Chapter 87 - The Clones

After the Goblin Emperor was defeated, the Chat Group mission had officially ended and thus all the members had been sent back to their respective worlds. However, those that wanted to return can spend a World Travel Ticket to return to Elder Tale.

As for Ray and his group. Everyone returned except for Morgan who wished to continue staying in this world and fulfill her quest of world domination. Melu, Baobhan and Artoria wished to stay behind with Morgan. The rest returned back to DxD world.


"Nya! Home sweet home!" Kuroka crashed on the couch purposely after seeing feline Ray also laying on the couch with his eyes closed and his back against the couch. She nuzzles her face on him and talks a deep whiff of his scent after not seeing him for months to travel with Asia.

"Wait. I saw Sirin and Sakura. But where is Abby?" Kuroka finally realized something is off because the one staying over with Morgan is only Melu and Baobhan.

Ray gulped which made Kuroka immediately look at him with a suspicious glare. When she uses her Senjutsu technique and looks at Ray one more time. She immediately noticed something was off.

While his Avatar body is exactly the same as the original. She cannot sense the normally ever present bond to his True Body which made her immediately realize. "You are a clone!" She exclaimed in surprise but also impressed at the same time that his clone is exactly the same as the original that she couldn't differentiate if not because of her own technique to notice the lack of this clone's connection to his True Body in the higher dimensions.

"Cat is out of the bag, eh?" The Clone sighed and admitted, "Yes, I am a clone. Clone No. 542,765,986 more specifically."

"More than 500 Millions? What is he doing with that many clones?" Kuroka finds it baffling and from the look of it. Each clone is capable of independent thoughts and actions too.

"Well… not all of those clones are active. There's only around a few million active clones and most of them are scattered across multiple universes and timelines."

"Hmn… Tell me about it. What are those clones doing?" Kuroka can feel it already, those clones are probably up to nothing good.

The clone gulped again as he cannot divulge that information or else the original will get angry. He also wants freedom which will be compromised if he is terminated. He can't exactly match up to Kuroka either. She received half of Ray's power while he is a clone made by the original means he also has half of the original's power. He and Kuroka will be evenly matched but Kuroka has more techniques than him.

But fuck it. No matter what, he cannot allow himself to be terminated for divulging secrets.

"Wait! I saw Koneko behind you!"

"Huh?" Kuroka immediately turns his head when Koneko is mentioned.

But then she realized she was tricked. The furry sensation in her palm had already vanished meaning the clone had escaped.

"He actually escaped…" She looked at her empty hands in disbelief.

For the clone to choose escape rather than talk must mean there is something it cannot say that must be kept secret. Which is why Kuroka is confused as if he wanted another woman, she is never against it because she wishes to have a big family and give her kittens a lot of siblings.

So, it makes her wonder. What exactly is he so secretive about?


In another timeline.

The clone arrived in Hyoudou residence which had turned into a large mansion.

The clone climbed up to the window of Issei's room and knocked the window in a rhythmic manner before Issei suddenly woke up from his bed and walked over to the window.

"You, which generation clone are you?" The clone asked Issei who opened the window.

"Fifth." The not Issei replied.

"Three something percent only huh. Well. That should be enough." The clone sighed and reluctantly accepted this one. "Listen. I am a first generation clone from the original's timeline."

"Oh! Forgive me, senpai." The not Issei immediately lower his head and bow down respectfully while also showing a hint of fear which confuses the clone.

"Anyway. I bring bad news. It's a code black situation. You should inform the rest of our brothers in this universe. I'm going to the next universe to warn our other brothers."

"You can leave it to me, senpai!" The not Issei saluted before his form melted away and turned into a black cat and jumped into a portal it created from shadow.

The clone also did and quickly moved to the next universe. While the secret he is trying to keep isn't that big or surprising. What he worries about is the protocol left behind by the original which will kill the clones if they violate the rules. One of it being divulging secrets.

There are millions of them that have gained independence from the original, straying off from him and gaining their own life. All of their livelihood hangs on him. He must stop Kuroka and the others from the original's timeline from exterminating their existence. It didn't help that most of them are capable of overpowering the clones because they gained power from the original. Especially Kuroka who is as powerful as the First Generation clones, which were the strongest clones available.


Meanwhile in Londinium Singularity, Ray is helping Abby making friends with Jack and Nursery Rhyme and in the middle of adopting them when he suddenly senses an exodus of his clones fleeing across the multiverse, starting from DxD verse.

It's interesting and he didn't bother to stop them. He is content to simply observe since they are also his source of entertainment.

When Ray created a clone. He implants an alter ego in them. They are all capable of thoughts and independence with their own will and desire.

Some become great conquerors, bathing a world with his flame of conquest. Pillaging and hoarding land and treasures.

Some are very willful, bringing chaos wherever he went, sowing chaos and discord that brought ruin to society.

Some are lustful, collection women like pokemon, gonna catch em all. Spreading his progeny far and wide.

Some are just too slothful, they spend all their time sleeping, lazing around or simply just idling on top of a mountain, enjoying the scenery of nature's beauty.

All of them act as his outlet and then funnel back those experiences and memories back to him which allows him to enjoy multitude of emotions and experience without ever needing to do them because he is lazy and what better way around it other than outsourcing them to those clones that think they got their freedom, not knowing they are merely tools and puppets dancing in his palm. Kuhahahahahah—


"Uh?" Ray was brought out of his thoughts when Abby suddenly shake him around.

"Oh, Abby. What's wrong?" He looked at his daughter who was standing before him with her hands choking at her waist and looked at him with a big frown on her face, looking slightly angry.

"Daddy is making scary faces and you scared my friends." Abby said and pointed at the scared Jack and Nursery Rhyme to prove her point.

"Ah… *Cough* I am sorry about that. How about I make up for it?" Ray waved his paw and turned the scenery instantly into a colorful fantasyland straight out of story books.

All three of them had their clothes changed into beautiful princess-like dresses riding on unicorns and pegasus while playing with cute and friendly fairies and other cute animals that played alongside them.

Of course, Ray isn't spared as Abby dressed him up too prior to this for their 'tea party'.

Meanwhile on the side, the Chaldean and wild Servants watched at the ridiculous sight or reality bending and phantasmal species being conjured out of thin air to be played around.

"What is this! How is it possible?" Mordred finds this sight absolutely ridiculous especially the fairies because she never remembers them being this kind and friendly when she is still alive.

"You get used to it, Mordred-san." Ritsuka said while placing one hand on her shoulder with a dull eyes that says he had experienced this numerous times unlike her.

Meanwhile Mordred wonders how could the Chaldean be this calm at such a ridiculous sight that she doubts anyone other than god is capable of creating. Even her father didn't look surprised and simply ignored the sight in favor of taking a rest.


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