Chapter 149 - Tanya Part 3

So, after listening to the rambling mob of angry elves. Tanya learns that apparently, bow is sacred for the elves for whatever reason and due to that, they take offense on her introduction of the revolutionary rifles which the adventurers of Orario currently proclaim to be a superior replacement over bow.

Not that guns didn't exist in this world. The Dwarves managed to create muskets although compared to rifles, rifles dawn both musket and bow in combat. Especially when it comes to rapid fire.

As such, Tanya gave the agitated crowd a bored look and asked.

"How is that my problem? I simply introduced my creation and nothing else. It's you people that so over your head with your stupid Elven Pride to acknowledge that rifles are indeed superior which is why people replaced your obsolete bows."

Tanya was never the one to mince her words. Not to mention, be intimidated by a bunch of mobs. In fact, those protesting Elves should be grateful of the law. Otherwise, Tanya might already give them the Imperial treatment to handle protesters.

Nevertheless, her words angered the crowd of protesters and the atmosphere was getting very tense, even the pedestrians and other nearby people ran away and hid from a potential battle that was about to take place.

As if the situation couldn't get any worse. The crowd saw Emilia who was standing next to Tanya.

Emilia was oblivious to the attention she caught as she was too distracted conversing with Puck in its sealed state.

"There's actually a traitor working with that bitch!" Someone from within the crowd shouted which caused other elves to shift their attention to Emilia.

Meanwhile, Tanya eyed the crowd of elves with suspicion. Based on her experience, she noted how the protesters arranged themselves as a group. Someone acted as the 'head' fanning hatred amongst their group with whispers.

Although, Tanya couldn't hear what was whispered between the group. She wouldn't miss the stare of greed laid on her.

Then, Tanya shifted her attention back to Emilia.

"Do you even dare to claim yourself as an elf when you support the creation of rifles instead of supporting the usage of bows?"

One of the supposed 'head' spouts a random nonsensical point that is filled with holes it isn't even worth debating. However, the crowd was simply too caught up in the heat of the words to even contemplate the truth of the words.

Not like Tanya started manufacturing rifles to replace the usage of bows. She released only a limited number of them which was snatched away by the top Familias. That means the usage of rifles isn't even widespread enough to be a concern about replacing the usage of bows. The lower ranked adventurers simply didn't even have access to rifles.

Yet, the crowd consists of only lower ranked adventurers. The highest being Level 2.

Which is odd.

"I didn't…" Emilia panicked and unsure how to diffuse the growing hostility of the protesters.

To begin with, Emilia isn't even an Elf from this world to understand what they are concerned about.

"Enough of this farce." Tanya waved her hand as she summoned her rifle and aimed at the instigators.

The moment she did, the 'heads' started screaming on top of their lungs.

"Someone call the guard! She is trying to kill people." They shouted the instant Tanya showed signs of getting physical. As if they planned it.

The instigators smirked, Tanya had fallen for their trap and soon the guards would come to arrest her.

It was a clever trap they formulated.

'They' wished to have monopoly on the rifles which is a very revolutionary creation that graced Orario. Soon enough, it would truly become a weapon of choice sought after amongst adventurers and they want to have the monopoly in their hand.

Moments later, the guards indeed arrived. Not normal city guards. But a special type unique to the Dungeon City of Orario which has plenty of adventurers that is stronger than your average man.

"What is this commotion about!"

A commanding voice silenced the scene as the owner of the voice appeared, a middle aged man in full body armor that radiates the aura of a powerful adventurer of Level 3. Along with him are a few dozen similarly armored guards although only Level 1.

Very quickly the instigators turned to the guards and confessed about Tanya trying to kill citizens in broad daylight.

For Tanya's credit, she stood unflinchingly and matched the Guard Captain's stare. Unconcerned by the situation she found herself in.

"That's her! She tried to shoot us dead when we were just peacefully protesting!"

Tanya rolled her eyes instantly and wished so much she could aim her rifle at the idiot and burst his head open.

As suspicious as the claim was, the Guard Captain was unable to deny that Tanya indeed attempted an attack.


"You are under arrest. Please cooperate with our investigation or we will have to use force." The Guard Captain declared as the other guards quickly closed in on Tanya to arrest her.

Although, Tanya oddly looked unconcerned and simply staring back at the instigator before to the Guard Captain and lastly to a certain direction.

"Oi. Oi. Oi. I can't have you arrest my cute lil Vice-Cap'n."

A voice came from behind the group of protesters and the Captain Guard as the crowd quickly parted ways to reveal a man and three cute blond girls that could be mistaken as siblings, sitting on his shoulders which made the atmosphere shifted into an odd spectrum.

The man marched confidently and powerfully until he stood next to Tanya with an imposing aura.

"Hey… isn't that the infamous Lolicon God?"

"Yeah… I heard he only accepts cute girls into his Familia."

"Yeah. I also heard he made them call him daddy."

"More like a fucking Diddy."

"Maybe his dick is that only small little girls could fit."

Low whispers exploded in the crowd as people gossiped about the newly arrived God. Even the guards did while giving the God a dirty look.

Some of the gossiping crowds vanished, dragged into a dark portal by tentacles which went unnoticed for some reason.

"Pfft! Kakakaka! I think he just nailed your description, My Master." The girl that was hugging his head laughed until tears came out from her eyes.

Although, the man didn't look amused at all as the crowd began to whisper again.

"The fuck you mean daddy? He makes the girl call him Master!"

"Sick bastard!"

The man maintained a smile despite his twitching lips.


"Ah. What is it, Master?"

"No donuts or meal time for you. For the entire week."

"What! You can't be joking, Master! Please tell me it's a joke!" The girl looked panicked and bent her body until her eyes met the man's eyes.

"Do I look like I am?" He replied with a deadpan stare.


"He even starving the poor girl!" Someone yelled.

The man's brow twitches again before the instigator that is trying to stir the crowd suddenly spontaneously explodes into a gory mess.

Naturally, panic descended as the crowd dispersed while the Captain Guard moved in to arrest the man instead of Tanya.

"Hey. Hey. I'm innocent y'know? I'm a god and my arcanum is 'sealed'." The man said which stopped the Guard Captain at his track.

Indeed, he scrutinized the man or god carefully with his eyes the whole time he appeared and he hadn't done anything. Nothing that could cause someone to explode just like that.

Not to mention, the man is a God. There's nothing he could do about it even if he arrested him. The God would only receive a slap on the wrist.

In the end, the situation dissolved itself as the protesters already fled.

The guards also didn't have any probable cause to arrest the god and Tanya. At most, the Guard Captain could only take them in for questioning and as witness to a mysterious murde case.


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