Kill Them Until They Realize The Difference Between Us

When Nehar and his team started walking towards the central area, the main region of commotion, the surrounding people hurriedly backed off and made way for them.

While Nehar didn't mind them and moved forward, the same thing couldn't be said for Amelia and Grace.

They had never seen something like this before. Those people who were shouting, and yelling at each other a while ago just after the white barrier opened and were rushing towards them in groups, were now hurriedly backing off and making way for them to pass without any problem. 

Both women silently watched everything and then they looked over the figure walking in front of them.

'His broad back is quite assuring...but when did he become so big and muscular...', Grace thought.

'So, this is what he was talking about....position of power, command and respect...the same old but new way of this new world...', Amelia understood the meaning behind Nehar's words once more.

Nehar walked forward in a relaxed manner without giving any mind to other people's thoughts around him.

He noticed almost every types of looks that he was receiving from others.

Some were of genuine fear after what he had done, some looks were of praise and admiration, some were of jealousy and some were even of hatred and spite.

Although Nehar didn't mind them too much, he silently observed and carefully noted down the faces of those who showed open hostility towards him.

Sooner or later, he would give them that same look back, with his dagger plunged into their hearts. 

While moving forward, he also looked for his cowardly bastard uncle, who previously called this huge group of over a hundred people to take care of them or whatever...but he didn't find any traces of him in the crowd.

'He isn't here...then where is he? I will find him this time and kill him directly...there is no reason to keep a poisonous viper alive who will come for me and them continuously just to retain his petty pride...'

After walking for merely ten seconds, they reached the central area.

Nehar looked above and noticed those three figures, who still hadn't said or announced anything after appearing.

They were only moving their hands in different fashions while looking straight into their System screens.

It may not be clear to others what they were doing, but Nehar knew it very well.

They were currently adjusting the environment for the upcoming Tutorial and at the same time, they were also setting up the Communication Channel properly so that those higher existences would be able to watch their performances without a hitch and could also communicate with them.

Seeing Nehar and two women coming towards them, the people around the place started to move back, just like before.

While Nehar didn't comment anything, he heard a mocking voice, coming from above, "Wow, it looks like you are receiving the King's Welcome, mortal."

Nehar looked above once more and saw the left-side Lackey was the one who commented.

He didn't answer anything, and in reply, he just smirked while looking at them.

The Lackey at his right voiced his thoughts angrily, "Mortal, give some respect to us. Do you think we are at the same level that you're smirking at us?"

Nehar watched the enraged Lackey and even after getting warned, still replied to them showing a devious grin on his face.

While two Lackeys and Nehar were facing each other verbally, the other people looked at them with shocked gazes.

"He is a mad bastard...those people are far, far stronger than him, and he is still provoking them..."

"I told you, he is not a sane human...after all who kills 113 people with a right mind, huh?"

"He is so fucking cool...believe me, all my life I wanted to do something like this and never got the chance...."

Amelia and Grace also looked at each other while listening to other people's opinions. The same thought came to their mind at this time, 'He is different from others...'

Nehar looked at the Observer, who was still silent and didn't say a word even when the Lackeys were trying to force him to show them some respect.

Nehar thought in his mind, 'Will he continue to watch? He is superior in position, he had to take a stand...either with me or with them...'

"ENOUGH !!!!!"

A loud ringing voice could be heard in the next moment.

The Observer finally opened his mouth and showed his overwhelming authority over those two, who were still blabbering at Nehar.

'A Skill similar to Lion's Roar...not bad. Looks like he really does have some Skill to back up his position after all...'

As the voice wasn't directed at the people below them, they didn't feel the tremendous power that shout contained.

Those two Lackeys, who faced the overwhelming might of the Observer's voice, instantly became pale.

Their hands started shaking uncontrollably and beads of sweat started forming on their foreheads. 

Nehar watched the whole scenario unfolding in front of him with a calm gaze.

But inside his mind, he cursed, 'I misjudged that Observer bastard. He deliberately insulted them in front of all the people those two bastards will try to settle this score with me by doing anything to hinder my growth in the Tutorial in one way or another. Although they wouldn't be able to challenge me directly, they could surely employ some underhanded tricks to deal with me...ugh, what a fucking shit show.'

