Chapter 36: Seeing It Through To The End!: A Capture At The Shrine!

Well, Spring Break had now officially begun. And it was a couple of weeks since our encounter and capturing of the Fire Card at the school fairgrounds during Christmas. Only now, we were sort of paying a visit to the shrine near Penguin Park. You, know the same shrine in which me and Sakura both encountered and then captured the Maze Card, as well as the Return Card. Well, actually, with regard to the Return Card, that wound up going to Li instead of us. As he was the one who had rescued the both of us from the Clow Card in question. However, with regard to the current situation. This wasn't exactly the case at the current moment. And, what I actually mean by that is...well..."Okay now this is just plain weird, not to mention very annoying and frustrating. Just how much longer is this Clow Card going to continue to give us so much trouble!?" I said, with immense frustration in my tone of voice as me and Sakura, continued to only watch on, as it seemed that anything that we threw at the Clow Card in question, just seemed to have no effect on it. Now for further explanation regarding the current situation, it went like this. Me and Sakura were at the shrine in question. But, the only thing, was that we were currently having a really tough time dealing with a clow card known simply as the Through Card, that seemed to be able to pass through just about anything we could throw at it, whether it be a Clow Card or otherwise.And it was only when I came up with the idea to use the Maze Card to entrap it, and had suggested it to Sakura, that we finally decided that it was more then enough to help us seal the Through Card. And so, without having to say another word to each other, I pulled out the Maze Card. And once me and Sakura had nodded to each other, we then both raised our respective staffs at exactly the same time. "Maze Card, come to our aide, form a complicated maze to help us trap Through, Maze, release and dispel!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we swung our staffs down at the exact same time, hitting the Maze Card at the same time with the tips of our respective staffs. And in a swirl of green, the Maze Card appeared, and then began to materialize around the Through Card spirit. And although the Through Card spirit tried to escape, it simply just wound up getting entrapped within one of the Maze Card's many walls. And once the Maze Card had entrapped the Through Card spirit in one of its many walls. Me and Sakura then approached the entrapped Through Card spirit, and then raised our respective staffs at exactly the same time. "We command you to return to your power confined, Through Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison as we then swung our respective staffs down at the exact same time. And once the Through Card was split in half, and sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and the two halves then combined to form a complete clow card, the Through Card was sealed.Only, once both me and Sakura, had signed our names on the now captured and sealed Through Card, a realization then suddenly came to my mind. I had now been in the world of the Cardcaptor anime for quite a few months now. And to be honest, I was now starting to feel a tad bit homesick. However, little did I realize, as future events would soon wind up showing. The act of me being homesick, would soon wind up becoming the least of my problems. And with still no knowledge of future events to come, regarding the Cardcaptor anime, I was still heading into the current future events, almost completely blind. And, though I also did not know it either at the time, Sakura, would soon wind up being a very important part, of what would soon be a much larger picture. And, even though there are technically no villains in our world, that doesn't mean that they don't exist elsewhere.In fact, another two groups of very well known 90s magical girls, would wind up playing an immensely huge role, in the events that were still to come. I mean after all, there is always something more in play, then just a simple fight of good versus evil. And, while me and Sakura currently only had to deal with capturing the rest of the remaining Clow Cards, this would wind up completely paling in comparison, to what would bring not just Sakura together, but two more well known 90s magical girls as well.And, as mentioned several chapters ago, you may sometimes have a variably tough or even an easy time dealing with most hands in the game of poker, depending on what hand you may have at that current moment. You will always have an incredibly rough, and maybe even an impossible time, dealing with a hand of Four Aces.And, not to mention, that I would soon be faced with a life altering choice. And if I wound up choosing wrong, it would wind up having very dire and dangerous consequences. But it wouldn't wind up affecting things for just me and Sakura. In fact, just to make matters all that much more worse. It wouldn't be just me and Sakura, who would wind up suffering for what would wind up being a potential and very catastrophic failure and loss. For if we did in fact lose, or were unable to achieve our goal of capturing the remaining Clow Cards, everyone that we held the most dear and cared about the most, would wind up suffering at the hands of an entity of pure evil. But, more on that at a still very much later date.