Chapter 31 - Abby the Loli Cunny Daughter

Previously, after Ray decided to summon a Servant at whim using himself as Catalyst as if nothing would go wrong.

"Servant Foreigner, Abigail Williams had answered your summon, Father."

He looks at the girl in shock even if he shouldn't. Like he kinda constantly has the future fed to his head although he consciously ignores it to not ruin the fun.

"Uhm… are you sure I'm your dad? I mean, I'm basically a newborn infant considering the average lifespan of Eldritch God. Also, I'm a single d– Err, cat all my life. I never had a partner before." Ray tried to defend his innocence.

Instead of continuing talking, Abby simply used her power to summon some black octopus-like tentacles.

"Isn't this the power that father bestowed to me?" She asks innocently and Ray can feel a piercing gaze from Ravel boring into the back of his feline skull.

"Wait! Sure I can summon tentacles. But those tentacles look completely different from mine!" Ray turns around to explain to Ravel but all he receives is an even more intense stare.

For Ravel, the power Ray bestowed to Sirin and Sakura, although they have different forms of tentacles. But undoubtedly, their most striking similarity is to summon tentacles. That is all the proof she needed as proof to Abby's claim.

"Nice to meet you too, Abigail. My name is Ravel Phenex, a Devil from the Pillar Houses of Phenex and Master's Apostle." Ravel approached Abby and introduced herself and warmed up with the girl.

"Mhm! Just call me Abby!" Abby excitedly greeted the fellow followers of her supposed father.

Meanwhile Ray is staring at the floor, ignored by the other two but received a worried look from the resident doctor and Acting Director of Chaldea and the Last Master of Humanity that is extremely worried that the Outer God turn out to be Eldritch God in the form of a cat would suddenly flip and decided to end the reality.

Outer God is already worse enough as it means they are gods outside of their reality. It includes a wide category such as Alien Gods, the most common and the best case scenario since the Counter Force is still capable of handling them even if that's quite a stretch. But there's also Eldritch God, one of the worst case scenarios as Eldritch God are all gods of higher dimensions and a big portion of them were not even known and most importantly, their existence alone is enough to dwarf everything. They are the cosmic horrors that can delete reality with a single thought and didn't even register or acknowledge the insignificant humanity and their puny planet as an existence.

Meanwhile in Ray's mind, an intense debate is taking place.

"Should I just accept it? She might not have much in terms of assets but she is cute and very lovable. Not that I will lose anything by accepting her as my daughter. I already have Sirin and Sakura even though they are the unofficial ones… adding another one isn't that big of a deal."

"Yes. She is a loli. Definitely my taste. Adorable cunny daughter… Yes. I have decided." Ray made up his mind. But there is another reason why he would accept Abby. Her compatibility as the vessel and his power is so high that Ravel is not even a worthy comparison.

To put into perspective. Ravel who merely received a billionth of his power can reach Satan level strength. Abby could bear 0.001% of his power and would be able to beat the fear of death into the ExE Gods. Definitely a useful tool besides being a cute daughter to please his eyes and soul. Her raw power alone is a million times that of a Satan if he grants her his power. Not to mention the conceptual weight of her power.

Back to 3rd PoV of the summoning room.

"I've decided. Since you want to be my daughter then. I shall accept." The cat declared which surprised everyone with his sudden change of mind.

But then, the space and time suddenly shattered and opened up a dark void above Abby who looked with neither fear nor horror but curiosity as she looked at the incomprehensible being doing something and a drop of pitch black ichor dripped from it and to the center of Abby's forehead.

Then suddenly darkness sprouted from the space itself and wrapped her into an ominous cocoon radiating dark halo and the presence struck an existential dread to those who received no blessing from Ray.

What they sense from the ominous cocoon is an existence incomparably higher than themselves that they couldn't even comprehend but unconsciously worshiping due to their base instinct as a primate to worship what's unknown. Just like how early humans worshiped unexplained natural phenomena such as thunderstorms, typhoons, volcano eruptions, etc.

Their miniscule mind is simply incapable of comprehending, much less explaining what is happening. All they can do is hope and pray they will survive.

When the cocoon cracked, what birth from it is an unmistakably divine and holy, yet twisted and distorted. But the dark blinding radiance obscured their vision and by the time it subsided. Abby reappeared again and looked no different than before except for the unsettling presence that emanated from her which lasted a moment before it vanished along with the keyhole with an eye on her forehead.

"What did you do father?" The curious Abby asked as she felt something about her is distinctly different although she can't put her hand on what it was yet.

"Hmn. Since you are now my daughter. I decided to give you proper power unlike that Yog guy." Ray said, looking rather proud of his handiwork. "With the power I give you. Abby can steamroll any thing this universe can throw at you." He said with a thumbs up.

"I don't understand what that means. But thank you, father!" Abby rushed up to Ray and brought him to a hug.

'Hmn. Being hugged by a cute loli daughter didn't feel that bad.' He thought.

Meanwhile on the Chaldean side, the servants rushed to the summoning room in a panic and weapon drawn ready to fight only to see nothing was happening out of the ordinary.

"Huh? Where is the enemy?" Cu asked and was raring to fight but the enemy was nowhere to be found as all he could see was a heartwarming scene of a child servant hugging the cat she addressed as father.


(So, how strong is Abby? As I said, she can steamroll anything the Fate universe can throw on her. She is also kinda stronger than Ray himself.

Ray may have 1% of his true strength. But remember he is still trying to grasp it and yet to fully be able to use it at will. So in terms of output. Abby is currently stronger.

Also, Ray removed Yog's influence on Abby and replaced with himself. That's what happened in the cocoon. So, Ray is now Abby's real father(adoptive).)

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