"Hello there viewers...Shinko here again...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed. To which I then proceed to open them both up again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, we will now move on to the next chapter...Which is currently still taking place as of now in the Fairy Tail anime timeline...In one of the first episodes of The 100 Year Quest...So in other words viewers...it is about the year X792...in terms of the Fairy Tail anime canon timeline...But, as you are about to read...this will sort of start to deviate from the Fairy Tail canon timeline...and more then it already has started to do...As I am sure you've seen from the past chapter...Which is if you haven't been skimming through the chapter of course...Which for the record doesn't make you a good reader, but a lazy reader...But anyways, and as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
Date: X792
Okay, so getting back to the current situation as well as the currently still ongoing battle...
"Damn it, we need to retreat..." I now heard Kiria proceed to say.
And with just having heard her say this statement of hers...
"Yea no Kiria! So now you want to try and play the coward and attempt to try and turn tail and run away? You don't have that sort of luxury! And I have honestly grown quite tired of you villains running away! When you know that the overall outlook for your chances are no longer viable for you to have any sort of advantage against us!" I now proceeded to say, while I proceeded to clench my free right hand into a fist, and a tickmark also then became present on one side of my face.
And thankfully...
"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Some no Mai Tsukishiro!" Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say, as she called out her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.
And as the all too familiar of a wall of ice then proceeded to completely freeze Kiria, and the other two Diabolos Guild members inside of it. Everyone who didn't know of who Rukia Kuchiki was, were now completely overcome with shock from what had just taken place.
"Wait a sec here, you have the ability to use ice?!" Gray Fullbuster now proceeded to say to Rukia with an unexpected amount of shock on his face. And given that this was coming from Gray Fullbuster, who was a known Ice Make Magic User, this was something that spoke volumes.
But not surprisingly...
"Really Gray? You're shocked about that? Remind me what type of element you wield as a form of Maker Magic again?" Natsu had now decided to say to Gray with a bit of smugness, and a smug looking grin present on his face.
And also not surprisingly...
"What was that?! Would you care to repeat that statement of yours again Flame Breath?!" Gray Fullbuster now proceeded to say, as he proceeded to put his head quite forcefully against Natsu's as the both of them then proceeded to quite loudly bicker with each other.
And while this was going on between Gray and Natsu...
"Well, that's a bit of a familiar sight, isn't it Misaka?" I now proceeded to say over to Misaka. Who not surprisingly, didn't wind up taking too kindly to what I had just said to her in the form of a witty sounding question.
Which was confirmed by Misaka's now pretty peeved looking expression, and the unmistakable sight of electricity proceeding to crackle slightly through the bangs of her hair. Which wound up having me think twice about wanting to continue my current line of teasing so too speak.
And getting back to the current situation...
"So what are we going to do about these three Diabolos Guild Members?" Wendy now proceeded to ask out loud.
But not surprisingly...
"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that Wendy. In fact, you can just leave that to me and Sakura to transport them back to the guild," Zachary now proceeded to say, as both he and Sakura proceeded to pull out two more of their Star Cards. And upon them proceeding to throw them both up into the air, they then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs.
"Fly! Power!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. Which was just after they had raised their respective star staffs towards the spinning Fly and Power Cards.
Which was then followed, by the appearance of both card spirits respectively, in a wisp of magical aura. Which was then followed by the familiar wings of the Fly Card adorning both of their backs, and a pink colored aura then proceeding to surround the both of them.
And it was then that I knew, that things would only wind up getting better from here. And more importantly, we were all about to meet the rest of the one and only Fairy Tail Guild.
"But for now viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here again...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: X792
Okay, so as it currently stood, we weren't able to get the three Diabolos Guild members back to the Fairy Tail Guild. Which was due to the fact, as Erza herself wound up stating, that they were currently in the middle of what was known, as The 100 Years Quest. So unfortunately, we couldn't exactly abandon it at the current moment.
And as for the three Diabolos Guild members? Well they sort of wound up vanishing into a cloud of ash, and so did the ship that we had all been standing on as well. And this was due to the fact, that although the three of them had been frozen in the wall of ice by Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki. This however didn't stop the man in the Skull Knight type outfit, from using his ability to control ash, to cause him, the man in the heavy suit of armor, and Kiria, to vanish in the aforementioned cloud of ash.
But, getting back to the situation in question...
