Chapter 3 - Taking Advantage Of The Satan

Serafall Leviathan or Levia-tan for short, was tasked to investigate the powerful energy signature detected in Kuoh believed to be from an unknown god simply because the energy is very similar to divine power.

Kuoh Town was originally territory belonging to Kyoto and by extension, the Shinto Pantheon. However, for unknown reasons, it was rented to the Devils and currently governed by the sisters of the current Satan Lucifer and Leviathan.

Because the three races are currently at war and merely on a ceasefire, precautions were made and numerous surveillance systems and devices are scattered around Kuoh Town mainly by the Siscon Satan Lucifer and they detected a sudden powerful surge of divine power that caused the very weather to suddenly changed and caused a torrential downpour.

This incident caused the Devils to immediately scramble for a potential invasion since it's public knowledge that Kuoh is a Devil's territory although rented and God are known to be very fickle and also particularly violent. To suddenly surge his divine power in the middle of Kuoh is no different than a declaration of war even if the circumstances stated otherwise considering Kuoh is still intact during the aftermath.

"Haah… There isn't much to learn about over here." Serafall sighed exhaustively as she investigated the park where the incident took place.

Nothing is destroyed or modified. But for certain, the divine power is still lingering in the area and from what she could analyze, this divine power belongs to no known gods.

"That's very concerning…" Serafall can already feel the headache coming.

If the results said the divine power belongs to no known gods. That basically narrowed down to gods before the Biblical Pantheon came into existence. To put it simply, the list basically narrows down to the pantheon forgotten by time and for a god from a forgotten pantheon to still exist would mean those gods are gods that do not rely on faith like most new generation gods.

The answer would be the Primordials. Gods that do not rely on faith as they are embodiments of concepts and as long as concepts such as light, dark, day, night, etc exist. Their existence and power will never diminish. Instead grow stronger as time passes.

As if the involvement of an unknown god isn't enough, it has to be a Primordial God. They will be lucky if tomorrow isn't the armageddon.

Serafall is massaging her brow, contemplating how she is going to break the news to the others about her finding. That's when something suddenly creeped up on her.

"Huh? Oh, a cute kitty. Where did you come from?" Serafall saw a black cat sitting next to her on the park bench licking its paw.

Serafall remembered she put a barrier around the park to ward away unwanted eyes. She guessed the cat was already in the park when she put on a barrier.

"Meow!" The black cat meowed like it was calling for her attention and then leaped off the bench before it stopped and looked back at her.

"Uhm. You want me to follow you?" She asked and figured entertaining the cat's whim is a good way to relieve some stress she is currently facing.

"Meow." The cat called again before turning its head away and walking in a direction.

Serafall shrugs and follows the cat.

Several minutes later, the cat led her to a bakery that is nearing the closing time as the bakery owner is in the process of closing up the shop.

The cat stopped by the display window and put its paw on it as if pointing at a particular bread before meowing at her again.

"Oh, you want me to help you buy the bread?" Serafall chuckled at the realization that the cat is leading her here to get free food. But she didn't mind it and walked into the bakery and helped the cat buy the bread and buy herself something too.

When they exited the bakery with their newly bought baked goods. Serafall brought the cat back to the park to eat it but surprisingly the cat didn't eat the bread and seems to be keeping it for later or for someone else.

The cat sat on her lap and rubbed its head on her belly as if showing its gratitude which made Serafall laugh a little and pet the cat.

"Ah. Thank you, kitty. Now I am cheered up again." Serafall said while holding the cat on her arm and caressing its glossy black fur.

When she looked carefully at the cat. It was tamed, well mannered and looked very well cared for. This cat surely has an owner, she thought.

"Is the bread actually for your owner?" Serafall guessed and surprisingly the cat was nodding as if understanding her words and meowing at her again.

But it makes her wonder why the cat is trying to get food for its owner. The most likely possibility is its owner is unable to afford food or something. Perhaps poor or homeless.

"Well, if that's the case. You should return to your owner. Surely he or she is waiting for your return. Don't make your owner worry for you." Serafall releases the cat back on the bench.

The cat meowed as if to say okay before it carried the plastic bag containing the bread in its mouth and left the park. Serafall waved the cat goodbye and prepared to inform the other Satans of what she learned from her investigation.


(Mc PoV)

When I was out of Serafall's sight, I dropped the bread into my shadow and let it sink into it which also has an Inventory function to store things for me.

Meeting Serafall is a complete coincidence as when I was testing my power in the woods behind the abandoned church, I sensed the arrival of someone strong. Stronger than any presence in this town that looks like a beacon in the dark. So, I went and checked it out to discover Serafall was investigating me. More specifically, what I caused in the evening which apparently attracted the Devil's attention.

After meeting Serafall, I also went to check out this world's MC, Issei Hyoudou and discovered he had already been turned into a Devil. This gave me a clue how far the plot had progressed.

Anyway those Devils didn't concern me as long as they stayed a yard stick away from my ward and didn't try to taint her with their devilry.

By midnight, I returned to the abandoned church and found myself next to Asia as I yawned and went to sleep next to her.
