it was then that I knew, that things would only wind up getting better from here. And more importantly, we were all about to meet the rest of the one and only Fairy Tail Guild.

"But for now viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here again...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"