Chapter 108 - The Rice Is Cooked But On Another Pot

"Well… that's how it is and you girls get a new mother." Ray explains how he accidentally did the deed with Ravel due to Kuroka's mistake and he cannot be held accountable.

The last part is verrrrry important to beat the allegation about him being a scumbag.

You see, while he didn't mind being seen that way by his wives. It's a different story with his daughters. If his cute daughters suddenly come to hate him, he would be in deep grief.

Anyway, after the explanation, Kuroka is still in a bad mood. Partially because of her carelessness not to lock the door. Another part is because she still isn't pregnant.

Just to clarify, this is not a result of foul play. Ray didn't do anything to prevent her pregnancy. Instead, it's just a matter of luck. After all, a Higher Dimensional being like him is already known to have critically low fertility. Not to mention, Kuroka herself is also a Higher Dimensional being because of the modification he made when he remade her body from his own blood.

Even those fertility booster drugs and medicine she takes are incapable of giving any significant effects.

But, it would be great if it just ended there. At least he isn't in that deep of trouble. Because, the one that got pregnant instead was Ravel.

Aside from them performing love making for six hours straight, Ravel is still a Devil. Even if Devil have notoriously low fertility, it isn't as abysmally low like the Eldritch Race.

Also, the common problem that causes low fertility in supernatural race is because the seeds couldn't reach the egg because the female body would devour or absorb the energy inside the seeds, causing them to die prematurely or something similar. But for Ray… his seed will never face such a problem because they contain so much energy that if he performed Fate style Mana Transfer on a Servant, there is a high chance they can die from Mana overload if he didn't purposely reduce it.

Regardless, now he has one grumpy cat wife to take care of.

"Sigh… can't even drink my coffee in peace." Ray, in his humanoid form, was drinking coffee while enjoying the refreshing morning view but was interrupted by Sakuya.

"What is it?"

"Mistress Kuroka packed her luggage and the other mistresses before they left. She left behind a letter for you, Master." Sakuya said and presented the letter to Ray.

Ray can already feel a bad omen from the letter. But he picked it up regardless and read it.

"Enjoy your honeymoon with your new pregnant wife, Cheater…" Ray read the letter and instantly crumpled them.

"Fuck!" Ray cursed and immediately spread his sense to the entire mansion and found the girls and Kuroka was absent.

"No, she is just going out with the girls to clear her mind. There's nothing to worry about." Ray calms himself down and continues drinking coffee while watching the now not so enjoyable morning.

"Why must she involve the girls too?" Ray sighed again while running his hand along his hairs, looking exasperated.

"Should I go and look for them, Master?" Sakuya hadn't left and was still standing there awaiting his answer.

"No need, they already left the world and hid their presence from me." He said with an annoyed look and dismissed Sakuya. "You can return to your duty."

"Yes, Master." Sakuya said and left before Ravel entered the room looking guilty, definitely because she was eavesdropping outside the room.

"I'm sorry, hu— Ah! Master. Because of me, Sister Kuroka and the daughters left." She dropped on the ground kneeling to apologize.

"No, it's not your fault to begin with. Besides, if I didn't allow them to leave. Do you think they can leave?" He puts down his cup and turns to Ravel.

"Of course not." Ravel nodded understandingly. With how powerful Ray is, if he didn't want them to leave. They couldn't even walk out the doorstep of the mansion.

"Right. She just needs some time alone to clear her head up." He said with a devious smirk forming on his face. "As for us." He snaps his finger and Ravel instantly teleports to his lap.

"Ah! Master. It hasn't been two hours since we last met and my body still feels sore…" She said with a faux complaining tone of her that sounded too coquettish that it should.

"Is it? But someone seems a little too eager, don't you think? Hmn?" Ray whispers to her ears while showing his index finger drenched with a stick fluid and then smells it. "Smell like a bitch in heat to me." He blew a mouthful of air to her ears which caused her to shiver and fell to his chest gasping while hiding her face.

When Ray lifted her chin up, he saw her heart-shaped pupils while panting like a real bitch in heat.

"Well, well. It looks like someone is eager." He smirks and gives those tempting cherry lips a taste.


Somewhere in Europe.

Pandora is doing her job as ordered, to lead this cult her Master assigned to her.

To be honest, it wasn't even a difficult job. She didn't even need to be involved with the day to day operation of the cult as her underlings are all over competent and zealous.

Her days spent guarding the main shrine and spending her time in leisure while enjoying the wonder of the modern world.

Behind the shrine is a hidden room usually used for important secret meetings but Pandora renovated it and decorated it with numerous pieces of furniture. She now used the room as her own personal room.

Laying sideways on the couch with a loose baggy shirt for maximum comfort while snacking junk food and drinking bubble tea, she watched the drama unfolding on the 90 inch 4K tv screen that she bought definitely without embezzling the cult's funds.

"Cmon! Don't let that bitch steal your limelight!" She cursed while being very invested in the drama. But unfortunately, it goes against her expectations and it angers her.

"Goddammit! This shitty K-Drama with their shitty plot!" She smashed her cup of bubble tea on the floor, fuming and panting in anger.

Pandora manages to always keep her calm no matter the situation. However, for some reason, these frustrating tv dramas can pull out her most intense emotions that she never knew she had.


The door to her room slammed open and the cult leader revealed himself with excitement painted on his face.

"Lady Messenger! I have urgent news! Our spies within the church sensed a large movement within the church, suspected that the Angels were making a move and they were mobilizing large amounts of their assets."

"The church and angels? Could it be a counter attack? No. That's not possible…" Pandora mutters while recalling the recent movements of the Church and Heaven but she couldn't think of anything.

"For now, we cannot decide on an action because we lack information. Order the spies to obtain intels about Heaven's plan. If necessary, order the sleeper agents to sabotage their plan."

Pandora decided their actions based on the fact they lack information and better just give their agents freedom to act on what they think is the best to sabotage if the spies didn't have the opportunity or time to relay the information back in time for them to act.

"As you wished, Lady Messenger!" The Cult Leader saluted and immediately left while Pandora shut the door and reversed the state of her splattered bubble tea before returning to watch the next show on her bucket list.


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