school starts, potion class

After the start of year banquet ended we where all escorted towards the dorms by our respective prefects. I mainly decided to keep to myself but Harry didn't seem to leave me alone.

After learning that he had a family member that didn't hate him he tried to latch onto me like some kind of parasite. Even so I didn't push him away, Harry had had a hard life up until now ,sadly it will get harder.

Once in the dorm I discorvered that I didn't have to share my room, something about how the black family brought out a room in each house long ago so they didn't have to share.

Personally i was over the moon as it meant I didn't have to share with people my own age. Although some of them where clean most still hadn't got a grasp on proper hygiene.

Classes didn't start till monday, which meant I had 2 days to familiarise myself with the castle.

Seeing as that I had a lot to explore tomorrow I decided it was best to get an early night so I can get ahead of my peers.

Moving over to my bed I lay down and began to think 'okay Mira we have a lot to do over the next few years. One of the first is to create my own Marauders map. Find information on rituals which can empower me, assimilate all the knowlage from the library. Destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes.'

"So much to do over these 7 years"my voice couldn't help but trail off as I drifted to sleep.

The next day I'd woken up at 6am I was prepared to travel around the castle and look for anything that could be of use. secret passages, hidden library's. The hole idea of exploring a castle that has so many mysteries even after thousands of people have explored it couldn't help but excite me.

My time exploring over these two days let to nothing special. I found no secret other then a few hidden passages. I was greatly disappointed.

On the Sunday every first year recived their lesson timetable. Unsurprisingly it was exactly how it had been in the books and movies.

My first class however was potions. Whist my theoretical knowledge is sound my application however is dangerous.

" Mira why do you look so depressed? And worried?" Harry asked me as we walked towards the potions class the concern in his voice evident.

"I suck at everything other then combat magic, also the professor doesn't like Gryffindors so I'll probably lose loads of points for us" I truely was sad about my lacking talent but I suppose that's just how it is.

People have their strengths and their weaknesses.

We arrived rather early for class as due to me wondering around for the last 2 days I had mentally mapped most of the castles lower floors.

As we took our seats the rest of the students began pouring in. Just as the last took their seat all the windows where magically closed leaving the classroom bearly illuminated.

Their was a loud bang and the door flew open with snap following closely be hehind his robe billowing despite their being no wind.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few" he eyed Draco.

"Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." The professor suddenly stopped talking.

" Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!" Supprisingly snapes hands slammed down onto my desk.

"Miss black . Just one of our new celebrities." The venom in his voice as he glanced at Harry was strong so strong it felt like it was physically manifesting in the room.

" Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" The professsor straightened his back as he spoke obviously not expecting an answer.

In a bored tone I replied " druaght of the living dead" seeing as my answer correct he remained silent for a second. However, I noticed his eyebrow twitch in surprise.

"Very good miss black, Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

" the stomach of a goat, it's a stone" my disinvested tone seemed to annoy the man however.

"good, good. How about one last question. what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Professor Snape sindefully remarked.

" they are the same plant professor. They can both be referred to as Aconite" as I finished speaking he moved his attention.

" well done miss black. 2 points to Gryffindor." This left the slytherins with their mouth agape but that quickly changed " what are you all doing write down what she said"

The lesson continued as normal until the practical part of it came. Wisely I decided to term up with Hermione and avoid touching it as much as possible.

That however didn't go as planned. " why are you allowing miss granger to do all the work miss black" turning around I saw the stone cold face of the potions professor.

" would you believe me if I said my talent in potions is so bad everything I touch explodes" my words made him raise a brow before he replied.

" no, I do not believe you. Get to work or I shall deduct points" with that he turned away. However he watched form a distance.

As I began to follow the recipe perfectly mind you it still exploded. Unlike what most slytherins though I wasn't shouted at but simply forced to leave.

Snape PoV ~

After watching the girl perfectly make the potion only for it to explode I understood what happened immediately.

'It's rare but does happen magic is rejecting the very idea of her making potions. A shame she appeared talented based of her theoretical abilities' without a second thought i immediately returned to teaching my class.

' I suppose she'll have to drop potions, I will make my point to dumbdore later'