Chapter Eighteen: Athena

"Dr. Frevar, Mr. De Mevius doesn't want to us to take his blood for testing. It's been already seven hours since we tried to convince him but he doesn't seem to really want to. What should we do?"

Dr. Enriquez asked curiously to Ezekiel while they were eating at the food corner near the hospital.

Ezekiel looked up and laughed slightly.

"It's really hard to force Cox to do something he doesn't want to do." He replied.

"Because maybe he's scared of needles? If we can't have some blood from him while he's awake, we can proceed when he's sleeping..."

"Or maybe forced him to sleep with some..."

"Nah, don't do that to my cousin, he'll burn this building if he will know what we did it. Clifford Cox doesn't care of everything, if he wanted, he would, and will make everything in his mind come true." Ezekiel stated.

Eating kwek-kwek and shomai, Ezekiel then had palamig after.

"He's the reason why this hospital was still here. We can't wrong him that way. We can't wrong everybody here." He stated.

Enriquez then swallowed.

"Yeah, I also site his information lately. Mr. De Mevius is very powerful and his businesses in the Philippines and to other countries. I can't believe that he can hide all the wealth under his muted personality. What an amazing man..."

Doctor Enriquez turned to him and asked again.

"He was a Frevar before, why did he change his last name? His middle name is now his last name."

"Long story, Mr. Enriquez. It's good then that I'm leaving, it's my end shift. I will be meeting someone tonight." Ezekiel mouthed.

Enriquez's smile widened and started to tease him.

"A date huh? Maybe that person is that girl from Mr. De Mevius's room? You got some taste!"

Ezekiel immediately turned to him with open lips.

"You know her?"

" she?"

"Ah! Darren Enriquez! You've got your big ear on the line huh?"


"Who are you?"

the young man asked irritatedly as he massaged his own arm.

His fist was swollen resulting in severe pain. But for Cy, he doesn't need someone else to hold him.

The girl holding the food tray bowed her head and stepped closer to the patient.

"Sir, I'm nurse Efrem. I'm just here to sent you food and also your medicine." She politely replied.

Cy's eyes rolled in irritation and immediately turned to the door.

"I don't want to eat anything. Leave with that fucking food!" Cy said.

fear drew on the nurse's face 'cause of the young man's baritone command.

"B-But Sir, this morning you were not eating and taking medicine. Your wounds in your hands were also swollen. We have to check it up and give you medicine to take—"

"I said leave! how many words are there in L.E.A.V.E?"



Cycy turned in shock towards the door and was silent.

"Leave us, Nurse, I'll take care of it."

the girl said sweetly to the nurse and immediately took the tray of food from her.

She watched her leave.

"Why are you here?" he asked the girl.

But instead of answering, the girl just stirred the food with a spoon.

The girl looked up at the young man and immediately raised the spoon to his mouth.

"I don't want that, why are you here?" asked the young man.

ignoring the spoon of porridge that the girl were trying to feed him, the girl's gaze immediately dropped.

"Eat now, Cy. I heard you didn't eat all day. Do you think you'll be good sooner if you refuse to eat?" She asked.

Cycy looked away.

"Do you want me to leave too? I'll go now—"

"Because the food here in the hospital doesn't taste good."

"Huh? but..."

Cycy looked away after a few seconds of staring at Scarlett Athena.

"I don't wanna eat that. It tastes nothing."

Wearing a cardigan and a wide legged pants, Scarlett took her phone from her YSL purse and typed.

"Okay, what would you like to eat then?" She asked.

"Why are you here? Aren't you and Ezekiel going to see each other?"

Her gaze switched to him.

"isn't it that obvious, Cy? I liked you. I mean, I love you. For so long, I love you, I freaking will!"


"Sir, wake up, you need to eat."

Cy's POV

I immediately woke up to a girl's tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes.

My hand hurts and I can't lift it so the nurse helps me sit up.

I immediately pushed her and removed her hand from my arm.

