Okay, so about a day or so, had now passed by, since me and Sakura, had captured the Through Card, at the towns shrine. But, as me and Sakura, were currently at the town library. As in, the very same library, in which me and Sakura, had captured the Move Card, not too long ago.
But, however, as me and Sakura, were browsing through the many shelves of books. I suddenly, overheard a conversation, from two of the other people, who were currently, inside the aisle, that was next to the one, that me and Sakura, were currently in.
"So, have you by any chance finished your homework for spring break?" I heard one of them ask the other in the aisle next to ours.
"Why yes...yes I..." The other one, was about to say back to the other in response. But suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, they wound up stopping mid sentence.
"Actually...I take that back...no...no I haven't," They then quickly followed up with responding in response.
And this very incident of sorts, wound up immediately catching my attention.
"Okay, that was strange of that person, to change their response so quickly...Hold on...wait a second here...I am getting a familiar feeling...I wonder if Sakura," I thought to myself, while I slowly turned my attention to Sakura, to see if she also knew, what this exactly was. And sure enough, Sakura was displaying the sort of usual confident looking expression, the same expression, that was usually present, when she usually sensed the presence, of a Clow Card nearby.
And so, a bit later on, back at our home. And, after I had told Kero, about the discovery, and the all too familiar feeling, that me and Sakura had sensed, at the library. Kero then, immediately realized, which Clow Card it was. Well, it was more like about a half minute of him being in deep thought, until he wound up coming to a conclusion
"Well, it sounds to me like it's the Libra Card," Kero said, after he had had finished his half minute or so of deep thought.
"The Libra Card?" Sakura then asked in response, with a bit of confusion in her tone.
"So what exactly can the Libra Card do?" I wound up asking Kero my question, only a couple of seconds, after Sakura had asked hers.
"Well, the Libra Card, is able to tell, as to whether or not, a person is lying. And as such, can also force somebody, to tell the truth," Kero said in response.
"Oh okay...so the Libra Card, is basically, the magical version, of a lie detector...so to speak," I thought to myself, as my facial expression, then changed. From my previous expression, of complete confusion, to a look of now complete, and total understanding.
And, fast forward to later that night, maybe about a couple of hours later. Which was after both me and Sakura, had actually wound up sneaking out, to go and capture the Libra Card.
And as it seemed, this really was in fact, just a serious case of deja vu. And this was because, as me and Sakura, made our way towards, and then into the library, through the usual entrance.
We both, then went off, to near the aisles of shelves, in which me and Sakura, had sensed the presence of the Libra Card, earlier in the day.
And, upon spotting the Libra Card spirit in question, which was hanging from the one of the bookshelves. And sure enough, it had actually been hanging, in the very aisle, in which those two people had been standing. And as for the true form of the Libra Card spirit? Well, it was currently, in the form of a strange looking type of ornament. And this was because, the true form of the Libra Card spirit, as me and Sakura took came upon it. Was a pan-scale, with one of its sides holding a sun and the other side was holding a moon.
Thankfully, and as luck would have it, no one else, was in the library at the current moment. And, not wanting to waste even another second, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs, at exactly the same time. "We command you to return to your power confined, Libra Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down at exactly the same time. And, once the Libra Card spirit was sucked into both of our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. And once both hard halves had then combined into a complete clow card, the Libra Card was captured and sealed.
And once the Libra Card floated into my free right hand. I then turned my attention to Sakura. And realizing something very nagging, and important, I then, decided to speak up. "We need to get home before Tori and dad get worried about us!" I said, while a frantic looking expression had now found its way onto my face. And, from the frantic expression that Sakura had just given back to me when I had just said that, I knew that she had just realized that as well. And with that thought very prevalent on our minds, we quickly ran out of the library, with the now captured Libra Card now safely put away in my outfits shirt pocket, and off back towards home.
However, even though, we had both successfully captured and sealed, yet another Clow Card. And, though neither me, Sakura, or any of our friends, knew it at the current time. We would soon, be locked, in a test. That if we wound up failing it, would not just wind up putting ourselves at risk. But, if we wound up failing it, then our future allies, would wind up paying the same type of price as well.
And who might these future allies of ours be you ask? Well that, is something, for a much later time.