Chapter Seventeen: How to complete jealousy

"Cy, you will be with someone here sooner. Bea is on her way and the doctor who is taking care of you is also coming, don't worry, you're not gonna be alone."

Trying to make a smile as I felt his hold becoming tighter on my wrist.

I want to leave, I want to not see him until I can breathe normally.

As long as he didn't notice the heaviness of my chest.

I hardly know what to do.

His hand was on my arm while I can barely stand with his gaze.

"I don't care. Stay here and don't leave. We're not done yet." he said.

I felt a slight suprise in his words. I was surprised that it even made my tongue to tie.

"h-huh? Cy I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't touch you, I didn't take anything from your things, I... I just sent you here because you fainted o-on me."

Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, Cycy's face darkened and looked away.

"I said I don't care. You're the one who sent me here even though I don't want to, and you will just leave? how dare you?" He mouthed.

I couldn't do anything but bow down after hearing what he said.

I went back to sitting in the chair next to Cox's bed and watched quietly.

While my hand was still on his hold, I couldn't pretend to be busy on the cellphone because I could only type with one hand.

Which will end up looking funny if I still do.

"Cy... Does your hand still hurt? Doctor said earlier that they've also got pieces of shattered glass on your fist—"

"Do I need to be injected?"

He suddenly asked.

I was stunned. I honestly don't remember what the doctor said earlier about his wounds.

I'm sleepy, tired, and hungry...

I really want to sleep now.

"Answer me, woman. Do I have to be injected with —"

"Nah. Forget it."

Silence filled the room.

Cox didn't say a word while looking at the open window as I was just sitting speechless on the chair beside him.

Only the strong wind from outside creates noise between Cy and me.

Does he feel the same awkwardness I feel?

After a while, he was able to clear his throat and speak.

"Bea shouldn't be here. This place is still a public place. It could make her reputation—"

"Cy! oh my God! what happened to you?"

From outside the door, Cy and I both turned to the woman yelling panicking as she approached us.

"Oh damn! Cox! what happened? And... Sca, W-What happened? are you okay? are you okay, Cy? Oh my god you look pale!" Bea sreamed.

Her eyes were watery as I face her to hugged her.

I felt his hold loosened.

"Oh my God, Sca, are you okay? Have you slept already? Did you eat? Tell me what you wanna eat, we'll tell someone from the outside to buy you food!" She discussed.

The only thing I made is to shook my head while smiling.

"I really need to sleep, Bea. I want to go home and rest." I replied.

"Is that so? It's okay! I'll have Mak take you, he'll drive you home. It'll be dangerous if you'll drive—"

"Bea, you shouldn't be here."

Bea and I both froze when we heard his tone.

Bea drew a look of annoyance on her face and took a step to approach the man with ice-cold eyes.

"You, you bitch! What happened to you? Didn't you hate hospitals and doctors too much that you don't even want to step your foot here—"

"Shut up!" Cy cut her words.

Bea quickly stopped talking and slapped her cousin on the shoulder.

"You're annoying! You really wanna be that 'Low-Key' person we don't like!" Bea shouted.

Cy rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so overacting, Bea. I'm fine! I'm alive, okay? You should be at the airport now."

"Don't think about that, I moved my flight at night. What you need to think is about yourself! Cycy! You're so hard-headed!"


While Sca hears Cy and Bea's conversation,

the girl thought of leaving the room for good to go home.

She started walking towards the door and turned the doorknob.

The moment the door opened, a tall man appeared in front of Scarlett as the girl stared.

"M-Miss Agnelli? Am I right?" The man spoke.

Realization hits her when she noticed the mole on the tip of his nose when she scanned his face.

"M-Mr... Ezekiel? I... Nice to meet you again!" She greeted.

The man extended his hand and Sca immediately shake hands with him.

Dr. Ezekiel Aris Frevar.

The famous and a professional doctor in Manila whom was awarded of multiple awards after saving people's lives back in 2017's Disaster and so on.

"How long have you been here Miss Agnelli? I thought you were in Paris right now for your business matter? Ah! Anyway, are you alright? Who did you visit here?" Ezekiel asked the girl one after the other.

Scarlett smiled and nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm going home. If you'll excuse me—"

"Are you open for a coffee later? or how about at night? if you're..."

"Cous, you two know each other?"

Asked Bea who's now with an arched brows while looking at the two.

Ezekiel smiled and nodded as a response. Starting to approach Bea with a pile of papers in his hand, his smile widened as he pursed his lips to speak.

"Yeah, I met her a long time ago when I helped Cy to sold his space in FrontBowlin Hotel. She bought the place, and... Yeah, Miss Angelli, how are you?"

Scarlett smiled quietly before speaking.

"Life's doing good. I will go now Doc, I need to go home as soon as possible. Bea, I'll go first—"

"You didn't even answer me yet, Miss Agnelli. Are you free for tonight?" Ezekiel asked again causing Scarlett to stop walking.

Scarlett's gaze shifted to the young man on the bed and met his deep gaze.

She took a deep breath and spoke.

"I'll be free for about an hour tonight, Dr. Frevar." she replied.

"Great! I'll call you on your number later, or do you have your latest number today?" Ezekiel asked.

His eyes widened brightly as he stare at the woman.

"No, just the same." Scarlett said and left the room already.


The young man had a wide smile on his face when he approached his two cousins and sat on the seat next to the bed.

"So, Cy. I'm just here to report you the reason why you passed out. Don't worry, I know you don't want me as your doctor." Ezekiel started.

"But it is also forbidden for our doctors to handle a patient who's a relative, so, Doctor Enriquez is your doctor." he said.

"You know her that long?"

Although it was noisy outside the door of the VIP room, Ezekiel heard Cy's question to him clearly.

It was as if he suddenly had selective hearing knowing that this was the only thing he heard.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Cox. She bought your place before so I met her. Anyway, we will be having MTHFR testing to be done earlier, it'll help us to identify on how we can help you —"

"And you didn't tell me?"

He stopped talking and began to looked at Cy.

"You said it doesn't matter who bought that place from you so I didn't tell you her identity." answered Ezekiel.

Cox's face gradually darkened and stared at Ezekiel silently.

"What's wrong? Did she wrong you before? Does she have a bad history with you?"

"Leave. I don't want to see you here." Cycy ordered the man and closed his eyes.

"Hey, Cy. I'm still a doctor here. You can't just dismiss me that way, especially if your life is in danger." Ezekiel mouthed as he placed the papers on top of Cycy's bed.

"Cy, please don't be like that. Ezekiel is right, you need him—"

"You too, Bea, leave already. I don't wanna see any of you here."

"Cy, you can insult me and disrespect me, but don't talk to Bea in a bad way! We're still cousins and you —"

"I said I don't wanna see any of you here! Can't you understand?! It was so simple, why didn't you understand? I said leave! LEAVE!"

"Hey, hey, Cy, Ezekiel. Please calm down, don't argue. Zeke, let's leave now."

Bea quickly grabbed Ezekiel by the arm and pulled him.

Ezekiel immediately followed Bea and stood up.

But before going out the door, Ezekiel turned back to Cycy's direction and spoke calmly.

"Sylvan called me last night, begging me to help him get back to you." He said and stood straight at the door.

Cycy closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

"Blocked his number, block him everywhere you can and don't talk to me. I've had enough. Leave."

The moment Ezekiel heard his voice, he nodded and closed the door.