Chapter 147 - Tanya Part 1

In the Dungeon City of Orario, the undisputable center of the world.

The Chat Group members, especially the weaker ones who are seeking avenues to increase their strength, often frequent the world for only one purpose, the Dungeon.

Aside from the Chat Group members, there's Ray's daughters and members of his circle which some are living semi-permanently or simply visiting for some while.

For Tanya, she is living here permanently. After all, as one of the weaker members of the Chat Group. She needs to raise her strength diligently and consistently. Not to mention, she didn't have a world to return to after she escaped her previous one.

So, after almost two months of living in Orario. Tanya is reaching the threshold of a Level 1 thanks to her consistent dungeon dive. Her main stats, Magic and Dexterity had long reached Grade S. However, instead of leveling up immediately. She also wants to raise the rest of her stats higher too.

Tanya believes that a stable foundation is necessary even if it takes a considerable amount of time. She would rather wait a year to level up if raising all her stats to Grade S and above is possible since time wasn't her concern. Besides, even if she is just a Level 1. Her combat ability in battle rivals those of Level 3.

Unlike most if not all Adventurers in Orario, Tanya did not use medieval weapons. Instead, she uses the Gewehr 43 Semi-automatic rifle from her times in the Imperial Army and shoots magic bullets she crafted on her own with numerous modifications to improve its firepower or effects.

That alone allows her to rival a Level 2 Adventurer in firepower. However, what allows her to touch upon the realm of Level 3 or even Level 4 is her innate skill [Deus Vult (By my God's will)] which is literally the curse that Being X placed on her but negative effects removed and even improved its effect. Upon activation, it amplifies her stats proportion to the amount of worship she gives Ray while also allowing her to tap into a near endless amount of mana source limited only by her own ability to draw from it.

Now, one would say Tanya abhors the notion of worshiping a deity. Which is true simply because she does not believe in the existence of God and labeled Being X and the Devil. But now, Tanya very much believes Ray is a God. Besides, the relationship between Tanya and Ray is far from a God and worshiper and more like boss and subordinate which she is much comfortable with. In return for her faith, Ray grants her opportunity, wealth and support which very much align with her corporate mindset. That's why she had no problem acknowledging Ray as her God(Boss).

But, back to the topic.

Due to her stellar performance as an Adventurer to fight against monsters above her capabilities, there's no end to the amount of attention she got. There's even many other Familia out there that tried to poach Tanya but she simply ignores all of them.

While she is indeed popular. Sirin is much more and so is Sakura and the rest of the Familia. Her Familia is basically so popular that it becomes the word of mouth for everyone in the city. Partly due to the fact that most members of the Familia are young, cute or beautiful girls that are also powerful. There will be no end to the amount of people trying to join but the Familia simply isn't accepting and is exclusive only to the Ray's family and the Chat Group members.

The members of the Familia are basically treated like celebrities whenever they are out in public. Especially Ray's daughters which even gained dedicated fan groups.

Due to that, they are rarely out in public. Even Tanya, much to her exasperation.

Aside from that, Tanya personally is popular due to another reason amongst the Adventurers.

With her using her rifles in the dungeon. More and more people got curious about it and Tanya realized that there was an untapped market for her to monopolize the rifle.

Although it took quite some effort, she manages to create rifles based on her memory of her past world. Naturally, it isn't the same as her own. But she manages to create a gun using materials from this world and she begins selling them just two weeks ago which sold like hot cakes.

To create guns, she uses both Alchemy and Blacksmithing and manages to create ten of them. Each of them are coveted by the powerful Familia that wishes to harness its power. The cheapest one sold for nearly Ten Million Valis. Yet, her source of income didn't stop there as the real money maker is the Magic Bullets that are needed for the gun to even be useful. Otherwise, the gun is nothing more but a fancy stick.

But the benefits of producing those guns isn't limited to just making money as now she learnt that it's possible to further enhance and improve her own rifles. To create more powerful versions of rifles by using vastly superior materials like Mithril which has great mana conduction capability that is often used to create Mage's staffs.

But the changes she brought not only on herself. But on the Adventurer profession itself.

For the longest time, Archer or Marksman lose their effectiveness the deeper one goes in the Dungeon due to enemies becoming tougher and much more resilient that bows and arrows fell out of favor.

But with Tanya's creation, not only did her magic rifles challenge that notion. She also brought upon revolution to the craftsmans to create similar arrows as her magic bullets as opposed to sharper and more durable arrowheads to pierce the monster's flesh and carapace. The magic will do that for them.

Some ambitious craftsmans even incorporate magic swords into the arrows which allow an archer to shoot arrows that deal magic with the need of casting them. Naturally, the cost would be astronomical. But that's besides the point.

In short, although her time spent in Orario was short. Tanya becomes a prominent figure in both the craftsman and Adventurer's world with her achievements.

She also fulfilled her dream to live an easy life swimming in riches. Although, that didn't mean she would stop adventuring since no matter how rich she is, strength is still important and her number one priority in life.


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