A Primal Instinct : Command Of The Forgotten

This time, while rushing forward Nehar didn't activate any of his high profile Skills. Using Skills at this time would cost him mana, and with the arrival of the Zombie Horde within a minute, Nehar had no plan to waste his mana to cut down some Level 0 bastards.

'There are 21 people who challenged me directly and even threatened to kill me...let me take care of them first. If I take them down while showing the abysmal disparity between our strengths, I think the others would understand my message quite clearly this time.'

While rushing forward, he saw those people were also rushing towards him. And within three seconds, they met each other.

[System: Activating Skill: Dagger Arts (Common)]


"Uhh, arghh...my hands..."


Slash -

Thud, Roll -

Throw -- Splash -


Whish..slash -



Nehar didn't stop for a single second. He continuously swung both of his daggers, threw the Bloodkin's Dagger at the enemies far away from him, and ordered it to come back again and again.

Blood-red smoke continuously erupted from the Dagger and devoured people's life force and the Energy within them.

While some of the people were able to launch one or two attacks on him, the rest didn't even get the chance.

Nehar swiftly kicked the Casters on their stomach or legs, whenever they started to chant a spell and ultimately interrupted their spell casting, causing them to suffer magic backlash repeatedly.

Whenever he threw the Bloodkin's Dagger from his right hand, he used his free hand to punch the Fighters and Warriors around him, and at the same time, he chopped their heads off neatly using the other dagger in his hand. 

Warriors and Fighters, who were famous for their raw strength, quickly got overwhelmed by his enormous and Stat.

Five or six people tried to form a human barrier to contain him for once, but couldn't stop him at all.

Nehar directly charged at them like before and crushed two people's heads while kicking another one in the leg, thus breaking it.

While Nehar was rampaging among the crowd and people were starting to run away from him like headless chickens, they felt something was wrong.

A person who was running away from Nehar after seeing his overwhelming battle strength first-hand, suddenly felt an intense pain coming from the back of his head.

He tried to use his hand to locate the sharp object that pierced his head, only to find a sharpened arrow.

Soon, he collapsed on the ground and drew his final breath.

Although, in the last battle, Amelia and Grace fought at the very last moment, they used their Skills quite a few times before that, just to familiarize themselves with their Skills, following Nehar's suggestions.

After activating, practicing, and deactivating their Skills quite a few times, both women became somewhat familiar with them.

Amelia was previously an Archer before the World's Awakening Process and she had attended various Sports Tournaments in the Archery Category too. 

Thus, it didn't take much time for her to pick up the basic skills of the Archer Class. Though she was not able to infuse mana in her attacks like Nehar, she was quite confident that she would be able to do that too within the 1st or 2nd Tutorial at most.

Grace had no previous training in her Class. 

As Edoria never had mana and magic before, it was quite tough for her to understand the Skills and use them perfectly in a battle. Although, with the help of the System, her problem was resolved to some extent, Nehar still advised her to use her Skills as much as she can to gain a deeper understanding of them, if possible on her own or else by taking a very minimal help from the System.

At first, Grace was quite skeptical when she heard Nehar's words.

But when she saw Nehar continuously interrupting the Caster's Skills and butchering them single-handedly, she was shocked beyond belief.

She finally understood what he meant before.

Using the Skills only with the help of the System causes some amount of delay in their Activation and Execution.

It was not the System's fault, it was the fault of the human body, which was not suitable to use such Energy and Skills before.

Although the System had changed their body quite a bit by infusing mana in the form of pure energy into them, their body would take some time to become familiar with that new feeling.

Grace finally understood that Nehar was taking advantage of this simple yet tiny loophole of Human Physiology and massacring his enemies.

Though, she didn't know how Nehar's body was faring better than the others, she felt that using her Skills with her capabilities would be for the best in the future. Otherwise, one day her Skills would be interrupted by someone else and she wouldn't be able to escape that situation alive. 

[System: Skill: Archer's Eye (Common) is active]

[System: Skill: Basic Archery (Common) is in effect]

Amelia quickly nocked another arrow and aimed at a person who was trying to attack Nehar from the back. Though she knew that Nehar was more than capable of taking care of people who were trying to attack from his blindsight, she felt it was her job to remove the obstacles from his back and sides, so that he could move forward unhindered.

After finishing the Emergency Quest 'Challenger', both women had leveled up once. At the same time, they also received Stat Points and Skill Proficiency Points. 

After receiving those, they now understood how Nehar's attacks were so devastating.

'His Skills are so high leveled along with his basic Stats that a single slash of his dagger can easily behead a person...it doesn't matter what Class do they have. In front of him, all of them are the same, just like the moths in front of the flame...no matter what they do, they will be devoured and burned alive...'

Amelia instinctively felt Nehar's strength even after leveling up for once. Before when she was at Level 0, she saw Nehar as a sturdy wall, capable of resisting anything. But after leveling up once, she felt that he was like an impregnable fortress. 

