end of the first year 1/3

The days quickly flew by and the month of June had already dawned on us. I had been watching the golden trio over the last few days, they had mostly like put all the clues together. So know I spent every night waiting in the dormitories common room for the group to enter.

Currently I was sitting in a lone chair facing towards the fire place, Within the common room the fire places always remained on.

Relaxing infront of the fire I couldn't help but feel at peace. Their was just something special about the feeling that the fire gave, it was a deeply connected feeling. One I couldn't quite pinpoint.

My musing however where broken by a high pitch voice. " your sneaking out again!? I won't let you. I'll stop" the voice unmistakably belonged to Neville Longbottom.

Getting up form my chair I turned to face them. As I was approaching I heard her mile cast the full-body bind curse. Also now as Petrificus Totalus.

Looking at Neville lying on the floor motionlessly I couldn't help but feel amused.

" oh poor Neville, betrayed by your friends. What ever shall you do?" Attempting to make my voice as suductive as possible I announced myself to the group.

Seeing that they where caught red handed attack another student all thre froze in place before robotically turning towards me.

Harry upon seeing me let out a sigh of relief before he quickly began to explain himself. " Mira! Snape is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone and give it to Voldemort! We have to stop him quickly."

Harry at this point was looking in my eyes, he was practically begging me to come along. Letting out a sly smile I gave an answer. " sure let's get stop him sounds fun"

Ron didn't think my amusement was too funny. " this is serious we can't waste anymore time messing around let's go!" With motivation rarely seen Ron began to run towards the dormitory exit.

Seeing that Harry and Hermione began to follow him. I let out a sigh before following after them.

The trio sprinted at full speed toward the third floor. Due to the location of the Gryffindor common room it only took a few minutes to arrive.

Once outside the door which had a Cerberus on the other side Harry and the other caught their breath. I however didn't show any signs of exhaustion.

Quickly all four of us entered to room. The Cerberus was currently asleep and their was some soft music playing from instruments nearby.

Seeing that trap door was under the beast paw I began to move it by myself. It was quite easy and only took a moment for us to get access to the trap door.

Once trap door was open however the music stopped playing. ' let's make this a little interesting' and evil smerk showed on my face before I pushed Ron down the trap door.

Soon after followed Harry and then Hermione. As I finished pushing Hermione in the Cerberus had woken up and began to look at me as if I was food.

Looking at the Cerberus I couldn't help but smile. " let's see if this scares you doggie" my lips curved into a manic grin as I used a quick transformation to enter my Satan soul Sitri.

Trypically I takes a little less then a second to transform but using this my change into Satan soul is near instant. However it comes at the cost of great magic power.

Seeing my changed state the Cerberus eyed me wearily. " okay let's try forcing my magic pressure onto it. " as I began to will my mana to assert itself a dark and melevalent aura manifested around me.

The Cerberus moved backwards at such a speed one would think it was attempting to become one with the wall. Smiling I walked towards the trap door. "Don't worry doggie, I won't hurt you. Unless….. no I don't have any rituals that need your parts… yet" giving the shaking Cerberus one last smile I jumped into the hole.

Slowing my decent with magic I saw the cluster of black vines riggling around.

" an easy fix" speaking allowed I cast the lumps charm on my finger tips. As if it was Moses parting the Red Sea the vines moved towards the side of the room.

Seeing the light in the distance I cancelled my Satan soul for before walking out. Once their I noticed it was the key area with the broom sticks, seemingly the trio decided not to worry to much about me. " I don't know wether I'm hurt or if it's a complement to my skills, guess I'll just force the right answer out of them later"

Opening what would be consider a heavy door with ease I moved onto the next trial. Seemingly I saw the trio discussing a plan for their impending chess match.

" well well well…. So this is where I find you." My voice cut through the room like a knife. Ron seemingly being unable to read my intent shouted at me. " you pushed us down that bloody hole! I never forgive you for that."

Deciding it best to ignore his tone I gave him a friendly smile. " well the Cerberus woke up. I'm sure you don't want to be their with it did you." My words caused Ron to become fluster and quickly forget about the subject.

" so wizards chess huh. How boring. Let's just blow up the board and be done with it" my words however seemingly caught them off guard.

"Wizards chess isn't…." Before Ron could finish he sentence he was interrupted.

" Mira your right! We don't need to play the game just remove the pieces." However Hermione quickly realised that the we most likely lacked the fire power to do so.

" don't worry I've got this handled come here" my words caused the trio to move towards me.

'Satan Soul' as willed my transformation a magic circle appeared above my head shocking them all.

This was a type of magic that they hadn't heard about. Seeing that my appearance greatly changed I could practically see the cogs in Hermione head turing.

Not bothering to explain everything I turned to the black chess pieces. 'Evil explosion' clasping my hands together purple and black before merge before shooting of in a beam towards the chess pieces.

My attack created a blinding light causing the trio to cover their eyes. Once the light retracted however I noticed that I had greatly overcharged the spell.

Not only had I destroyed the chess pieces I'd also destroyed the room for the next trial. Scratching the back of my head i couldn't help but give a little laugh.



Satan soul Sitri

Regular Satan soul