Hogwarts express 2/2

My thoughts however where interrupted when a young boy with glasses, black hair and lighting bolt shaped scar stood in my compartments doorway.

" sorry the other compartments are full" the boy looked apologetic and scratched the back of his head. "My names Harry Potter, nice to meet you"

As he introduced himself he stuck out his hand for me to shake. After returning it I introduced my self " my name is Mirajane Strauss nee black. My names quite a mouth full so you can just call me Mira" once I introduced myself Harry decided to sit opposite me.

" eh so Mira did you know about magic or…" before he could finish I cut him off.

" no I didn't but I'm really excited to learn it, you know I can't wait to start duelling people. I want to be the greats duelest on the planet." My tone was cheary and I had a small smile on my face. My words weren't a lie so to say but I mainly said them to trick dumbledore.

Legitimacy is a nasty thing and one of the first things I need to do is learn to protect myself from it.

We continue talking about mundain things before we where once again interrupted just as the train set off.

The door to the compartment opened revealing a lanky ginger. " sorry everywhere else is full mind if I join?" Before I could give an answer Harry immediately repleid.

" go ahead, I'm Harry Potter by the way. Nice to meet you" once he was introduced Ron immediately went into fan boy mode and asked some questions about the scar and if he really defeated you know who.

Just as he was about to get into I decided to interrupt. " you know it's rude to not introduce yourself after someone else has done so" the annoyance In my voice permeated the room.

"Sorry about that my names Ron, Ron Weasley." Just as I was about to repeat myself to Ron the door opened once again revealing a short bushy hair girl.

" have you seen a toad? Oh are you reading a book about the first year spells, I read through them and learn the one I thought was most useful" pulling out her wand she turned to Harry " repairo. Their all fix" the smug look on her face made me instantly feel a dislike for her.

Hermione might have been the greatest witch of this generation originally but I think it won't go that way now.

The door however which was left open allowed another unwanted guest to enter " I suppose that was quite good, for a muddled!." He immediately turned to Harry

" the names Malfoy, Draco malfoy. You know potter you should be careful of who you make friends with" the hand which Draco held out was slapped away by Harry.

The look on dracos face was excessive, he was truly livid at the insult. Ron stood up to help Harry before becoming the target of dracos contempt. " hand-me-down robes, old books and ginger hair. You must be a weasly"

As he looked at Hermione he scrunched his face in disgust before looking at me. Standing up I met his gaze which required me to tilt my head slightly up. " Mirajane Strauss Nee Black. Charmed to meet you" the level of sarcasm in my voice was so great a deaf man could tell I wasn't being trueful.

This all however flew right over his head " oh so your the new cousin which father spoke off, come with me and I'll introduce you to the other pure-bloods." Looking at him I couldn't say that the offer wasn't tempting as I could make some Ritch friends.

However I'd already decide " I'll have to decline I'm quite happy here" my polite rejection however was met with a snarle.

After getting my answer he immediately turned around and left to god knows where.

Ron was the first to break the ice " your related to that asshole?" The look in Ron eye told me all I needed to know about him. I had been judged to be negative by him.

" apparently so, I grew up in the muggle world. My father was a black but my mother unknown. This is the first time we've met." As his expression softened at learning this I decided to drop another bomb she'll " infact ne and Harry are also cousins, well second cousins by magic."

My words confused them Ron since he never studied. Harry and Hermione however where confused because they didn't know one could be related by magic.

Hermione was the first to ask " how are people related through magic?" her brow was creased no doubt trying to figure it out.

" it's kind of simple actually when wizard or witch is born they can perform a small ceremony to become the godfather or godmother becoming magically related. My uncle did this with Harry so we're cousins by magic. " my explaination just opened up loads more questions.

Some i answered and some I claimed not to know the answer off. Harry's impression of me improved immensely after finding out we where kind of related.

The rest of the train ride went well and we where able to find a common ground. Ron was still distant probably thought I'd be one of the snakes or something. Hermione took a likening to as I'd read and understood all the first year books. Well more like assimilated their knowledge.

As we all departed the train a giant could be seen shouting in the distance " first years this way, first years!" As everyone moved forward I'd somehow gotten separated from Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Due to the time the train arrived the sun had already set and we where walking by candle light towards the docks.

Once we arrived we got into the boats as told. Once the castle came into view however I couldn't help but be amazed. It truly was a great sight.

After disembarking we made our way towards the great hall. Once their we where greeted by professor McGonagall who gave us the run done of the 4 houses.

" The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

Once she finished all of us where led into the great hall and marched to the front. Standing before the sorting hat most where nervous or curious. I fell into curious.

As people where called out it was eventually my turn. Sitting down on the lone stool I placed the hat onto my head.

The hat moved around as if getting comfortable before it began speaking inside my mind.

"Hmmm yes I see. You'd do well in all houses. A thirst for knowlage and power. The desire to protect those you care for and the will to remain loyal to your beliefs. Hmm very dificult indeed. As the head mused on to itself I decided to add a little something

"I wish to become the greatest duelist" whispering to myself which of course the hat no doubt heard.

" oh I see. In that case their can be no their…." The hat paused for a moment before shouting "Gryffindor!"