
When Nehar opened his eyes, he found himself in a park, sitting on a bench, alone.

 He looked around confusedly for some time, and then his vision and other senses started to work better.

 After looking around for some time, he confirmed that he had successfully come back to his home world, Edoria.

 Nehar became a little excited and took a glance over his body.

 His appearance is now that of a twenty-year-old man. Nehar remembered in the past, he was in his twenties when the apocalypse began.

 He started waving his hand in front of his face and saw that there was no visible crack on his skin.

 Nor his body is on the verge of collapsing anymore.

 The huge burden and pressure on his soul are also gone.

 He stretched his hands and legs for some moments and noticed that there was no irregularity in his muscles or anywhere.

 Nehar became much more relaxed than before.

 He is finally back, after 85 years.

 It's a long time if someone considers it according to the present timeline of Edoria.

 In his world, a normal healthy person lived up to 80-90 years in general.

 Some exceptions lived past 100 years, though it's much less in numbers.

 However, after the apocalypse and the introduction of mana into the world, the average lifespan of people increased drastically.

 Not only people, but almost every life form increased their life span and also evolved accordingly.

 Normally, humans evolved too.

 With each evolution, they became much more powerful than before and their lifespan also increased accordingly.

 After the apocalypse, it was said that a normal human, devoid of any power could live up to 150 years normally.

 As for the other people, no one had any idea.

 After all, no one experienced a long life to see and observe others.

 When they thought the apocalypse was over, people started fighting among themselves to achieve more power.

 When their infighting ended, the Outer Gods took the chance to convert the people living under the rule of various rulers, thus another war was started against them.

 Nehar sighed.

 So much happened within 80-90 years in the future.

 Even he had almost no time to enjoy his life. Half of his life was spent establishing his rule over different regions in the new world and the latter half of his life; he spent it fighting the Outer Gods, Demi-Gods, and other invaders.

 There was not an ounce of peace.

 Nehar stopped thinking about his past and looked around quietly.

 Some children were playing in the park. Some adults were gossiping on the other side.

 A peaceful environment.

 Although he knew there was no peace in it in reality, not even in the current time, nor in the future.

 When Nehar thought about leaving, his mobile started vibrating in his pocket.

 He almost forgot about these feelings.

 When the System-generated apocalypse started in their world, most of the electronic equipment became useless, so the mobile phones.

 Their civilization of Engineering Advancements soon became a civilization of Magical Advancements.

 So, when after almost 85 years, he again felt the knowing sensation of vibration of his mobile, he was quite taken aback.

 "Ah, I forgot about it. This device still works...hehe."

 Nehar took out his mobile to see who was calling him at that moment, but when he saw the caller's name flashing over the mobile screen, his mood turned sour.

 Some unpleasant memories of his past flashed over his mind, which he didn't want to remember.

 He almost forgot those memories over time, but when he came back, these memories greeted him once again.

 "I thought another timeline would be different than my past one, but it's still the same. So, actually nothing changed. Aellion, you were quite right in your theoretical studies and divine predictions. If I don't do anything to change the upcoming future, then this timeline will also follow the same path as the past one and eventually, they will converge."

 Nehar shook his head with determination.

 He had no thoughts of spending time sitting down this time and doing nothing.

 "I will eventually change the future, my friends, and then we'll fight against those bastards once more. And this time, we will come out victorious. As I am the first one to return, I will take the most responsibility for now to prepare a foolproof plan for our future endeavors."

 Nehar put his mobile back in his pocket and stood up.

 After a very long time, he felt well, as if he returned to his home after a very long and perilous journey.

 After stretching for some time, he decided to start his work.

 He already saw there were only 13 hours left before the World Wide System Announcement and the start of the apocalypse.

 Within this short period, he had to manage all of his affairs so that he could give his all to what was coming next.

 First, he decided to go back home.

 Nehar looked towards the sky.

 The sun is currently illuminating everything around him.

 A gentle breeze of summer blew over him.

 He checked the time on his wristwatch, almost 11 am.

 Only 13 hours left before everything went into a shithole.

 Nehar strode forward; there was no time to waste.


 When he reached his home, it was almost 11:30 am.

 Nehar didn't think of greeting anyone, even though he was going to see his family members after 85 long years.

 After all, they were not his real family.

 Nehar's parents died when he was only 12 years old in a tragic car accident.

 Nehar was living in a boys' hostel at that time. After receiving the news when he came to receive his parents' dead bodies, his world turned upside down.

 Fortunately, his parents had already prepared for his living and school expenses beforehand, so no one expelled him from the school or the hostel.

 After reaching the age of 18, Nehar ended his studies in school and left the dormitory.

 When he came back to his family's old home, it was already taken over by his late father's younger brother and his family.

 Although they had taken over the residence to look after it, it was only in name.

 They had no real power as Nehar was still alive.

 In the past, Nehar was quite idiotic.

 He trusted his uncle and newly married aunt much more as he had no family left in this world other than them.

 His newly married aunt and niece tried almost every day to coerce him so that he could waive his claim on the residence.

 At first, he was quite puzzled by their behavior.

 They never behaved like this when his parents were still alive.

 But later, he understood what was happening.

 They were eyeing his house and the residual properties.

 His parents were not able to leave much money for their son, as their death was sudden and quite unexpected.

 So, all he had was his house and some other small properties.

 Though he didn't share a very good relationship with his parents when they were alive, Nehar didn't blame them for leaving him like this.

 He understood that calamity could befall any person at any time.

 He also understood that his uncle was behind his current situation at his own home.

