Sed has been carrying my body for a while now. I can't even tell what day is it, what lonth it is. Time just feels like an illusion to me. I've had my eyes shut for what feels like 7 years.
The thing I can feel is Sed's heavy breathing which is loud and sounds like he has asthma. He seemed to have taken off my shirt and used it like bandage to help me. But even though he tried to help me. He isn't doing a great job.
" I sorry, Eric! ", Sed spoke as he cried in shame. " I really need die for what me has done! ". I couldn't let Sed talk about himself like that. So, I grabbed on his collar.
" Look at me, Sed! You are not bad! You are being manipulated by the ruby. If we can train together and learn to use and control our powers. Then the manipulation will happen less! ", I assured him. This seemed to have cheered him up. He finally had a smile and hope.
" So, you not die? ", Sed asked in concern. I looked at Sed with a small grin. " Please, I've had worse injuries! ", I reassured him. I spent all this time asking Sed questions that I never really asked where he came from.
" So Sed, Where are you from? " I asked him. Sed seemed to be shocked by this question. But Sed took a deep breath and looked at me.
" When I was baby, I found little rock. I love little rock. But rock got stuck on forehead and it bad. Bad men came and took me away from mama and papa. Most of life spent at factory. Bad men wanted to take out my gem. One day, I ran away from bad men. And now Sed here! ", He explained. I looked at Sed with sympathy. He really had most of childhood robbed of him from expierements and torture by this organization that just wanted our gems.
I couldnt just let them get away with this. I looked at Sed with determination. " Tell me, where is the factory? ", I asked Sed.
Sed sighed and we started our way to the factory.