end of first year 2/3

As the last part of the wall crumbled we began to move through the area. Passing the area where the potion trial no doubt would have been we all stood on top of a short stair case looking down at Professor quirrell.

At this moment I was still in my Satan soul form. So it appeared as if an adult had barged in with three kids.

"It's you!? Its supposed to be Snape!" Harry shouted at the man.

"Hmm yes he does seem the type doesn't he. Always skulking about, with someone like him around no one would ever expect poor professor quirrell!" The grin on quirrells face told us everything we needed to know.

Snape was not our enemy, he was.

Seeing that confrontation was inevitable I decided to step forward. Due to Satan soul I towered over the golden trio yet still remained slightly shorter then quirrell.

" hello again Professor, last time we met in the forest you ran away. However this time it looks as if their no where for you to run" my lips curled up into a bloodthirsty smile.

Quirrell no doubt thought I was an adult wizard, the way he looked at me showed his resolve for confrontation.

However before our battle could begin a weak raspy voice echoed through the room. " let me speak to them"

Quirrell faltered for a moment clearly more shaken by this voice then me. " but master, you don't have enough strength" concern was evident in his voice.

"I have enough for this" quirrell gave a quick nod before turning his back to us. Slowly he began to unwrap his turban.

'Should I just attack him now? No that would be boring, no dramatic flare at all' coming out of my thoughts i saw the turban fall to the ground. In doing so it revealed a disfigured face protruding from the back of quirrell head.

The first thing Voldemort did was turn his attention to Harry. He did that only for a moment before his eyes fell onto me.

" that fool quirell might not have noticed but I can, heir Black. Come dear, join me and together we could have all we've ever wanted" Voldemort took my silence as a means to continue. " the world could be yours, I could teach to dark magic you've never even dreamed off!"

As Voldemort continued his little speech he began to grow more convinced in himself, probably believing that like any other pure blood those are the things I most wanted.

" why would I need you? I have no desire to rule the world. As for dark magics I could just strip them from your mind once I have you begging at my feet" as my words fell I began to release waves of my magic from my body.

The resulting waves pushed the golden trio back towards the door. Voldemort seeing my level of magic power grew distainful. In no way was this the normal level for a 11 year old girl.

" I see… you have chosen death." Voldemort closed his eyes for a moment. Seeing as he was about to attack I retained my magical power.

"Avada kadarvra!" A powerful green light flew from voldemorts wand. Even with my enhanced senses it traveled at a surprising speed.

Transfiguring the floor to raise into a slope I defected the killing curse towards the ceiling. The curse caused a small dent but what was truely terrifying was the small amount of death force concentrated into the spell.

Turning my attention back towards Voldemort I saw him preparing another spell. Without uttering a word and with a flick of his wand a ring of fire enveloped us both.

After seeing what the killing curse was I decided to take this much more seriously.

Unfurling my wings began to use them to weave in and out of the pillars dodging and oncoming spells. A black magic circle appeared on my hand as many dark streams of light blasted out from it.

Seeing my attack coming towards him Voldemort had no choice but to go on the defencive. Despise doing his best to block my attack with the shield charm he still recived a few strikes all be it in areas that wearn't fatal.

Seeing the minor wounds Voldemort let out another snear. " you are testing my patience girl!… Crucio!"

Red lightning arched out of his wand strike many directions. Once again I was forced to transfigure myself some cover. Due to how the spell was cast I also had create cover for the trio.

After casting that spell Voldemort looked hagid. No doubt his vessel wasn't going to last much longer.

With a burst of speed I arrived infront of Voldemort and delivered a full power punch into his stomach. My hand went straight through shattering his spine before coming out on the other side.

Pulling my hand out off quirrells body he fell towards the floor. Looking at the professor I slowly began to watch as the light slowly left his eyes.

"Ahhhhh!" A cry of pain came form behind me. Quickly I turned to face where these cry's of pain came from.

Seeing Harry lying on the floor I quickly moved over to him and cancelled my Satan soul magic.

Once I arrived at his side a hysterical Hermione quickly explain. " once you finished quirrell a Spector came out his body and flew through Harry!" Seeing her friend in an unknown situation she began to panic and hyperventilate.

Simultaneously I noticed a shimmer in the magic around us.

" it's all right children. Their is no need to fear." Dumbledore had decided to reveal himself. His presence seemed to ease both Ron and Hermione.

"Thank Merlin your here! Headmaster He-who-shall-not-be-named is still alive! What are we going to do" Ron was quite distressed at the moment. He had no doubt grew up hearing about voldemorts rain of terror.

"Now my boy their is no need for you to worry. These are adult issues and as such will be dealt with by adults, but fist let use get young Harry to madam pomfrey." With a flick of his wrist Harry seemingly floated into the air before floating behind the old man.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the hospital wing. Madam pomfrey was already waiting, the look she was giving the headmaster was not a pleasant one.

Once everyone was check and settled madam pomfrey determined that Harry wouldn't wake up in a few days as great strain had been placed on his mind.

"Mira" doubledores withered voice came from behind me. " I understand it's late but their is something we must discus."

Giving the old man a little nod I turned around and followed him towards his office.