Chapter 66 - New Members, New Mission

"So, Darling. Mind explaining why there is another woman saying she is your wife?" Kuroka nudged at Morgan while staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

Hearing Kuroka's words. Morgan felt challenged and also unwilling to accept the fact she isn't the first wife and instead a concubine.

As for Ray, he is sitting on the couch relaxed with Abby on his lap which received continuous headpat with a blissful expression.

"I just felt like it. Besides, someone is nagging me and it's annoying. This is the only way to make them stop." He shrugs and returns to watching season two of Attack on Titan with Abby.

Hearing his 'reason', Kuroka could only sighed exasperatedly. She already knew this day would come with his personality. She could only extend a look of pity to Morgan before leaving with a sigh as Morgan was definitely still unaware of the fickleness of Ray.

Seeing the look of pity from Kuroka, Morgan felt strange. The look of pity isn't mocking but instead it's out of concern. But for what exactly? She can only find it out herself.


Sirin and Sakura were incredibly happy and excited to receive more sisters. Since the moment Ray introduced them to their new sisters, they had been excitedly guiding them.

"So side of the mansion are all the bedrooms. The door with the name plaque means they are occupied. You two can choose one that is unoccupied. Mine and Sakura's room is room No. 2 and 4 that is facing the flower garden. If you want similar rooms, you two can take room No. 6 and 8." Sirin excitedly explained to her new 'younger sister'.

Baobhan Sith aside, Melusine wonders who did she suddenly get adopted by a shapeshifting talking cat and turned into a younger sister in less than an hour since she was summoned. But at this point, she is just too afraid to ask and simply roll with it because her instinct can tell that aside from her Queen's lookalike and the maids, everyone else is much stronger than her. Even her new siblings.

As for Baobhan Sith, she is still salty about earlier. As you may expect, she did something dumb.

When Ray suddenly hugs Morgan, she gets angry and tries to attack him for sullying her mother. But she didn't expect she would fold in less than a second.

Unlike Melusine that has Draconic Nature and is able to use Instinct to some extent. Baobhan Sith didn't think Ray was any stronger than herself and attacked him for his disrespect to the Fairy Queen. But she however, kicked a steel plate.

He didn't even need to lift his hand. All he did was release his psychic might and it came down crashing on her like a mountain on her shoulder, pushing her down crashing to the floor once before Morgan intervened and put a stop to it by asking him to forgive her.

It was a shameful experience. Her pride and arrogance shattered there and then when she sensed the insurmountably wide gulf between her and his strength. That made her feel like an insignificant insect observing the distant galaxies through the telescope, a forever unreachable destination for her.

For that reason, she is acting in good behavior. Prideful and haughty she might be, she still understands that she is nothing in front of him, an existence that can exterminate her with a single thought.

But she is not without a solution. She can sense her new siblings are also strong. Strong enough she could barely see the other end of the chasm of the gulf between their strengths. If she can gain the secret to their strength or sow discord to turn them against that hateful man. She can still win!

Thus, she can only swallow her dissatisfaction for now and act good to her new siblings to gain their favor…


[New user, 'God of Harem' has been added.]

[New user, 'The Villain in Glasses' has been added.]

[User 'Kazuma' died by decapitation.]

[User 'Kazuma' has been revived.]

Ainz: Huh?

Rimuru: Huh?

Tanya: …

Hajime: Huh?

Kirito: Hello?

Shiroe: What is this strange UI?

Kazuma: Ahem. Don't worry guys, it was just an accident.

Tanya: Decapitation is considered an accident for you? 🤨

Ainz: Ahem, Kazuma-san. If you need help, please do not hesitate to inform us. I think most of us here are eager to *cough* help.

Tanya: Are you sure you are not just eager to collect rare monsters for your collection?

Ainz: 😗

Ainz: Anyway, since the admin is still offline. Let me greet the newcomers.

Ainz: To the two newcomers, please read the guide I pinned and introduce yourself.

Few minutes later.

[User 'God of Harem' has changed name to Kirito.]

[User 'The Villain in Glasses' has changed name to Shiroe.]

