Sed and I set up a camp for the night by a lake. Sed spent 5 minutes getting materials. We made the fire and got ready to sleep. I was about ready to sleep. But something seemed to be on Sed's mind.
He wouldn't stop rolling around on the grass. I just figured he's just a roller when he sleeps and didn't question it. That was until I awoke to him putting his head in the campfire.
" Sed! What the hell are you doing? ", I yelled at him with concern. I immediately ran to pull him out of the fire. " Let go me! My head evil! ", Sed cried. It was hard to pull him out of the fire because he was about 400 pounds, no exaggeration.
I finally pulled him out and his face was a bit scorched. " What was up with that? ", I asked to him covered in sweat. Sed was breathing heavily and was silent.
" I no sleep. My ruby being evil! ", Sed cried. " I can't take brain, anymore! ". I helped him get up from the ground and walked him to the nearby lake to cool off his head. Physically and mentally.
" Remember Sed, The more you fight with your Ruby, the more the manipulative and manifestation of the Ruby's spirit will go away." I assured him while rubbing his back. Sed started to smile and really appreciated my company.
" We took down evil company! ", He said cheerfully. I looked at the ground not knowing how to tell Sed what I found on the facility's computer.
I took a deep breath and looked at Sed. " On the computer I saw that the facility was labled, MIC Base 4. ", I told him with honesty.
" So there more? ", He asked in disbelief. I sighed and responded to him. " Yup, MIC stands for Mysterious Item Control. In total they have 7 bases around the east coast. We took down one. So that leaves 6 bases remaining. ".
Sed seemed to be really upset by this news, understandably. He started clenching his fists and threw rocks st the lake. " We kill them all! ", He yelled at the top of his lungs.
I chuckled and looked at him, " Yeah we will, Sed. " I reassured him. " Luckily I know where all of the bases are from the computer. ".
We got up and decided to practice our abilities and our strength against little animals ,trees, and boulders.
Of course my ass couldn't carry any of the boulders…