Chapter 103 - Catching An Eavesdropping Witch

(Extra Chapter)

"Let's not get hasty, people."


The strategy meeting was interrupted when an unknown voice suddenly joined in the conversation.

"Me? Just passing by talking black cat." Ray gave his usual reply before jumping on the table.

"Ray?" "Admin?" Ainz and Rimuru exclaimed.

"Huh? That talking cat is the Admin?" Subaru mutters before sneaking a glance at Puck which made it feel offended.

"I thought you were going to sit this one out." Ainz said and Rimuru nodded.

"I was going to sit this world out until the White Whale or other Great Mabeast is involved. Until I find out the threat is a little bit higher than what the two of you can handle."

Hearing this, both started to frown. If there is an enemy out of even Ainz capability then Rimuru can definitely not handle such a threat.

As for Subaru and the others, they knew well not to interrupt the cat which both Rimuru and Ainz see as leader. They were confused about the conversation between Ray, Ainz and Rimuru but they get the gist of it, there is an enemy the two can't handle, that's why Ray is here to help.

"Enemy out of my capability? I see. If that is the case then it would be very worrying indeed." Ainz felt concerned.

If the enemy is simply stronger in terms of inflated stats, he can definitely take care of it albeit it would take some time. So, enemies that are truly outside his capability can only be enemies with tricky abilities that have specific counters and conditions to defeat. If that is the case, he would happily let Ray handle this troublesome enemy in a heartbeat.

Ray nodded and turned to the contracted spirit of Emilia. "You. You do know about the Witch of Vanity, right?"

"Vanity?" Puck mutters darkly in a realization. "Of course I do." It glances at the clueless Emilia before going back to Ray. "Are you suggesting that… Witch is lurking around somewhere?"

To that question, Ray smiled before his shadow twitched and wriggled before it suddenly covered the entire room.

"Oh, she certainly does. In fact, she had been living rent free inside the mansion for quite some time already. Isn't that correct, Pandora?" Ray turned to the direction where a girl in all dazzling white suddenly appeared with a look of disbelief and distress.

"Don't bother, your Authority of Vainglory allows you to manipulate reality to some extent. But I can delete the reality you are trying to impose with a single thought. For example…"

Ray did something but nothing visibly changed except Pandora's face suddenly morphed into shock before terror. The only other person who understands what happened is Puck.

"He really just deleted the Witch Factor. Who in the world is he…" Puck gaped in shock.

"Well, that's Admin for you. Once he gets serious, he is unstoppable." Rimuru said while enjoying the show.

"Umu. Ray is not a normal God after all. But a cosmic deity that transcends dimensions."

Subaru didn't get what Ainz tried to describe but all he knows is Ray is strong and perhaps even able to end his suffering so he can get a normal Isekai with her Emilia-tan without going through all that mind breaking suffering he had to experience.

"Wait. Cosmic deity? You mean like Cthulhu?" Subaru finally realized and tried to confirm from Ainz and Rimuru. Which they nod and Subaru looks even more terrified like his soul just flew out his body.

"Well, don't worry. Ray is a very kind Eldritch God. As long as you don't offend him while he is bored." Ainz wanted to reassure Subaru but he himself shivered at his own words which made it look unconvincing.

Back to Ray and Pandora.

"W-What have you done to me?" Pandora stammered. Remarkably, she is still able to stay calm although with a deep frown and some sprinkle of fear on her dazzling and pristine face.

"What do you think?" Ray asked with a gleeful tone like a cat playing with his helpless prey.

Of course, Pandora knew. As the other at the back discussed. Her power was removed somehow. Vanished from existence like it never existed before.

It didn't take her much to guess either that this very situation he is in was very familiar. Just like what she used to do, using her Authority of Vainglory to manipulate reality to her liking except now she encountered someone who can exert even greater manipulation which overpowered the Witch Factor itself. The thought of it itself is illogical. Even Od Laguna, the greatest force of the world can do anything toward her Witch Factor.

"Are you done yet? Because I am in a little hurry. My cute daughters are still waiting for me. So, I want to wrap this up real quick." Ray's voice pulled Pandora back into reality as she flinched.

"Are you going to kill me? If so, do it then. Even with my power, I am nothing but an ant in front of you, much less now I lost my power." She said with a false bravado, to deprive her opponent the satisfaction of victory by mocking him for being underhanded.

"Oh, under what assumption you thought I am giving you the mercy of death?" Ray walked up to Pandora menacingly as his Shadow surged and restrained Pandora in a bondage. "It would be a great waste to destroy such a beautiful body when I can turn it into a great puppet. Not to mention the template of your power, Reality Wrapping. You will become my greatest masterpiece yet." Ray flick his paw and the tentacles drag Pandora into his Shadow before his Shadow vanishes along with the domain.

Ray turns to the others and Ainz is the first to walk up to him. "Ray, don't tell me you're going to turn that girl into that kind of puppet." Ainz asked if he was going to turn Pandora into the usual puppet where he placed an Eldritch Parasite to eat the target from inside until skin is all it left and the parasite took over the body to replace its host.

As for why Ainz asks this is because that kind of Puppet is the only one he revealed to Ainz since he can stomach that kind of horrifying display.

"No. Those only create low grade puppets. I am turning her into one like Freya. I'll remold her mind to my liking. Besides, she might look like a little girl but she is at least 400 years old."

"Anyway, I'm going to hurry back. The girls are exploring the dungeon and Kuroka is gonna flip if she finds out I left Jack without adult supervision inside the Dungeon."

"Also, when you find the Archbishop of Sloth. Please use [Cure Madness] on him instead of killing him. He has some important history with that Half-Elf girl there." Ray points at Emilia who looks surprised at the revelation.

"Alright. Leave it to me. Also, please bring us to that Dungeon on Orario too later. I am interested in exploring Dungeon after exploring a few in Hajime and Rimuru's world the other day."

Ray nodded to Ainz's request before he was swallowed by his own Shadow and vanished from the room.


(So, basically Ainz and Rimuru will go around fixing some of Pandora's mess and kill a few of the dangerous Archbishops and Mabeasts for the thrill of it.

I add Subaru because he honestly is the most OP with his RBD alone. Every time if they mess up a fight, he can just go back in time and tell the CG members what to prepare and do. This will

Also, Subaru can tell other CG members about his RBD because Satella is under a very powerful illusion that makes her unable to see or hear Subaru whenever he talks about his power within the CG and the Chat Group itself too.)