Chapter 168




The sky cracked open before an unholy screech almost caused his ear to bleed.

The immediate effect of the domain cracking apart is the pale red moon that fades away like illusion.

'The restrictions had been lifted. Secure our ward immediately before it appears."


Ray was caught by surprise when he realized what the true identity of that voice is. However, he didn't let it dwell in his mind as he leaped over the maddened Hunter, catapulted by the Rinkaku limbs as he soared over the hill and glided towards Asia and the kidnapper.

Thankfully, whatever his other self did. It occupied the kidnapper as he knelt over clutching his head screaming incoherently while blood spilled from his now empty eyes socket.

Ray reached Asia's side in seconds and immediately free her from her binding before hauling her over his shoulder. He had no luxury to treat her more gently especially when in the place of the missing pale red moon, a void opened up and an eldritch monstrosity crawled out from it looking very venomously at him.

The skeletal monstrosity howled before trying to attack Ray who immediately turned to his back and started running like he was being chased by ghosts except the real thing is much worse than a mere ghost.

But suddenly, a limb resembling a clawed paw shot out from the invading darkness and attacked the eldritch monster with a vicious swipe, clawing it.

The seemingly casual swipe caused the remaining intact part of the domain to instantly disabilized and shatter like a sledgehammer to a porcelain vase. It shatters into a million pieces as dimensional void opens up and devours the shattered fragment of the domain like a bottomless ravenous maw.

With the restriction lifted, Ray quickly opens a portal to his personal realm in his shadow and drops Asia into it where Freya on the other side receives her and proceeds with her treatment while Ray continues to escape this doomed domain. However, he quickly met resistance when approaching his escape.

The Hunters, including the deceased ones, stood before him. Not in their previous appearance but had become a hideous and twisted abomination by the same eldritch blood that blessed them with unnatural power.

"Still trying to stop me?"

Ray snorted disdainfully before harnessing his power that was previously sealed away.

Blackish green portal blot out the sky before launching a barrage of neon blue lance upon the filth abominations, resulting with numerous blinding explosions that shook the already fragile domain.

"Roadless Camelot."

Ray whispers as he could feel Morgan venting out all her pent up frustration for being unable to help with his earlier struggle and not just her but others are lining up for their turn too. The next most frustrated being Sirin.

'Leave quickly. I could hold it back for much longer!' The voice urged him to hurry.

Ray turned his head to take a peek and saw what he could only describe as incomprehensible even to the current him.

At the center of the shattered domain, two are battling one another. One being the figure of a man and feline interchanging constantly as numerous appendages manifesting all over its body while another looks like a withered man with abnormally long and twisted skeleton structure. Each attack that landed looked like the entire galaxy exploding in his eyes.

'Stop watching! Your soul is not ready yet and could implode from the sheer information overload from prolonged viewing.'

The voice warned which snapped Ray from his revere and turned his head away instantly.

Without needing to be told twice, Ray looks at the endless chasm of the largest fracture on the domain. He breathes in and exhales slowly before jumping into it.

Ray subconsciously knew that he couldn't simply teleport away from here and must first escape far enough from the eldritch monster's influence.

As he free falls into the void. Ray could feel the intense turbulence sweeping through the void from the battle of the two beings. It felt like sailing the roughest sea during a raging storm on a kayak.

The intense turbulence sent him flying back and forth, carried away by the raging force that left him helpless to navigate.

In that moment of peril, he sensed danger and looked around him to identify the danger only to see the thing stopped fighting his other self and head towards him.

Cursing under his breath, Ray desperately propels himself away with whatever ability is at his disposal while the creature still furiously chases after him.

Then, suddenly something swallowed him as everything in his surrounding turned pitch black.

'I am reaching my limit. I used the last bit of my energy to send you away to safety.'

'When you arrived at the Dimensional Corridor. Enter the ઘ̸̬̅ʇ̷̩̀ɘ̵͖̀į̶̯̓£̶̝̈_̵̪͗-̷̙̎Ɛ̴̞̒ς̶͕͌£̶̖̕٢̸̡̐٢̸̧̆(̵͈̀!̸̼̓ door. Do not linger for long or the Corridor Keeper will found and eliminate you.'

Ray heard before he found himself in an endless white corridor that stretched to infinity on both ends with various shapes and forms of doors on each side, spaced uniformly.

Although Ray did not understand what the voice was trying to say. But strangely, he knows with certainty that the arch stone door to his right is the door mentioned.

Curiosity came over him as he looked at other doors and contemplated choosing another door. However, before he could inspect the other doors in greater detail. An entity as white as the corridor itself appeared in a vaguely humanoid but clearly not organic shape.

Ray could feel an intense dread from the creature that is without doubt the Corridor Keeper that the voice mentioned. An entity created by higher being with sole responsibility to prevent intruders not meant to be here like him from abusing this corridor's function.

Without hesitation, he reached for the door and pushed it with all his might before the door creaked open and revealed a stone walkway into the clouds.

He walked through the door and felt like he just walked through a membrane that tried to reject him but Ray is strong enough to ignore the rejection and push forward into the membrane.

Once he fully walked through the door, it slammed itself shut before fading away into motes of golden light.

There Ray lay exhausted but happy to have finally escaped all the dangers. However, his attempt to invade through this world's protective membrane meant to prevent Outer Gods like him from entering, had left him drained of his energy and immensely weakened as the world itself is suppressing his power to the absolute limit.

At the present, Ray could feel the power he could muster had declined so much that he could hardly even wield a tenth of his Avatar form's power. A very very bad news especially when he is stranded in who knows where and the definitely hostile local Divine entity because of his status as an Outer God.

Lamenting his present, Ray turned his head to take in his surroundings.

Tall interconnected towers by walkways and bridges that pierce through the clouds and sky.

Before he could take a step forward to explore this new world. A powerful burst of energy manifests as red lines in the air before him.

"Halt, outlander… No. Outer God."

The cold feminine voice spoked especially cold and viciously at the end of her sentence as the red line split into a portal before someone walked out from it.

"Your presence will not be tolerated in this realm and neither is your existence."

"Perish! Foul abomination!"

The Divine being revealed herself in her full glory. Wavy pure white hair and golden eyes staring coldly at him and with a wave of her hand, she commanded immense power that left Ray feeling exasperated but increasingly defiant.

Ray stares up at the Divine being without fear and displays his mockery for her.

"Heh, sorry that I was born as an abomination. But, I am not planning to die. Not here and not in your hand because I still have a promise to uphold to my family." Ray gave a hollow laugh as he mustered all the last bit of his power to resist.

Black fire dances over his body, neon blue lance floats in his left palm, chaotic reddish black orb energy of annihilation in his right palm. His body is no longer humanoid but an overlapping figure of numerous beings from a fiery black phoenix, a demonic god, a serpentine dragon and many more, constantly shifting and overlapping his form.

"I'll drag you and your world down into the abyss if that's the only way for me to survive." Ray stared at the Divine entity and gave his threat.


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