"Well that was a bit anti climactic wasn't it? I should've known that they would choose to play the coward..." I had proceeded to say, while I once again proceeded to clench my free right hand into a fist, with an all too familiar tickmark then making its way back onto one side of my face.
And this, along with Erza's mentioning of The 100 Years Quest, wound up changing our overall plans to head over to the Fairy Tail Guild. And instead we all decided, to help aid Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Wendy in the completing of The 100 years Quest.
But as for the current situation...
"Where do you all think you're going?! We're not through here!" Candice had now proceeded to yell over to me with.
And not surprisingly...
"I would have to disagree with that arrogant statement of yours Catnippie! As I would say that we are done here for now! You don't have a problem with that do you?! How about the rest of you Bambies, is that a problem with any of you either?! Perhaps you would like to give me a valid reason with regard to why you think that we aren't done here?!" I now proceeded to say back to Candice, as well as the rest of the Bambies. Which since I was now once again showing the same expression that was usually upon Captain Unohana's face, when she wanted to get her point across, this wound up doing the trick.
And what I mean by this...
"Uh...n-no...we don't have problem at all with that..." Bambietta Basterbine then proceeded to say in a very fearful sort of tone. Which I could tell was a genuine statement of hers, since her facial expression currently displayed a look of fear on it. And so did the rest of the Bambies for the record as well.
And as for my response...
"Excellent, so then sis...what do you say we..." I had then proceeded to say. Only for something to occur, that then proceeded to cut me off mid sentence. Which just so happened to be another wave of bright white and blinding light, that had proceeded to engulf all of us, and then once again temporarily blind us all again.
And like all of the other times, when the light had then died down, I was then able to instantly realize, that I was no longer on top of that earth based pillar, that had been created by the use of the Earth Card spirit. But rather, I was now inside of a vastly open sort of room, with what looked like lightly colored walls.
And like the last time that this had occurred, I had then proceeded to look around me, to see who was still there with me. And thankfully, Eternal Sailor Moon, Sakura, Zachary, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia were still standing beside or near me. But strangely, we were not the only ones that were still present.
In fact, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Erza, Natsu, Wendy, Gray, Lucy, Rukia, and Renji were also present there with us as well. But as for the Bambies, they were once again not present. But, something told me, that we would be seeing them all again very soon.
But as for where we had all just ended up...
"Hey, how did you get here?! Start talking right now!" A somewhat arrogant sounding, but yet seductive sounding female voice proceeded to say to all of us.
And upon me turning forward again to see who had said this statement. I was then greeted, by what looked like an elongated black gloved finger of sorts. Which I had managed to use my Saint Sword Of Bluebell to stop the rapid advance of it, before it could cause me any sort of injury, at least for the moment.
And as for my response...
"And what exactly are you going to do about it, if I choose not to comply to someone like you...Lust?!" I now proceeded to say, as for a sort of dramatic effect, I had said the name of the Homunculus, who was currently trying to threaten me with her currently extended black gloved finger.
And as for who was also currently present, there was a girl in what appeared to be a light blue military type uniform. Who was currently on her knees crying. And what looked like a suit of armor, was also present. But I knew from a little of the information I had on this particular anime timeline, that that suit of armor, was in fact one Alphonse Elric.
And thankfully...
"I couldn't agree more!" A very authoritative sounding male voice had now proceeded to say. And with me just acting just upon instinct, I then proceeded to spring into action. And what I mean by this was...
"Sakura, Zachary, use the Shield Card now!" I proceeded to yell out to both of them with a very authoritative, but also frantic sort of tone to my voice. Which thankfully, because they both still had their star staffs at the ready, they proceeded to quickly pull out the Shield Card. And this was followed by them both proceeding to quickly throw it upwards into the air.
"Shield!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. Which was then quickly followed by the appearance of the Shield Card spirit. Which wound up forming a barrier around all of us, just as a wall of intense fire proceeded to come screaming into the room, and had then proceeded to hit Lust with an immense force and heat.
And upon realizing who had just sent this very same wall of fire...
"Well then, Roy is definitely our boy isn't he?...Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...and let me now welcome you all, to the anime timeline of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood...and I mean Roy, as in Colonel Roy Mustang...and as for that female with the blonde hair that was mentioned a bit earlier in this chapter, that was one Riza Hawkeye...Furthermore viewers...for those who don't know of which part of the timeline in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood we've all just wound up in...well then I would highly suggest that you go and watch the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime, before you decide to read this chapter any further...So that way, you can better familiarize yourself with the source material...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"