No matter what she does, she won't be able to overcome him by any means.

This type of feeling didn't instill hatred or jealousy in her, instead, she felt that now she had at least someone who she could challenge and follow.

Amelia didn't know why she had a feeling like this, but it didn't seem bad to her.

Her competitive spirit arose once more as she felt she needed to become stronger than her current self to follow him, by staying at his side.

Using the Skill , Amelia selected her target and released the arrow. 

Just after releasing one arrow, she nocked another one rapidly and shot again aiming another one's back.

Two arrows simultaneously flew through the air with great speed and hit their targets accurately. 

Amelia felt that her decision to add 2 Skill Proficiency Points into the Skill and upgrade it to was the best. Her current attacks were now more powerful and accurate than before.

She continued to nock arrows one after another and started shooting.

While Amelia was shooting at people and gaining a deeper understanding of Archery, Grace was also doing something similar to that.

At first, when Nehar told her to select the 'Priest' Class, she knew that he had something in mind for the future.

She didn't question him and just followed his instructions, and chose the 'Priest' Class.

After choosing the Class, she understood her main job would be to support the team rather than engage in battles directly.

She wasn't unhappy with her situation at all.

She felt supporting the team from the sidelines and saving their backs in need would be the most suitable job for her anyway.

Like Amelia, she had also leveled up after completing the Emergency Quest and also received Skill Proficiency Points.

She had invested 2 out of 3 Skill Proficiency Points which she had received after completing the Quest, into one of her most important Skills, .

She didn't bother to level up for now as she felt would be the best one to upgrade after participating in a mass battle before.

According to Nehar, it was a good Crowd Control Skill.

Though she knew, this type of Skill would never work against Nehar as he had tremendously high Stat, the same couldn't be said for the others.

Thus, she chose to upgrade to , and currently she was using it to slow down 4 people who had attacked them, thinking that they could easily take them down by ganging up.


"I know", Amelia replied while nocking another arrow, and within a second, she released it.

The moment her first arrow pierced through the stomach of the one attacker, Grace started casting another one of her Skills.

[System: Activating Skill: Curse Weapon (Inferior)]

Grace cast her Skill on another one who was about to break free from the effect of the .

Although it looked like wasn't that powerful Skill, in reality, it was different.

Depending on how one would use this Skill, it could show various effects.

The man, who was about to slash Amelia with his Sword, suddenly felt his Inferior-grade weapon was becoming dull with every passing second.

Grace skillfully controlled the mana around his sword and used it to eat away the remaining durability of the weapon.

Amelia knew Grace would cast at such time as she also did it before while chasing down the last man in their previous battle, who tried to cut them down hurriedly using his sword.

Seeing the man's reaction, she smirked and equipped her daggers in a split second while unequipping the bow.

She had become quite proficient in changing her weapons amid a battle.

Equipping the daggers, Amelia didn't wait and directly slashed at the man, targeting his sword arm.

[System: Activating Skill: Basic One-Handed Weapon (Common)]

[System: Skill: Archer's Eye (Common) in use]

[System Alert: Skill: Archer's Eye (Common) has detected a point of vulnerability. Follow the path to land a successful hit]

The man hurriedly tried to block the incoming attack, but he failed to do so as he suddenly felt a dagger piercing through his forehead.

He had never expected that the woman in front of him would be slashing at him using one of her daggers and would throw another one targeting his head at the same time.

A fountain of blood erupted from the hole in his forehead as he slowly fell to the ground.

Amelia chuckled lightly.

Previously she had received a total of 4 Skill Proficiency Points as her Quest Completion Rate was slightly more than Grace.

She had invested two of them in and another two in her Skill.

Normally people would think that the archers were not that powerful and competent in close combat, but it wasn't true for Amelia.

Although she was nowhere strong enough like Nehar, she had perfectly used her powerful Common Grade Skill to overcome that barrier.

But still, it wasn't the reason she felt happy.

[System Alert: You've used your Primary Archery Class Skill: Archer's Eye (Common) to perform a perfect and accurate Dagger Throw - A Rare Skill of the Thieves even in the latter stages, in an unorthodox way. For your excellent performance, the System has rewarded you with a New Skill]

[System Alert: You've learned a new Skill: Dagger Throw (Inferior, Rank: E)]

[System Alert: You've received 175 TP and 1 Skill Proficiency Point]

Amelia was happy after seeing this message.

She was finally able to learn one of the Skills that Nehar was using quite frequently - Dagger Throw.

After observing Nehar in battle for some time, she found that this Skill was one of the best while you're in combat with multiple enemies.

Throwing your weapon accurately at your enemy and killing them while engaging others was for the best.

Moreover, Nehar had provided both of them with over 15 daggers and 10 swords each.

Thus, she didn't lack weapons to execute the Skill.

She understood that aim would be necessary for executing this Skill perfectly.

While Nehar's perception and muscle memory from the past had helped him in executing this Skill much before, Amelia never had such an advantage to begin with.

