Ruthless Suppression

When Grace heard his words, she began to despair.

 He was right about her schemes.

 She continuously tried to kick him out of his own house to acquire it.

 She used her so-called husband and his daughter as mere pawns to achieve it.

 She made his life hell in the house so much that Nehar even chose to opt for the Military Academy.

 She was quite successful till now in her little petty schemes.

 Once Nehar was out in his compulsory military training for two years, she had even thought of doing some backhanded work to manipulate her husband to secure her claim over this house and the leftover properties.

 But now, she started to despair, as the man in front of her openly declared that he was well aware of her devious schemes against him.

 And then, he started touching her face and asked her what would happen when a man and a woman remained alone in a house.

 Grace started to panic inside.

 She knew there was no one at this moment in the house other than themselves. And for hours, no one would come.

 She saw the man smirking at her devilishly, and she instinctively felt weak.

 This was not supposed to happen.

 Her plans were perfect.

 Nehar would leave the house tomorrow and she would have free reign to take over and oversee everything.

 After removing Nehar, she even planned to remove her husband's daughter from the house in the very same manner.

 Although it would have required some intricate scheming, she was quite assured that it would bore results.

 But, not only did the man in front of her catch her red-handed, he had other ideas in his mind to punish her for her deviousness.

 A tinge of excitation washed over her.

 She internally scolded herself, "What the hell am I thinking? I need to leave from this uncomfortable situation first."

 "Unhand me Nehar. What you are doing is wrong; I am your aunt, not your girlfriend. If you let me go, I will forget everything about this matter. And if you still don't release me I will tell everything when your uncle comes back. You will only see what he will do when he finds out that his elder brother's son was trying to force himself on his wife."

 Grace thought it would be enough to deter the young man in his steps, but it backfired.

 Nehar started laughing maniacally, "Do you think I care? And what will he do when he finds out? Will he throw me out of this house or will he try to report me to the authorities? What do you think he will do, my dear Grace?"

 Nehar asked while laughing and groping her with both of his hands.

 "Please don't do it Nehar. I will not plot against you anymore. If you do it, then…then..." Grace started pleading with him in a desperate voice.

 Nehar looked at her curiously.

 His hands hadn't stopped groping the woman in his embrace from various angles.

 At first, Nehar only thought about a simple payback via blackmailing, but after seeing the alluring woman in his embrace and feeling her for some time, he started to consider seriously his previous threat.

 Should I push forward?

 Nehar was not a greenhorn while handling a woman.

 Even in the past, he had three wives.

 He enjoyed his married life and times in bed thoroughly.

 Previously he had no scheme about his aunt as he already thought of leaving the family within some hours, but now he was rethinking.

 Would it be worth the matter? Or not.

 The woman in front of him was not a simple housewife material, she was a devious scheming bitch.

 If controlled well, she could provide vital results in the future.

 While he was thinking, he felt a bulge was slowly forming inside his pants.

 It was normal.

 He is still in his twenties with no girlfriend or friends with benefits whatsoever. And he was groping and teasing an alluring woman for the last fifteen minutes.

 It was something supposed to happen.

 Nehar didn't want to ruin his superior image in the first encounter, so he grabbed ahold of her chin and looked directly into her eyes.

 Although he was young, he was a bit taller than Grace.

 Grace tried to avoid the eye contact, but Nehar didn't falter.

 He firmly grabbed ahold of her chin and planted a small kiss on her lips.

 Grace tried to push him away when she felt another pair of lips touching her own.

 She was visibly shocked.

 Her mind went numb.

 A tinge of sensation washed over her body again.

 "Nehar…please, don't do it…" Grace almost begged him this time in a choked voice.

 Nehar knew what he wanted so he didn't bother to listen to her sentimental words.

 "Fine, I will release you. But what will I gain for that in exchange?"

 Grace was puzzled.

 Her mind was numb, her body felt ecstatic and her inner thoughts were screaming at her to push this man away and run.

 But she still stood there, in his embrace, looking at his face with a baffled look.

 Even Nehar was taken aback while looking at her face.

 Did she suddenly become an idiot?

 Why is she looking at me with a face like this?

 Nehar felt his bulge was becoming bigger inside his pants and if he left it alone, soon Grace would notice it.

 It will create a quite embarrassing situation.

 And most importantly, he didn't have much in his hand to fool around.

 He straightened his back and quickly got rid of the evil ideas in his head.

 "I will release you, but in exchange what I need is money. And what I want is not the pocket money, I want all of your savings that you currently have in your storage. If you disagree, you know well what will happen."

 Grace looked at his face, which looked handsome to her to a certain extent.

 She obediently nodded as she knew there was no way for her to back away, at least not right now.

 Nehar saw this and nodded his head, "Fine, lead the way."

 He released her from his tight embrace.

 Grace felt a little bit unhappy but she adjusted her mood quickly and started walking towards her bedroom.

 Nehar followed her from behind.


 Forty minutes later.

 Nehar was standing in front of a dimly lighted shop in the slum area.

 Even in the broad daylight, the shop owner chose to light his shop.

 Nehar looked around him for some time, and seeing no one around him, he entered the shop.

 Another thirty minutes later, Nehar came out.

 He had one old framed suitcase in his right hand, while he was carrying a ration bag in his left hand.

 In his back, he had a large-sized guitar bag.

 Upon seeing him, people would surely mistake him for a professional.

 Nehar didn't go back home, he had to prepare more.


 Seven hours later.

 Nehar finally returned home. He looked at his watch. 08:35 pm.

 He was quite relaxed at that moment.

 In the last few hours, he roamed around the city and gathered almost everything he needed.