 He couldn't kick them out as he still regarded them as a family, at the same time he didn't want to lose his house and properties.

 But then the apocalypse began and everything was destroyed with it.

 Money, properties, and connections hold no value anymore.

 Only strength became the paramount factor of influence.

 Nehar sighed once again and moved inside his house.

 Nothing matters anymore.

 He is back.

 Though he had only 13 hours left in his hand, it was more than enough to prepare for what was coming next.

 As for family, property, and money, they can all go to hell.

 After all, who would want to carry a bunch of paper currencies with them when they had to fight a horde of demonic beasts or zombies in a hand-to-hand combat and all of mankind's engineering marvels and products suddenly become useless?

 The answer was simple, no one.

 The money would lose its value soon, within tonight.

 Nehar decided to use it as much as he could before that happened.


 When he entered the living room, he saw his aunt sitting on the sofa, while talking to someone over the phone.

 Seeing him enter, his aunt disconnected the call and asked him in a stern voice, "Why are you back?"

 Nehar looked at her silently and didn't fail to notice her hostile gaze.

 The woman in front of him was quite beautiful and young.

 She was his uncle's second wife after his first wife died of lung cancer.

 In the past, he always thought that his uncle was quite ruthless. He decided to marry this woman just one month after his first wife died, suffering for over three years.

 He even suspected that they had an affair when his late aunt felt ill and got hospitalized.

 After all, this woman worked as a nurse in the same hospital where his aunt was admitted.

 Nehar still remembered his late aunt; she was not as bad as his uncle and niece. 

 If she was still alive, maybe his uncle would have restrained his actions in removing him from his own house.

 Nehar sighed and looked at the woman.

 Though in the past, he blamed his uncle and quite hated this woman, now after looking over her picturesque figure, he quite understood why his uncle went to marry her ignoring everyone else's taunts and words of contempt.

 Grace was quite young and a mature beauty.

 Despite her age of 25, she looked much younger, more like a teenager.

 Her hourglass figure, well-proportioned front and back, and slim waist could have enchanted any man.

 And Nehar knew his uncle very well.

 That man didn't have much of a restraint in any way.

 Nehar even thought that his uncle was not probably the one behind this whole takeover idea.

 In the past, he always thought that his uncle was the main culprit, who used his wife and daughter to coerce and force him.

 But now, after carefully looking at her, he thought, probably this woman was the real culprit behind all those schemes.

 With her attractive figure, she could have tempted any man and his uncle was not an exception in this regard.

 It's highly possible that this woman used him as a pawn in her plans to acquire this house.

 Nehar contemplated silently.

 Grace looked at him and asked again, "Why are you not answering? And why are you ogling all over me?"

 Nehar didn't bother to answer.

 He already thought of leaving this family.

 His uncle, aunt, and niece died tragically in the past during the Tutorial Phase, at the beginning of the apocalypse.

 Nehar had no thought of changing that future.

 He started walking towards his room, without answering her.

 Grace saw him ignoring her and became furious.

 She almost came running towards him and caught his hand tightly, "How dare you ignore me? Why did you come back? Shouldn't you be in the Army Recruitment Camp by now? Why the hell did you come back? Answer me", while asking, Grace continued to shake his hand violently.

 Nehar remembered another piece of his past that he almost forgot.

 Yes, he was selected for the Army Recruitment Camp and today was the day of open interview.

 In the past, Nehar attended the interview, got selected, and was quite happy.

 His family was happier than him as he would be out for two years for the compulsory training period.

 But, in this timeline, Nehar didn't think about attending the interview.

 He even forgot that he had an interview and came back home.

 Well, it does not matter.

 Even if he remembered that he had an interview today by 12, he wouldn't have attended.

 With a fighting experience of over 85 years, who could be his match anyway?

 Moreover, the majority of Military Equipment, including large-scale missiles and bombs would become obsolete shortly.

 In a System-controlled world, today's military would be nothing more than a laughingstock.

 So, there was no point in attending the interview or joining the Army.

 While Nehar contemplated those thoughts, he still felt that the woman in front of him cursing him loudly.

 At first, he thought about ignoring her and the rest of his so-called family.

 But, this woman didn't want to leave him alone.

 Nehar thought of something and suddenly pulled the woman in his embrace.

 Grace was still cursing him and asking him for an answer, when she felt the man in front of him suddenly pull her in an embrace.

 "Wh…what are you doing?"

 Grace asked in a shocked voice while trying to free herself from his embrace.

 Nehar didn't bother to answer and started embracing her more tightly.

 Grace began to squirm in his embrace, but felt she was overpowered by him.

 "Release me, what do you think you are doing?" Grace tried to push him away, but Nehar didn't falter.

 He even tightened his embrace around her slim waist.

 She tried to push him, punch him but to no avail.

 The man in front of her was not losing at all in a contest of strength.

 When she tried to slap him, Nehar suddenly caught her hand and asked her in a low but deep voice, "Do you think I don't understand what you are trying to do in this house? Or do you think I am a child who would not understand your petty schemes?"

 Grace became stunned after listening to him.

 Does he know about my plans?

Before she could say anything, he continued, "Today, I am going to punish you for your treacherous schemes against me."

 When Grace heard those words, she instinctively asked in a puzzled voice, "Punishment?"

 Nehar nodded slowly, "Yes, punishment my dear Grace. What do you think will happen when a man and a woman are alone in a house?"

 Nehar slowly touched her face with his hands while asking her.

 Grace saw the devious smirk on his face and despaired.