"Leave, I don't want you here." I ordered.

no matter what I do to calm myself down I can't do it for some unknown reason.

"Sir, it's 9:30 tonight. You haven't eaten all day." she said, slapping me with the truth even more.

I had no problem rolling my eyes at the nurse and said.

"I'm useless if I don't eat all day! Tell the doctor to discharge me here already!"

"Sir, it's not possible... You need to get blood for testing first. Get well first—"

"Whatever, Leave!"

My scream was reason enough when the nurse realized and quickly placed the porridge and milk on the tray on the small table.

She quickly left the door and I was left alone.

"9:30? They're probably both out by this time." I said to myself.

I closed my eyes and silently thought what I thought was true.

Why is it really Scarlett out of all that can be dreamed of? If it's possible, it's different.

My cell phone has been ringing from the table side for a while now.

Maybe it was Slyvan and Bea.

It's strange now because my heart is as quiet as the surroundings.

My head throbbed.

How can I see her face even in a dream?

It's been two weeks since we met each other again after a long long years.

And when we met, my mind was always confused.

Always confused to the point that even when working home, full of paperworks at night, I can't still thinking straight about the company.

—'cause it's always her face I am seeing around me.

I thought I've already made it back then when she disappeared?

That I've already erased every damn thing? That I am free? That I'm okay?

I closed my eyes again.

I don't feel hungry or thirsty despite not eating or drinking all day since she left here.

I didn't receive anyone, even Uncle Fred the doctor didn't let him stay in the room because of my orders.

I breathed heavily.

I tried to comfort myself by singing softly.

But I was immediately stopped because even my lips were tired.

When I opened my eyes, all I could see were empty walls and an empty cold room.

And the stars that glow in the dark sky that I can see from my bed.

And all that makes everything heavy in me. How can I not notice the world when I'm alive?

How can I not notice the beauty of the night sky like how I used to when I was primary and secondary?

All I see is the dead blank stares of people. The fear on them whenever they try to contact me. And the fucking cold in everything I've touched.

Like I'm living with a snatched heart. With a lost soul. With unwritten hundreds of stories.

And a blank life.

I was a little surprised.

No, I was surprised when the big fire passed through the sky that left a mark the same color as the fire.

I was surprised because I just saw a meteor again.

I was surprised because I was immediately worried about mom.

"If you're true just like how my mother taught me, please make her here." I said full and with desire.

But after that, I also secretly laughed at myself when I realized that I was once again the fool, follower of my own imagination.

I bit my lip.

My previous dream is unlikely to happen in real life.

Maybe I was just too annoyed because I didn't even know that she was the one who bought my old place back then.

For a long time I believed that she was gone already. That she'll never sprout like a mushroom after a night of thunderstorm in a wild in my life.

There must be a meteor shower today because the flaming rocks are falling in the sky one after another.

I'm secretly glad. I always remember her every time the night is like this and it's filled with big stars that twinks.

And was always wondering of where she is and why did she disappeared?

"Lord, if you're real, m-make her here..." I whispered beneath my breath.

As I felt the cold wind slapping me, I also felt my hand starting to ache again.

I really hate cuts and bruises. But I wanted to teach him a lesson of how he should be polite to that girl.

That not every woman he talks to will be treated like a prostitute.

Because she'll never be like that.

He's an asshole, a pervert.

But I'm a pervert too.

Ah anyway, he's right. We're the same, we both like to fuck everyday but I am not like him in many ways.

I have my life, I'm wealthy. He's just a scumbag searching for a sugar mommy to spend dollars for him.

And he's wrong of targeting her. I'll never let her end up with him.


Maybe shooting stars are liars.

It's been an hour since I hoped for stars to make her here but she's still not here.

I thought about going to sleep again 'cause of sleepiness.

Even though my hand hurt, I immediately used it to support my body and lay down.

How was my own imagination make me a fool? Embarrassing!

I hope tomorrow will be okay and I can get out of this hellish hospital.

Hopefully by tomorrow this feeling will be gone and—