'But why? There is no enmity between us. Then, is he someone related to that Administrator, Andrea? Or is he related to someone else, who's simply trying to take advantage of the situation that I had a connection with Andrea and many upper existences are now interested in me?'

Nehar observed the Observer and those two Lackeys with a stern, cold gaze.

Amelia and Grace also noticed the change in his facial expressions.

They instinctively understood that something was wrong.

'Do you all think I'm a pushover? Even if you try to probe into my strengths by using this kind of petty tricks, the results wouldn't satisfy you. Though, right now I don't know who is behind this elaborated dramatic script and scenes...I'll find them out, sooner or later, before leaving this Tutorial Dimension.'

Sensing Nehar's sharp gaze on them, the Observer stopped chastising his subordinates and spoke in a loud tone, "All of you, the Participants of the 117th Tutorial, must have seen the battle between this human, Raven, and his team and those hundred thirteen opponents. This is the way of the new world, where even one person with superior strength, tactics, and timely execution of Skills can dominate a battlefield single-handedly and destroy everything in his/her path. The System has given every one of you this kind of power. But out of all of you present here, only Raven and to some extent, his teammates were able to use this power to show the world their new-found strengths. 

What you have seen from his battle, was nothing but a tremendous struggle of Survival on Raven's part, where he had to fight over a hundred people to safeguard his team members. In the future, all of you have to face similar situations, so be ready. If you're not qualified enough to handle this amount of pressure, you'll be simply eliminated. And once you get eliminated from here, there is no way to come back anymore.

Thus, to help you all in your future journeys, I'm providing you with another Skill, which is also a gift from the System for your upcoming battles and survival."

The Observer stopped speaking and clicked something in the screen panel that was hovering in front of him for the whole time.

Everyone present in Region C received a notification of a New Skill addition to their Skill Panel.

Like others, Nehar also opened his Skill panel to check it.

Though he was quite aware of this new Skill, he still decided to check it once. 

[System Alert: You've learned a new Skill (Passive): Inspect (Basic, Common)]

[System: Opening the Skill details...]


[Skill: Inspect (Basic)]

[Skill Description]: Allows you to Identify and Inspect the Details of any Object or Creature in the Tutorial Phase by focusing on the Target.

[Skill Status]: Passive

[Skill Specifications]

- Skill Grade: Common (Rank: D-)

- User Requirement Level: 0 and Above.

- User Restriction: Can Inspect up to 5 Levels higher than the User's Current Level (Tutorial Phase)


After watching the Skill details, Nehar closed the Skill panel. He knew very well how to use this Skill and he also knew that their uses are not restricted to the Tutorial Phases only. They could use it later too, only if they successfully passed the Tutorial.

Nehar looked at the Observer, the sly snake, who used his battle records before to demonstrate the new world to others. 

'I was right about him...he is a sly bastard...', Nehar thought in his mind.

After giving almost 30 seconds to everyone, the Observer spoke again, "So, I think each one of you received the Skill. Although it has some limitations at the current stage, it's a very good skill to have from the beginning."

Nehar nodded his head in approval. was a very powerful Skill, if one is to use it properly. Before, when Nehar bought Skills from the Shop, he didn't find this one there. It simply shows that is a quite valuable Skill to begin with.

Many people around them had already learned the Skill and started using it on the others. Some people cast their Skills on Amelia and Grace and found they were at Level 1 only.

But many others, who were quite offended internally that Nehar was receiving the attention from the Lackeys and the Observer, cast their Skills on him.

They thought if they now knew his current level, Class and Skill details, they could also improve themselves like him and could fight like him too.

No one knew if that was the Will to improve themselves further or simply jealously. 

A middle-aged man, who was quite gloomy from the beginning after seeing two beauties on his side, also cast his Skill on Nehar, in the hope of finding his deepest secrets.

If only Nehar had known that someone was trying to use a measly Skill to uncover his deepest secrets, he would've simply died laughing.

Nehar felt the penetrative gazes of the people, who were casting their Skills on him non-stop.

Although he didn't mind, he found their gazes quite irritating.

Even in the past, no one dared to use their simplest , , or Skills on him, without his permission.

The Observer and the Lackeys also looked at those people, who were using their Skills on Nehar.

They knew very well how irritating someone could feel, when everyone starts to look at the person with a penetrative gaze, by using their Skills.

The Lackeys, who got rebuked before by the Observer, were quite pleased while seeing the frown on Nehar's face.

