Chapter 59 - Might Of The Super Tier Magic

Few hours into the war, the main forces of the Orc army had arrived at the large plain neighbouring the marsh of the Lizardman. The Orcs were engaging the Lizardman army led by the rebelled Gabiru who seized his father's throne.

The initially advantageous battle immediately turns into disadvantage. Gabiru leads the Orcs into the marsh because the Lizarman have better advantages on this marsh terrain as their home ground and natural habitat unlike the Orc. However, when he sees the Orc not only cannibalised their deceased ally to gain power but also the corpse of Lizardman and gain their unique traits, Gabiru finally knows that this battle is hopeless from the start.

"This! We will be overwhelmed!" Gabiru said with despair in his voice as the Orc army was surrounding his forces and they had no more path to retreat.


Suddenly a sound of rolling thunder made everyone pause their fight and look up to the sky.

Dark clouds gather and form a swirling gate above the sky as lightning strikes and thunderclaps fill the sky as if the god of the sky was enraged.

Then from the centre of the swirling cloud descended a gigantic figure in black tattered robe with four feathered wings as black as the abyss itself that exuded an extremely dangerous aura and struck the fear of death to all beings that laid their eyes on it. From under the cloak, a pair of green eyes glowed as the figure looked to a direction and bowed subserviently which shocked everyone that was currently observing the scene.

On the sky is another figure, smaller and wearing a purple royal robe while holding a breathtaking golden staff that looks absolutely divine. But when they look properly at the figure, they could see a lifeless undead skeleton with blazing red eyes and an ominous red orb in his chest.

The skeleton mage points down at the battlefield before his voice which is neither loud or quiet but reaches the ears of everyone regardless of distance.

"Slaughter the enemies of Rimuru Tempest." The skeleton mage uses his hands that are filled with peerless divine artefacts and point at the Orcs.

"Your will is my command, Lord Summoner." Abaddon, the Lord of the Abyss and the King of Locust replied before its body disintegrated. Or at least that is what the people below see.

Then suddenly the sky turned dark as the moonlight suddenly vanished and the sound of buzzing filled the entire battlefield.

"What is t—"

"Be on g—"


Chaos instantly filled the battlefield but the peace returned equally fast. The Orcs didn't even have time to react before only their bones and equipment were left behind for the puzzled Lizardman and Rimuru's people to figure out.

When the moonlight returned, Rimuru's people and the Lizardman finally knew why the sky turned pitch black a moment ago. They all saw the swarm of toddler sized locusts descending from the sky and devoured the Orcs in an instant without any chance of resisting. There was never a chance to begin with. Once the locusts were done eating the orcs, they moved to the next battlefield, swarming toward the next Orcs.

Those who are ignored and survived the locusts swarm couldn't help but be traumatised. They all see how the locusts feasted on the orcs that not even a drop of blood were wasted, ravenous and filled with endless hunger. The locust's red gleaming eyes looked at them with desire to feast on them too but for some reason, they were ignored and the locusts went for the Orc only.

Meanwhile Ainz is in the sky watching the scene unfold with shock.

"Shit, those locusts are too good!" Ainz quickly stopped the locusts and dismissed the magic because in less than a minute, those locusts had already eaten over half of the 100 thousand Orcs.


While others are busy fighting the Orc, Ray is taking a walk with Kuroka and Abby in the forest.

"Darling, are you sure we don't need to help in the fight?" Kuroka asked while wondering why he would suddenly suggest taking a walk in the forest instead of fighting like the others.

"With our strength, do you think it's fun to fight with ants? Just let them handle those Orcs." He shrugs as he continues to walk while the two follow closely behind without any words to refute.

After walking for a while, Kuroka's ears twitched as she heard the voice of people talking. Ray kept his eyes forward and said, "It seems like they are ahead."

"Who are they?"

"Fodders. No one worth remembering but a useful tool. Let's go." Ray answered to Kuroka before turning into his humanoid form and sneaked up on Gelmud and Laplace, who is currently facing Treyni, who appeared out of nowhere.

"Our goal has already been achieved, it's time to bail. So long!" Laplace took out multiple beads of smoke bombs and threw it on the floor. Then Laplace grabs Gelmud before trying to escape.

"Hold it for a moment. Why leave so soon? I haven't given my permission for any of you to leave."

"Who!" Laplace shouted in a panic when he felt like his entire body had been petrified and couldn't move a muscle.

The smoke immediately cleared off and revealed the three newcomers. Treyni immediately recognised them three as Rimuru's guest and remembered his advice that says Ray is a genuine god with unimaginable powers.

Ray confidently walks up to Laplace and Gelmud with a steady pace until he stands right in front of them two.

"You want to know who I am?" Ray asked Laplace with genuine curiosity.

Laplace is not giving up this opportunity to learn possible useful information, immediately nodded and said yes. But Ray sighed and looked rather helpless.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell. But… I don't think you are worthy." Ray sighed with pity for Laplace before he turned to Gelmud.