 One or two things he was not able to procure, but he was not worried about them.

 He would get many chances once the Tutorial Phase starts.

 When he entered the living room, he saw his uncle, aunt, and niece sitting together.

 It almost looked like they were waiting for him.

 Nehar contemplated silently.

 Were his thoughts about Grace correct?

 Seeing him enter, his uncle stood up and shouted, "Nehar, what do think you are doing? You didn't go to the interview …."

 Before he could even finish his sentence, Nehar dropped his luggage and bags on the floor and took out a bundle of notes from his pocket. Then he threw it towards his uncle and said, "Keep the change."

 His uncle saw the bundle of money coming towards him and became more enraged.

 "You bastard, you forced my wife, your aunt to give you all my savings so that you can go to the bar to enjoy. Do you think I will not kick you out of this house?"

 Nehar was moving towards the bathroom when he stopped in his tracks after listening to his uncle's yelling.

 He turned around and asked, "What did you call me before?"

 His uncle was still furious and didn't notice the odd change in his nephew's voice. He shouted again, "I called you a bastard because that's what you are. Your parents dropped dead when you were a kid and….."

 His uncle continued to yell but Nehar didn't listen anymore.

 When he heard his uncle calling him a bastard, something in his mind snapped this time.

 That man before him caused many troubles in his life, he beat him, insulted him but Nehar hadn't retaliated in the past.

 But now seeing his uncle continuously disrespecting his dead parents, he thought that was it.

 There is no need to tolerate it anymore.

 He had enough of this toxic familial relationship.

 The world is coming to an end, so it's better to end this relationship too.

 Nehar didn't answer and suddenly strode forward.

 His uncle saw him coming towards him fast, and before he could say anything….


 A crisp sound could be heard in the whole house.

 His uncle looked at him in disbelief.

 His nephew, who never uttered a single word after taking hundreds of beatings and insults, slapped him today.

 "You should not have crossed the line, bastard."

 Nehar's deep booming voice was heard in the living room.

 His aunt and niece were also taken aback.

 They also didn't expect something like this to happen.

 Grace was more surprised. She was the first one to see the changes in him, but even this was too much for her.

 "You bastard, you dare to hit me?" his uncle pounced towards him to teach him a lesson.

 That bastard slapped him in front of his wife and daughter.

 What a shame!

 Nehar nodded his head in displeasure, seeing his uncle was rushing towards him.

 "Fine, have it your way", Nehar rapidly sidestepped causing his uncle's punch to miss his face by a hair's breadth.

 His uncle was not a fighter, so he was not quick to come back with a follow-up attack.

 But that wasn't true for Nehar.

 Though he was weak without his stats or powers, that didn't mean he forgot his rich battle experience.

 He was a veteran with a battle experience of four times his current age.

 Beating a normal person like his uncle was like a child's play to him.

 After sidestepping, Nehar suddenly turned around centering his left leg, and swiftly kicked the backside of the knee joints of his uncle's legs.

 The man hadn't expected this at all.

 He screamed in a hoarse voice and fell flat on the floor.

 Nehar didn't stop.

 He walked over to the man and ruthlessly kicked his arched back.

 Once, twice, thrice…..

 Nehar didn't stop kicking and stomping his back at all.

 The man beneath his feet was groveling at that moment.

 Seeing his father getting beaten like this, his daughter tried to confront her brother, only to get ruthlessly slapped across the face.

 Another crisp slap sound was heard.

 The young woman was taken aback after getting slapped.

 "Know your place. Children shouldn't get involved when adults are discussing important matters."

 Amelia was 22-year-old young woman, one year older than Nehar.

 She was by no means a child.

 She tried to protest, only to get slapped again.

 Another crisp slap sound was heard in the house, followed by sobbing sounds.

 "Did you not hear me properly? I told you to know your place. Children shouldn't involve themselves in the matters of the adults. Now scram."

 Amelia didn't try to protest this time.

 She was scared shitless. She hurriedly ran away from the living room.

 Grace was still sitting on the sofa, watching everything in front of her.

 She was too shocked to react to anything.

 At that moment she heard, "I am going to beat your husband like a dog. If anyone in the house tries to interfere, they will be next. Am I clear?"

 Grace nodded her head nervously, seeing the ruthless expression on his face.

 Amelia also heard his loud voice but didn't try to protest or provoke him.

 She was too scared to face his younger brother.

 Nehar didn't mind the others anymore and started beating the man beneath his feet more ruthlessly.

 The man tried to scream and beg but Nehar didn't stop for a single moment.

 After fifteen minutes of continuous beating, Nehar stopped.

 He had no intention of killing this bastard by beating him to death.

 He already knew how he was going to die, so why bother?

 Meanwhile, he just cleared his head and consciousness by beating him to his heart's content.

 He was quite relaxed at the moment.

 While beating his uncle, he also revitalized several moves of his previously learned hand-to-hand combats.

 Finishing the matter in hand, Nehar walked towards Grace, grabbed the woman's chin, and pressed his lips on her again.

 This time, Grace hadn't tried to resist. She involuntarily accepted the kiss on her lips.

 After fifteen seconds, Nehar stopped kissing her and left the living room while carrying all his bags.

 He still had many things to do before the event started.

 Grace sat there for some more time while looking at his husband, who was still lying on the floor like a beaten dead dog.

 She also thought about leaving but suddenly stopped.

 Her face turned red, as she felt a moist sensation between her legs.


 Nehar didn't mind others and went straight to his room.

 One by one, he started unpacking the materials in those bags and started sorting them.

 Only 3 hours left before the apocalypse began.