Chapter 160 - Predator Become The Prey


As the evening sky turned dark. Whether it's already night time or simply caused by the thick rainy cloud hanging over the sky.

Ray is carried by Freya who already turns her armor into normal civilian clothes, that of an office lady to blend in and disguise as a worker returning home after work.

The pitter patter of the rain hitting the umbrella she carried is the only sound they heard along the way aside from occasional cars passing by the desolated street as no one dares to walk under such heavy rain unlike Freya who could keep the water from drenching her body with magic.

'One more loose end to tie up.' He mutters inwardly as they arrive at a luxury apartment complex.

The apartment complex is mostly occupied by the rich students from Kuoh Academy. It is an unofficial dorm with how 90% of the apartments were occupied by the students while the rest are the teachers and staff. Naturally, Asia also lived here.

Being such a high class apartment complex, it naturally has a high standard of security to prevent unrelated people from entering. However, Freya easily fixes that with her charm and secure their entry.

Taking the lift, they quickly reached the eighth floor and took a left turn down the empty hallway until they stopped at a particular door room with a plaque at the door numbered 0812.

Before Freya could raise her hand to press the bell, her battle instinct took over and replaced her clothes with her battle gear in a blink of an eye.

"Smell of blood?" Ray also noticed the particular stench wafting from behind the door.

"Master?" Freya hesitates to act and remains in a defensive stance shielding Ray from whatever is behind the door.

"Break it down!"

Freya nods and kicks the door down which explodes into a shower of wood splinters before the inside of the apartment is revealed.

Fresh blood soaking the hallway facing the entrance with blood flowing slowly to the entrance from the living room. The corpses that he recognised, mutilated savagely by an equally savage weapon by the look of the gore and gut wrenching wound that nearly cleaved the boy from shoulder down and the missing left arm. The other one is a white haired petite girl with her entire chest down to her abdomen was torn open and her still warm gut spilled on the floor with her face remains frozen in pain and terror from the moment of her death.

"Issei… Koneko…" Ray mutters as his eyes stay on Koneko's corpse.

All that he did a while ago turned into vain. He cut Kuroka off because she cared for Koneko more and he believes she is much better off staying in this world than following him. But Koneko being dead invalidates everything.

To say he was angry is an understatement. He was furious. But the sound of boots clicking on the wooden floor made him lift his head at the intruder with his anger directed to that person.

"Hmn, quite the murderous look. Though, it looks cute in comparison to the horrors I already faced before." The intruder dressed in Victorian era clothes with a long dark robe on top with various other pieces of leather armor to cover his entire body except for his face. His eyes are laced with madness and insanity that contrast with his well mannered and gentlemanly display.

"Ah right, I forgot to introduce myself. What a blunder." He tapped his forehead with his gloved palm before bowing with a touch of theatrical flair and lifting his hat slightly for a tip. "My name is Ray Felgrim, a Vermin Hunter at your service." He said with a polite smile which instantly turned into a maniacal bloodthirsty grin before reaching under his robe for a mace and the mace behind his back which clasped to something that sent sparks flying with a loud whirring noise resembling a saw.

Freya reacted quickly and pushed her shield forward and blocked the attack which turned out to be two discs of circular saw attached to the mace grinding against her shield. Then she slashed her sword in retaliation but the intruder blocked it with the handle of his weapon and jumped back.

Strangely, the intruder didn't attack again as he stood still with a sly smirk on his face.

"It seems like it's time for me to retreat. But worry not. We will definitely meet again, Vermin." He said before he escaped to the living room and crashed through the glass sliding door to the balcony.

Ray isn't going to allow him to escape especially with Asia in his grasp as tentacles shoot out from the shadows in the surrounding but the intruder easily cuts them off with his saw.

"Fuck! Fucking damnit!" Ray cursed while hitting the floor angrily with his paw.

Then, if the situation couldn't get any worse. He sensed several presence quickly approaching the apartment and soon he heard a few distraughted cries.



When the newly arrived group stumbled upon the scene of Ray and Freya standing amongst the corpses of their loved ones, reasoning is the last they had in mind as rage took over. Especially the black elder Nekoshou.

"How could you? How could you! You killed my baby sister!" Her eyes was red, flowing with tears of sorrow.

Ray felt like he needed to salvage the situation. But at the same time. He felt tired. Tired of this encounter. Tired of what happened today. Tired of everything going the wrong way.

Before Kuroka could reach Ray and Freya, they vanished, swallowed by the shadow from underneath them.


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