Shiroe: I am Shiroe, a LV 90 Enchanter from the city Akiba. I am wondering what this Chat Group is for because I don't remember Elder Tale ever having such a function.

Kirito: Elder Tale? I was trapped in this game called Sword Art Online. I never heard of the Elder Tale.

Kirito: Ah! My name is Kirito.

Shiroe: Wait, you are trapped too? In a different game? Does everyone else in the Chat Group have similar situations too?

Shiroe is incredibly excited as he thought he finally found a clue to what is happening to him after finding a fellow kindred that is trapped in a game.

Tanya: No, I was kidnapped by a devil and thrown into a world that is slowly moving towards a world war similar to World War 2.

Hajime: I was kidnapped along with my entire class by a kingdom that is summoning heroes to fight against demons.

Kazuma: I was reincarnated to another world to fight the demon lord.

Rimuru: I was stabbed and reincarnated into another world.

Ainz: I was transported to another world in my in-game avatar.

Seeing this, Shiroe becomes confused but when he reads the title of this UI, it does name itself 'Isekai Chat Group' which means chat group of another world. What is shared by other users is quite consistent with the theme of the Chat Group. Although, he does wonder what its purpose is to gather people of such specific conditions.

[Admin, 'Ray' is now online]

Ainz: Oh! Ray-senpai is here. I wonder if we'll have another mission.

Shiroe noticed the keyword and remembered he read about it from the brief guide. The 'Mission' is actually an offline gathering where they will gather in a world and try to achieve certain objectives and last time it was to kill the Demon Lord, Geld.

Ray: Hello everyone and the newcomers. I'm gonna be brief. You all have two choices between Elder Tale or Sword Art Online. Choose one and I will issue the mission for our next offline gathering.

[A poll has been created.

Choose which world;

A. Elder Tale

B. Sword Art Online]

Along with the poll is a brief introduction video of the two worlds.

Kazuma: Anyone that chooses B is brain dead. If you die, you die for real while in A you can still revive in the cathedrals.

Tanya: I reluctantly have to agree with Kazuma with this. Us weaker members can become stronger through level up in Elder Tale risk free with the revivals. 😔

Kazuma: Oi! What do you mean reluctantly? 😡

Ainz: I would choose A simply for the richness of variety. I don't think magic even exists in Sword Art Online. I mean the name is quite obvious.

Hajime: A

Kirito: A

Rimuru: A

Shiroe: A

Ray: Well, since everyone had decided. Here you go.

[New mission has been issued.]

[Establishing Foothold]

Objective: Infiltrate Akiba as Adventurers to form a Guild and base to participate in the plot of the story. Participants are encouraged to bring along their companions.


Participation Reward, 3 Lottery Ticket 50k Points

Ray: The reward is higher this time because this will be a long term mission and would take some time to achieve unlike the previous mission.

Ray: As you had known, my intention is to provide a place where everyone in this Chat Group can grow stronger risk free. This means, we will be spending quite some time in Shiroe's world. As the local, I hope @Shiroe is willing to help everyone to achieve this mission together.

Ainz: Will you be participating too, Senpai? 🤔

Ray: Yeah, the dungeon isn't enough for the girls to level up anymore. That's why I made this mission. I figured I'll involve the rest of the Chat Group too.

Ainz: Wait. Your daughters? 😱

Ray: Yeah, Sirin and Sakura. But the other will tag along too.

Ainz: …

Shiroe: Sure, I am glad to assist.

Shiroe agreed easily because after reading the guide, he learned the identity of the 'Admin'. Prior he might not believe in the existence of god and other worlds. But after he watched the recording of the battle between the Chat Group members and the Demon Lord Geld, he had no choice but to believe because that is the only way they can explain the sheer power of Rimuru and Ainz during the battle as godlike.

Kirito: Is there a limit on how many people I can bring along?

Ray: No. Not really. But they have to be people that are very close to you and trusted as the secret of the Chat Group cannot be leaked out. So, bring only people you really trust.

Everyone: 👍

Ray: Alright, the mission will begin in another two hours.


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