Before, she tried to use her Skill along with the , to combine both of them and execute the perfectly.

But it didn't work as the attack failed to reach her target.

Amelia had to shoot that man down finally.

Although she felt the feeling, she understood that the failure was probably due to the Grade difference between the Skills.

Thus, she upgraded the Skill and performed the throwing attack using the dagger again, while using to locate and target the vulnerable points in her enemy's body.

And, this time, she succeeded. 

Although Amelia was happy about her achievement, she didn't fail to perform her duties.

She quickly swapped her weapons and shot down the final two attackers one after another, with perfect accuracy.

"How are these bitches so strong....arghh..."

"Ahhh, fuck....fuckk....I'm dying..."

Those were the last words and cries of laments of her victims.

While Amelia and Grace were taking care of the attackers, Nehar finally finished off 21 opponents.

Out of 21, he single-handedly killed and beheaded 18, while Amelia shot down another 3 from his back. 

[System: Remaining Time for the Start of the Tutorial - 01 (Zombie Horde): 00:01:07]

'I still have time. Should I also take care of those who showed deep hatred towards me and my team before? Nah, let's just stop here.'

For a moment, Nehar thought about stopping there and looked above at the sky, as he wanted to see the behavior of those three.

But when he saw their faces, he understood that those bastards were up to no good.

'As I thought. Even if I leave those people to their schemes, these Lackeys would surely use them to get back at me. And that Observer or any other Administrator wouldn't concern themselves with these lower-class Invigilators' petty schemes or tricks. I already had enough enemies, my uncle, two Lackeys, one sly snake-like Observer, and another opportunistic woman, Administrator Andrea. Let's just kill them here before they come up with something to bother me again...'

Nehar rushed forward after making his decision.

The people, who were showing deep hatred and jealousy towards him were not far from him as they were watching him killing his enemies with fear and shock.

Before, they had watched the same scenes from the outside of the barrier and still didn't understand his ferocity.

But now, they understood what Nehar actually was ; a mad beast, a butcherer.

Seeing him rushing towards them, they finally felt the fear of death.

To avoid the Grim Reaper's clutch, they started running away from their positions. Nehar didn't care about the runners at all, he calmly swung his daggers and heads started flying through the air once more.

The Lackeys were now frowning. They thought of using those people's fear to band them up against Nehar, but it backfired.

Somehow, Nehar understood their thoughts perfectly just by looking at their faces once and went to destroy the base of their plans, those people.

Even if they wanted, they couldn't directly intervene to stop Nehar from butchering their future pawns.

While those Lackeys were in distress, the Observer was calmly watching Nehar's every movement.

He already had an order from the above to collect data about him, as specific as possible.

And he had already deduced that this man has several qualities, which are even rarer in those Players who climb the Tower frequently.

He took a glance over his incompetent subordinates and sighed internally.

There was no way Nehar wouldn't understand their petty schemes, thus he went to kill those people directly to put an end to their tricks.

'The Overwhelming Strength of a single person that can crush a Group like its nothing...it would be better to call him a 'Battering Ram' at this point.'

He smiled lightly and continued to observe Nehar.


Nehar swung his dagger horizontally to slash the person in front of him.

The middle-aged man, who was previously quite gloomy about Nehar having two beauties to fulfill his needs when he didn't have a single one to fetch a glass of water, now felt immense regret.

He frantically avoided Nehar's attack by jumping backward.

Nehar was surprised to see the man's quick reaction.

"You dodged that...you are good."

After complimenting him, Nehar started attacking him again with much more ferocity than before. He remembered quite well that this man was showing deep hatred towards him, but his obsessive eyes were leeching off Amelia and Grace before.

"Do you think no one can kill you bastard? If I'm able to live this time I swear, I'll kill you and feed your body to the dogs."

The middle-aged man shouted.

Nehar chuckled lightly.

He was about to ask him how the hell that man was gonna kill him, but something happened at that moment.

A deep, cold, and profound voice, which Nehar hadn't heard for a very long time, responded. 

"THREAT...ELI$I?A$#, ER$^I#A$@, E#?@^..."

The moment this voice reached Nehar's ears, he felt his entire existence shaking. He could feel the sounds coming from his Soul. 

It was nothing but a simple act of desperation on behalf of the man who was at the lowest level and about to die, a nonsensical threat by him to someone who is far more powerful than him....but the 'Entity' has identified him as a 'Threat'...probably because of his deep rooted grudge and hatred...

Within a split second, both of his eyes turned completely black and a gloomy, deathly energy started surrounding him.

The middle-aged man, who watched the whole incident, suddenly let out an ear-piercing scream as he felt those pitch-black eyes gazing at him.

He fell on the ground listlessly as he felt his body was shrinking unnaturally, withering and getting destroyed from inside...but he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

His eyes became moist and within a second, he died, quite unnaturally.

[System: Your 'Soul' has been destroyed!]