Chapter 94 - Nah, I'd Win

Serafall Leviathan, a veteran Devil who held the office of Satan Leviathan. Yes, the title Satan nowadays is more like a governmental position than actually the title that it used to be.

Aside from being the Satan in charge of Foreign Affairs for the Devil Race, she is also a self proclaimed magical girl, Miracle Levia-Tan who owned a TV show and comic series under the same name that is popular in the Underworld.

For the past few days, she had been wandering the street of Kuoh to investigate and gather information about the still unknown god. It's a mystery how the god can stay unknown for months without any clue. Not even Ajuka's Kankara Formula could deduce any bit of information about this god.

But, there is hypothesis and educated guess from Azazel and also Michael. There is a guess that the reason why they cannot make any progress in finding out the identity of this Unknown God is because he is a Biblical God.

Of course, that guess has many flaws. But even so, they cannot overlook the existing proof. Mainly would be the Holy Sword Excalibur which is different from the already existing Excalibur but this new one is slightly different but the core concept behind the new Excalibur is the same and the only God with dominion over Holy Power is only the Biblical God. That is the first undeniable proof. The second is that the Heaven's System reacted not once but a few times before to this Unknown God and the one capable of doing this is only the Biblical God.

Acting on the basis of the two undeniable pieces of evidence, they have a good reason to suspect the Unknown God is, in one way or another, connected to the Biblical God. Either it's him, his Reincarnation, his successor, etc.

With binoculars in hand, Serafall stood perched on top of a tall building and had been observing Ray and the girls' outing from the moment they left the mansion.

As far as she could observe, there's nothing out of the ordinary until he suddenly transformed from his feline form into a hot and sexy looking daddy with cat ears that would make any girl skip a heartbeat at first sight.

"I must warn Sona and Rias to stay away…" Serafall mutters but she, herself, is salivating at the view while she is jolting down notes about Ray's transformation power and his new form.

But while she is busy appreciating the view, there is this deep seated feeling of terror inside her. As if something inside her is telling her to stay away from that shapeshifting cat. It was an unexplainable and irrational feeling that she couldn't figure out the reason why she felt this way.

Then she remembers the secret meeting she joined with the representative from the other factions that talked about possibly that the Unknown God is Biblical God. Serafall linked these unexplained feelings she felt to the theory of the Unknown God being the Biblical God and found it logical that she would have a feeling of terror because Biblical God is the source of Holy Power, the same power that is bane to the Devil's.

A strong enough Holy Power can turn Devils into ashes just like the Vampire. But that needs sufficiently strong Holy Power and other than the few Seraphims in Heaven which only Michael and Gabriel hold that much Holy Power, only Biblical God, the wellspring of Holy Power can make her feel that kind of instinctive fear. So, she has a very clear suspicion that this Unknown God might be Biblical God, knowingly or not, unaware that the entire hypothesis is untrue as the fear she felt came from the numerous times she became Ray's entertainment unknowingly. While her mind cannot remember, her instinct surely does.


After a while, she notices the exorcist and Holy Sword user, Xenovia Quarta is sneaking around and is also stalking Ray just like she is.

She didn't find it weird as Michael had already informed about this, that the church is sending their agent to gather information in their stead and cooperated with Grigori to investigate together. But what weird thing is how fixated Xenovia was as she stared at the Unknown God's face which confused her until she did too and then…

Badump! Badump!

She could feel her heart suddenly beat faster and her face heated up.

"This… charm? How come…?" She wondered but unaware it was too late because it was already too late when she saw his face.

The binocular drop from her hand as her eyes turn dull and stared fixated at his face just like Xenovia did previously. But unlike Xenovia, she isn't fully affected. She is still aware of the weird state she is in and questions her state.

"I need to strengthen my… mental defense." She mutters as she closes her eyes to meditate for a moment before she opens her eyes feeling refreshed and sharper unlike her previous dull eyes.

"That's dangerous…" Serafall mutters and feels oddly relieved to have expelled the Charm from affecting her mind.

Then she peeked over again with her naked eyes and saw the group had left.

"Crap, I lost them." She frantically tried to look for them but fortunately looking for them wasn't difficult because she found them not long after on a street near the mall buying crepes.

When she continued her spying, she saw Kuroka. She couldn't recall why she remembered this ex-Youkai Reincarnated Devil. But she recalls one of Rias' peerages is the younger sister of Kuroka. This surprises her and from what she can observe, the Unknown God is close to Kuroka, which is a curious observation.

But then she saw how blatantly the Unknown God is using his power in public. But somehow, no one seems to notice it. Not even when Kuroka suddenly got turned into a loli and freaked out and attacked him. But from the reaction of the God, Serafall can deduce they have intimate relationships considering Kuroka allowed and simply blushes and stopped resisting when he kissed her.


Meanwhile with Ray a few moments ago.

"NYA! My sexy and voluptuous body! Give me back my original body!" Kuroka righteously demanded but Ray smirks at her smugly and said, "Nah, I like myself a cunny wife more." Then he proceeded to hug the protesting Kuroka and kissed her on her lips to snuff out her protest.

Being showered with such unadulterated and unfiltered affection from Ray, she eventually stops struggling and half resigned and half irritated as she lets herself be cuddled and snuggled incessantly by Ray until someone suddenly taps his shoulder.

"Sir, unhand that child immediately and comply with our arrest." The person tapping his shoulder suddenly spoked which caused his brain to grind to a halt and turn around.

After turning his head, he saw the entire street devoid of people and instead filled with an entire division of armed special forces members with armbands that stated 'FBI' and the officer that tapped his shoulder showed him his badge.

"We are the Interdimensional FBI, tasked with protection of children from predators like you. So, surrender peacefully or we will be apprehending you by force!" The officer said and took out bulky high tech cuffs.

Ray of course looked visibly confused until he turned to check on the girls and saw Sirin pouting and sulking again. Probably because he got distracted by Kuroka. But little did she realize, he still had a hidden ace under his sleeve.

Another officer with a laptop suddenly rushes up to the earlier officer who is trying to apprehend him and shows him something on the screen.

"Sir! I think there is a misunderstanding, sir." The other officer said and showed the screen that had the details of Ray displayed including his physical and mental age.

"His physical age is less than a year and his mental age has barely reached thirty. Meanwhile the girl's physical and mental age is 32. It's a false report sir…"

The first officer looked unconvinced but after looking at the profile of the two, he had no choice but to cancel the arrest and withdraw his unit.

"Tch, you are lucky this time, punk! But don't let me catch you another time or you'll regret it." The arrogant officer huffed before he turned around and left. However, the way he talked irked Ray who left a little harmless curse since he shouldn't try to kill members of an Interdimensional organization if he didn't want anyone out for his proverbial ass.

When the arrogant officer tried to walk away, he tripped on a stone and fell rather embarrassingly. He tried stood up again and walk but not even a step later, he tripped again while Ray tried his best to hold back his laughter.

When the officer turns around to look at Ray, Ray turns his head away and acts innocent before walking away to fetch the other girls and leave while the officer asks for the help of his unit to carry him into their armored truck. But not before tripping one last time when he tried to get on his seat.


(Vali didn't tell the Devil about Kuroka being part of them nor did he tell anyone about Kuroka being in love with Ray. Not even Azazel.)

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