I love formal as they give a unique look and represent authority, but I loathe selecting and wearing a tie around my neck. For the past 5 minutes, I have been patiently trying my best to wear the same, which is turning into a complicated task. I swear I never invested this much effort in cracking a bloody business deal. I was exhausted, and I gave up. I had removed my tie and attempted to keep it in my pocket when Ralph grabbed it.

He chuckled by shaking his head, and I was a little bit shaken to respond to anything in return. Gently he raised my collar and wrapped the tie around my neck by adjusting the frequency he tied at last. I was in a daze during the whole process, without blinking I was watching him. I dated him for a few months and shared so many kisses and unlimited sex; still, when he is this close, I am not able to breathe properly, and his effect on me is like Day 1, capturing me on the same level.

Oh god, he has bewitched me even his betrayal is not able to stop me, making me blind, and I am falling leisurely again and again. Oh, this bloody warmness, God, I hate it.

"Did you get it, or would you want me to repeat it?" If he had maintained some distance, I would be a pro in one go; trust me. "If there is a next time, your eyes should be on how I am wrapping rather than staring at me without blinking, I guess." I rolled my eyes at that. I took a look at his appearance, looking breathtaking in his formals, so he was not going to take any rest still; I couldn't hold back from suggesting. "You could have taken rest at least for 2 or 3 days." "I have so much pending work; I couldn't handle everything by sitting at home, and I can't even ask my dad in the given circumstance."

I nodded to that statement, and we made our way to the dining table. After having breakfast, we were at the door where two guards were waiting with my assistance. "Why do you want bodyguards? Are you threatened or something?" I frown at his statement. Why the hell do I need bodyguards? "It's for you, not for me." "What? Why?" "You know why. Asher will pull something to get in touch with you, and right now you are not in any condition to meet him, so precautionary measures. He rolled his eyes in return. "No need for this. I have already spoken with my lawyer and taken a restraining order against him." By saying that, he started walking, and I was dumbfounded on my spot. What did he just say? He did what? Like seriously.

I sped off my steps to reach him. "Seriously." In return, he nodded his head, still I am not going to take any chances. "What about other germs?" "Other what?" "Others, why can't you give every pest's name at a time to the lawyer and wipe out their existence from your life?" He stopped his steps abruptly, and I was facing him; clearly, anger radiating from everywhere. I didn't even flinch; that's the true statement. He needs to wipe out everyone. "I pretend that you never said that." "But I did." He was getting hold of his anger by breathing through his nostrils. "I am bloody angry at present. That doesn't mean I am blocking them forever. They are my family and friends you are talking about. Got it?" I grunted at that bloody family and friends.

We were in the elevator. "Still, guards will follow you just in case." "I already got two." "Nothing wrong if you add another two." "This time I have things under control. Trust me, I am not going to give in to any old bastards like fucking old times." Is he including me too? When he is trying to stand against that bastard, why the hell is he including me? That's not fair. "Asher knows his way around you. Whatever measures you have taken, that's not enough. Trust me." He sighed. I totally get his frustration. "Ralph, let me handle your life for now, please. You don't know Asher the way I do, so let me handle it. Please go with the flow." He was silent and didn't retaliate.

After exiting the elevator, we started making our way to the car. I gave clear and strict instructions to the guards and made my way to the car when I heard Ralph's voice. "Whatever measures I have taken, it would prolong but wouldn't stop him. You know that, right?" I halted my hand at the car door, which I was about to open. Of course, he wouldn't. I am not a fool. "I will stop him this time, mark my words if I have your full support. Ralph, let me handle your life for now. With or without your consent, I am going to handle everything, and I am not even sorry for what I am going to do. This is high time. I need you to be safe, especially from Asher, and I will ensure it." His stare was blank, but mine was beaming with determination. I don't know what's running through his head, but this time I will make sure he is not giving in once again.

Without giving any response, Ralph entered the car and drove off.

I was in my cabin sorting out pending files when my cell started ringing. I groaned when I saw the caller ID. I could reject the call, but because of him, I got information about Ralph, so at least attending one call doesn't hurt. I owe him by thinking that way I pressed the green button.

"How is he? Is he stable now?" No hi, hello, straight away seeking information about his friend. Like hell, I want any pleasantry from this asshole who never acknowledged my existence throughout the college. "It's surprising you care." "Don't throw your sarcastic comment; just answer the damn question. We are worried, including his parents." "Oh, everyone cares, that's good to hear." "Reece." "And you know my name. I thought you guys would stick to my nickname forever. It feels strange, you know, hearing my actual name." "Would you stop for fuck's sake and answer the damn question?" "He is good; he is going to be better if you guys back off from his life for the time being." The call went silent. I thought he disconnected, but I was not that lucky.

"We will not contact him for the time being, but his parents are really worried." "Really?" "Stop being sarcastic for once and for all. Don't judge us for how we pushed him toward Asher again and again; that bastard is equally responsible for our actions. We tried every fucking thing thinking he would get over Asher and move on, but he didn't budge from his pathetic attachment. Whenever he broke up with him, he acted like he didn't care, trying to act normally, but that wouldn't be the case whenever he was behind the four walls. Whether Asher was not letting him move on or whether Ralph was not interested in moving on, we don't know till today. His parents are not fools to push Ralph back to that bastard; neither are we, but he will be so vulnerable without Asher that we are forced to take such steps. Trust me, whenever they broke up, Ralph never got over him completely, not even once, and we tried our best. So don't judge us for our actions; we didn't leave with any choice."

After his rampage, Azgar was breathing heavily. The only boost I require in the present situation is just great. I sighed backward on the chair; this was too much. I knew that bastard would always crawl back; Ralph couldn't get over him.

What the bloody hell am I doing?

My mind was sprouting to back off—this is enough to get over Ralph—and my heart was telling me to give it a sincere try. Once again, I dwindled. I didn't like this. When I was about to make up my mind and was making my way out of my cowardice, this information was enough to crumble.

I thought I was there, but again I am standing in the same position, thinking of taking a step backward.

"Reece." "I am here." "What happened?" "Nothing digesting everything." "It's too much, I know, but it's the truth. He is stupidly attached too much to Asher; we don't know how to break it and bring him back from his grasp. Trust us, we did everything." "Why did you pour everything that too now?" I was agitated and frustratingly angry after hearing everything. "To give you a reality check, that's why." Wow, this bastard, I swear I hate every one of the leeches who is around Ralph, now including Ralph, who is fucking sucking my blood. "Take care of him and please keep me updated." "Like hell, I will; I got things to do. I am going to disconnect the damn phone; I need some peace of mind. I swear I hate every one of you." "Don't divert your anger toward us; rather, it should be on the one who is leaving with you, and again you wouldn't do that for sure. We didn't provoke you to stalk him, and when you find a chance, you just grab the chance to date him, and that ended very well for you. So, attend the damn call. That's enough. Have a lovely day, lover boy."

At least, he should have waited to hear the word fuck off, which left my mouth but didn't reach him. I would have felt a little satisfied for the moment. Oh god, I hate my life and the coming days.