Chapter 52 - Inviting Rimuru

The next day, the adventurers and Shizu are going to leave. The adventurers already finished their task in investigating the area while Shizu said she wished to search for a person.

Ray had been staying in the background, creating the Chat Group System and added himself and Ainz into the group.

During the departure where Shizu should lose control of Ifrit, it actually didn't happen because Sebas interfered and killed the Giant Ants instead of Shizu which delayed the release of Ifrit. However, with a snap of his finger. Adam caused Ifrit to be released regardless.



They all watched in horror as a powerful presence broke out from Shizu and consumed her body with powerful fire to reveal a red demon, the Spirit of Flame, Ifrit.

"That Shizu… isn't she the legendary hero, the Conqueror of Flame!" The leader of the adventurer immediately recognised this power.

With Rimuru, he is being given another memory fragment by Ray. Rimuru watched how the battle ended with Ifrit and how Shizu is destined to die regardless.

"You can save Shizu right?" Rimuru talked despite Ray being nowhere nearby.

"Of course. But, can you afford the price? I don't work for free after all." Ray's arrogant tone echoes into Rimuru's eyes.

"Then, what is it that you want from me?" Rimuru asked.

Since meeting Ray, Rimuru already knew that Ray is a suspicious person. He never truly trusted his words and took everything with a grain of salt because the way Ray carried himself is too obvious and his Great Sage can easily tell that Ray is someone very powerful that dwarfs even the Storm Dragon Veldora.

"It's a very easy task. Just accept the invitation and I promise I will make your girl won't die."

A strange light blue holographic screen appeared in Rimuru's vision. That stated, [Would you accept the invitation?] There is no other information other than two choices between 'Yes' and 'No'.

"Can't you at least tell me what this is for?" Rimuru demanded more information.


Ray ignored and stayed silent while a timer suddenly appeared on the screen to pressure Rimuru to make his choice.

"Argh! Damnit! Fine! I accept!" Rimuru caved in to the pressure and selected 'Yes'.

The holographic screen turns into an interface which looks like the screen of a phone except it only has a few icons. Chat Group, Sign-In, Lottery, Shop and Inventory.

"Well, you know how to take care of Ifrit. I will fix her body later and lifespan after you save her." Ray said before going silent again.

With a relieved sigh after hearing the reassurance from Ray, Rimuru did as the memory fragment shows and asked the sorcerer girl to shoot him an Icicle to analyze it and create a new skill for himself. Then he fought with Ifrit, giving the Spirit of Flame some face slapping before he used Predator skill to eat Ifrit and separate it from Shizu.

Rimuru then left in a hurry and rushed to find Ray with Shizu in tow. He did find Ray later waiting at the medical tent waiting for Rimuru and Shizu to arrive.

After placing Shizu down on a hemp bed, Rimuru immediately turns to Ray.

"I already did what you asked. It's your turn to uphold your promise." Rimuru demanded.

"Relax." Ray replied with an eye roll before he snapped his finger and said, "Done. I make her lifespan infinite. So, as long as she isn't mortally wounded. She will never die of natural causes and is immune to all illness and diseases."

Rimuru who is observing the process feels like he is being tricked. All Ray did was snap his finger once.

Believe it or not, I already uphold my promise and she is truly immortal now with endless lifespan. If you don't believe me, check her using your Great Sage." Ray shrugged and surprised Rimuru that he knew about the Great Sage.

After checking with the Great Sage, Rimuru sees the changes and Shizu's race is changed from Human into Perpetual. Meaning a human with a body similar to a perpetual motion machine. As long as they aren't killed on purpose, they will not die.

"Now that you believe me. It's time we talk about the Chat Group." Ray's voice turns excited as he starts explaining the Group Chat System, its purpose and functions.

"Wait, you create this just to hang out because you are bored?" Rimuru was quite shocked after learning the purpose of the Chat Group System.

"Basically, yes. Besides you and me. There is another guy named Ainz or Momonga. He is the one with the username Bone Daddy." Ray points out before he suddenly saw a message in the chat group along with a picture attached.

[Bone Daddy: Ray Senpai, one of your daughters suddenly appeared and almost wrecked my house. I demand compensation, Senpai!

Bone Daddy: Total Damage Compensation Cost.jpg]

Looking at the message, Ray cursed that someone found out about his clone and is now searching for him. Definitely Abby because she and Ray show a deep bond that can allow her to follow after his trails.

[Lord Black Kitty just gifted Bone Daddy 1 Million Points.

Lord Black Kitty: If not enough just tell me. I will send more. 😎

Bone Daddy: More than enough. More than enough.

Bone Daddy: 1 point can convert into 100 Gold coins. 1 Million Points is 100 Million Gold coins!

Bone Daddy: The total damage doesn't even exceed 10 Thousand Gold coins. You can invite more family members to break more walls and floors, Senpai! 🙏]

Rimuru silently observes the Chat Group and finds it really no different than a common Chat Group with friends chatting except there are other functions such as lottery with generous rewards, shops that sell many wondrous objects and inventory that can store items like a subspace.

[Slime Demon Lord: Hello! I am Rimuru!

Bone Daddy: Hello, Rimuru-san. You can call me Ainz or Momonga.

Bone Daddy gifted Slime Demon Lord 'Orb of the Dead'. Items will be deposited into inventory.

Bone Daddy: I heard of your situation from Ray Senpai and prepared this gift. You can summon 100 Skeletons every 24 hours that last for 72 hours. They should be very useful in doing manual labor and dangerous tasks.]

Rimuru looks at the message sent by Ainz in shock. 100 tireless skeletons that can do all sorts of manual labor tasks without need for rest. After three days, he would have 300 skeletons which is very impressive and much needed by Rimuru to build his own city in the Great Forest of Jura.

[Slime Demon Lord: Thank you, Ainz-Senpai. ☺️

Bone Daddy: No worries. We are all fellow Isekai victims. We must band together and help each other.

Bone Daddy: Anyway, @Lord Black Kitty. Demiurge and Cocytus already captured all the Godkins. I will keep them imprisoned for you.

Lord Black Kitty: No need. Just kill them and send their corpses to me.

Bone Daddy: 👌

Bone Daddy gifted Lord Black Kitty '12 Dead Corpses'.

Lord Black Kitty gifted Bone Daddy 'Refresher Orb'.

Bone Daddy: A pleasure to do business with you, Senpai.

Lord Black Kitty: 👌🤝

Bone Daddy: 🤝]

All the conversation so far looked normal but the last part got Rimuru reconsidering his choice.

"Why do I feel like I just joined a shady group of criminal gangs?" He mutters worriedly.


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