Though the Lackeys were pleased, the same couldn't be said for the people who were using their Skills.

Even after using their Skills repeatedly on him, they received the same response from the System.

[System Alert: Your Skill (Passive): Inspect was unable to detect anything]

[System Alert: Your Target's level is too high!!!]

"What the hell? The Skill isn't working on him..."

"Why are you crying? It says in the Skill description that it could inspect and detect up to 5 levels higher than your current level...which means, he must be above Level 5, which is our Skill's current limit."

"H-How is that even possible?"

"Did he increase his level that much just by killing people?"

"Yeah, I think so...."

"So, if we do the same, shouldn't we be able to increase our levels too?"

Soon, peoples' curious gazes turned malicious as they found the simplest method to level up faster.

Killing people rather than killing monsters...

Nehar sighed after sensing the gazes of the people.

His Stat was quite high, so it's no wonder he didn't miss their malicious looks.

But even without the Stat, Nehar knew this would happen sooner or later.

Even in the past, people started killing each other when the 1st Tutorial was still going on.

Many people, who killed others, justified their killings by saying that they were doing this for the future of the future mankind needs strong soldiers, who can beat those zombies and monsters.

Thus, killing weak humans could aid into their strengths. 

Lackeys, Handlers, Observers...everyone watched those scenes silently.

Nehar already knew that those people had no interest in saving their lives.

Even he had to fight that time to preserve his precious life from others. 

But this time, Nehar had no plan to fight those people one by one and stop them.

Nehar observed those people who were grinning maliciously while looking at the others who were quite weak. He also noticed the strange gazes in some people, who were trying to hold some other woman's hands forcefully.

'People do not change, huh...even in the past, many tried to force themselves on other women for pleasure in those troubled times, some even killed them after enjoying themselves...these people are not gonna change, whether in the past or present or even future...'

Nehar pulled out both of his daggers from their sheaths and directly threw them toward two people who were trying to grope two teenage girls, with all his strength, without activating any of his Skills. 

Before anyone could understand what happened, everyone saw two people at the right-end corner collapse, bleeding profusely. 

Those teenage girls were most they felt the desperation of those two molesters when the Bloodkin's Dagger and a normal dagger pierced through their heart and throat respectively and killed them.

They looked at the distance to find who helped them and soon found that the person, nicknamed 'Monster' and 'Butcherer' by others, killed those scums by throwing his daggers.

Amelia and Grace were already prepared with their bow and staff, waiting for Nehar's order.

They had already seen the malicious gazes of those people and obviously, they were not pleased with it.

And when they saw him pulling out his daggers and throwing them, they knew there'd be a bloodbath again.

After following Nehar for the last half an hour, they had started to understand his character to some extent.

That man was daring...and never gave a fuck to his enemy's thoughts.

"What have you done bastard?"

"You killed them....why?"

"Hey, what's wrong with you people? Didn't you see that they were misbehaving with those two women?"

"Still, it doesn't give him any rights to kill people again..."

"Right, this bastard thinks that he is powerful, so we should obey him..."

"He is no King...let's gang up on him and kill him first..."

"Yes, this is our chance...if we can kill him, we can become much more powerful than others..."

Nehar silently observed those people who were spouting bullshit nonstop.

'Five, seven, ten, thirteen....their numbers are growing. Fine, let's show them what I am, once more...'

Nehar didn't bother to give them any reply nor did he try to prove his innocence or righteousness. 

He gazed over the Observers and Lackeys and understood that they were not gonna butt their heads in their personal disputes.

He also took a glance at the remaining time before the start of the 1st Tutorial.

[System: Remaining Time for the Start of the Tutorial - 01 (Zombie Horde): 00:02:49]

 After seeing that there was still enough time, Nehar proceeded forward in his actions.

"COME", Nehar ordered in the same deep voice as before.

Sensing his current Master's order once more, the Bloodkin's Dagger flew away from the dead body and landed on Nehar's right hand.

Nehar pulled out another dagger from his Inventory, equipped it in his left hand, and looked at Amelia and Grace.

Both women also looked back at him with determined faces, as they already knew a minor skirmish would happen and it was unavoidable.

Nehar ordered in a stone-cold voice and rushed forward swinging his daggers, "Kill them until they understand the difference between us."