As for Kuroka, she knows Ray is just messing around and she immediately laughs at the pitiful Laplace but at least he gets to keep his life. As for Abby, she was just confused and didn't know what was funny for Kuroka to be laughing at. After all, Ray isn't lying that Laplace isn't worthy to know his identity since he cannot resist the mental pollution that came with the information.

After messing with Laplace, Ray saw Gelmud was trying to flee but he immediately grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him back.

"I don't remember giving you permission to leave. So, where do you think you are going?" Ray yanked Gelmud's hair and lifted his head up enough to meet his eyes.

"Y-You! Who do you think you are! I am Lord Clayman subordinate! He is a Demon Lord! Not someone you can afford to offend." Gelmud yapped while looking arrogantly thinking he is great for being a mutt of a Demon Lord.

"Clayman?" Ray asked.

"Indeed! Demon Lord Clayman is my master. Now that you know your place, release me this instance!" Gelmud demanded proudly and grinning behind his mask.

"Indeed. Indeed. Demon Lord is very powerful and dangerous." He said before releasing Gelmud's hair.

Gelmud snorted before slapping Ray's hand away and straightening his collar and picking up his fallen hat and walking stick. Unaware of the grin on Ray's face that instantly turned into a laughter once he could hold it back anymore.

"Why are you still here and laughing? Get lost before I report this to Lord Clayman!" Gelmud used Clayman's name thinking it could intimidate Ray but instead it only made him laugh harder.

"Ah… Clayman or Gayman whichever it is. You want to report to him? Why don't I bring him here so you can talk to him eh?" Ray punched his arm which shattered the space and yanked out someone from it.

"This! L-Lord Clayman!" Gelmud exclaimed in shock. Laplace and Treyni also watched in shock that Ray could bring Clayman here simply by forcefully punching the reality and creating what essential is a wormhole.

"What… happened to me?" Clayman, wearing a white suit, dizzily looked around trying to make sense of what just happened and then he saw Laplace and Gelmud.

"Oh, nothing to worry about. I will not kill you since you are not mine to kill. But you mutt said that I should know my place or else he will report it to you… I don't know but he is implying that I should be afraid of you." Ray wraps his hand around Clayman's neck like they are close friends as Ray explains what just happened.

"... That's why, I have to kill you and open his eyes that failed to understand the immensity of heaven and earth. But don't worry. I will resurrect you later as a thank you and wipe your memory too to remove any unwanted trauma." Ray said with the most soft and friendly voice and face like saint rather than a killer.

"Huh?" Clayman was obviously confused by this fever dream -like situation he found himself in.


Ray throw a casual punch on Clayman's face which get obliterated like a bursting watermelon before the headless corpse fell to the ground with an thud that sounded like an earth-shattering sound for Gelmud.

"Lord Clayman…" He mutters before falling to his knee as his whole world's view just shattered.

"Mother, why are you covering my eyes?" Abby complained when Kuroka stop her from seeing her Father showing off.

"You shouldn't look at something like this yet, sweetie. Just listen to your mother and close your eyes." She sighed, not wanting Abby to get used to gruesome scene like this and preserve her child-like innocence.

"Okay…" Abby look dejected but she close her eyes because she is a good girl that will obey her parents.

After he is done with his fun, Ray snap his finger and all the splattered and obliterated bits of Clayman's head reformed itself as if time is rewinding until Clayman is back to his previous uninjured state as Ray send him back after a quick memory wipe.

Gelmud is shaking and quivering on his knee waiting for his due from Ray. After seeing how effortlessly Ray played Clayman's life like a toy, there is no doubt that this whimsical child in front of Gelmud is a very powerful being.

"Why are you so terrified? I will not stain my hand to kill ants like you. To me, you are just a prop to spice up my show." Ray said and shoved something a glowing black orb into Gelmud's head.

Gelmud release a brief shriek of pain and horror before he passed out on the ground with his eyes opened wide, still aware but his body is paralyzed that he could only scream like a mute.

"You, clown. Carry Gelmud to the Orc Lord and I will spare your life." Ray snap his finger and the severed arm on Laplace instantly healed and Ray kicked Gelmud to him which he catched and placed on his shoulder.

Laplace know this man is an immense danger. He can see it with his Seer skill. He have higher chances of winning fighting Veldanava naked with his bare fist only than fighting this guy with all preparation he could muster.

Laplace immediately scurried away and finish his job to redeem his life back while also get the fuck out of this place and vow to never return to this forest anymore.

"Let's go. The show are finally starting." Ray said and open a portala while rubbing his eyes a little and yawned.

Kuroka offer to carry him since he look a little tired. Ray accepted her offer and change back to his cat form and together with Abby, they entered the portal and return to the main battlefield where Rimuru and the other had gathered and currently facing off with the Orc Lord, Geld.


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